80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 778 1 Accidentally earned another 100,000 yuan

The agreed time was 6:30 in the morning. The sun had just come out and it was cool at the foot of the mountain. There were already many people exercising, including old people and many young people. People here in Hong Kong City like to exercise and keep fit, so they are generally in good health. The quality is relatively good, no wonder it is a longevity city.

Soon, Niu Taohua and the others arrived. They were basically a couple. They were dressed simply and looked like ordinary people. However, each of these people had a net worth of hundreds of millions. Without this wealth, they were not qualified to climb the mountain with Qi Feng and his wife. of.

"Hey, Mr. Li, the new wig you bought is very good. It looks just like the real thing."

Qi Feng looked at a middle-aged man with black hair in surprise. His tone was very familiar, and he was obviously a very good friend.

The middle-aged man smiled proudly, pulled his hair forcefully, and said to show off: "Look more clearly, this is real hair, it all grows on my own head."

"Real hair? Is it okay if I pull it out?"

"Pull, pull hard."

The middle-aged man didn't care and was eager for others to pull it. He wanted to prove his beautiful hair so much.

Qi Feng gently pulled it off. It was very strong. It was indeed real hair. He praised: "It's true. It has grown so much. Mr. Li, you can endorse the shampoo."

"Haha, the medicine my wife bought smells bad. I didn't sleep well for seven nights, but the effect is great and the smell is worth it." The middle-aged man laughed heartily.

The middle-aged woman beside him smiled at Chu Qiao and introduced, "This medicine was prepared by Mrs. Gu. You should thank Mrs. Gu."

Mr. Li looked at Chu Qiao in shock, gave him a thumbs up, and was full of praise.

Originally, he thought that the young and beautiful Chu Qiao was a canary in a cage, but he did not expect that she was an eagle soaring in the sky. He judged people by their appearance.

Now, everyone's attention was directed to Chu Qiao, asking her what other medicines she would prepare.

"She doesn't know much, and she also has some liver-protecting and heart-protecting pills, which are very effective." Chu Qiao told the truth, she knew those few things, but others thought she was modest and had a better impression of her.

There are also a few rich people who have ordered liver-protecting medicine. Because they have many dinner parties and drink frequently in business, they have some liver problems. Chu Qiao's hair-growing medicine is so effective, so the liver-protecting medicine must be very good. They are convinced.

Gu Ye watched his daughter-in-law being surrounded by people, like stars holding the moon. He was very proud and whispered to the daughter in his arms: "Xinxin, isn't your mother very powerful?"


Xinxin screamed excitedly, trying to break free. It was too uncomfortable to be tied up like this.

"You can't go down. You haven't learned to walk yet and you want to fly. What a beautiful thought!"

Gu Ye scolded with a smile, held down the little girl's restless paw, and walked to a flower. Only then did his heart calm down. He reached out to grab the flower. Gu Ye just glanced at his wife. In one second, a flower Let the little girl pull it off.

He stuffed it into his mouth so hard that Gu Ye was so frightened that he quickly pulled it out, "You can't eat it. You are a monkey, so you have to tie your claws!"

She was dissatisfied and protested, why should she not be allowed to eat the flowers she had worked so hard to pick?

Gu Ye took out the bottle and stuffed it into the little girl's mouth. After sucking the fragrant milk, he stopped worrying and quietly held the bottle and sucked the milk.

After Chu Qiao and the others finished chatting about business, they started to climb the mountain. Seeing Xin Xin who was as quiet as a little fairy, the rich ladies liked her so much that they couldn't help but come over to tease her.

Especially Qi Feng, who no longer even accompanies her husband, but always follows Xinxin, teasing her a few words from time to time, and for those who don't know, she thinks Xinxin is her daughter.

Chu Qiao secretly observed and found that Mr. Zhu's physical fitness was very good. He was as light as a swallow when climbing mountains. He didn't pant much when he reached the middle of the mountain, but his face was very red. Qi Feng's physical fitness was also very good. The two of them obviously exercised regularly.

The others were a little weak and out of breath, especially Liang Yaozu, who was panting like an ox and couldn't climb halfway up the mountain, clamoring for a rest.

"Mr. Liang, your physical fitness is a bit poor. You need to exercise regularly."

Mr. Zhu reminded jokingly, and Liang Yaozu nodded. He has indeed been a little weak recently and needs to exercise. His son is still so young, so he will have to endure it for a few more years.

"Boss Liang, let me give you an injection. You won't be tired soon." Chu Qiao joked.

Niu Taohua actively cooperated, "Chu Qiao comes from a medical family, you ask her to do the pricking for you."

Liang Yaozu hesitated for a moment, worried that Chu Qiao would prick him, but after touching the lush hair on his head, he felt more confident and agreed.

Chu Qiao took out the silver needle and lighter from her bag, sterilized the silver needle, asked Liang Yaozu to stretch out his hand, found an acupuncture point on his arm, and inserted it.

Everyone came over curiously, only to see that the silver needle had penetrated just a few inches. It hurt, but there was no blood, and Liang Yaozu's expression did not change.

"Mr. Liang, how do you feel?" someone asked.

"Quite comfortable."

Liang Yaozu had a look of enjoyment on his face. After the needle was inserted, his legs seemed to be less sore and his waist no longer hurt. It felt very comfortable.

Chu Qiao asked him to sit down, crossed his legs, and inserted an needle into his calf. After a few minutes, he took out the needles respectively. Liang Yaozu kicked his legs, stretched his arms, and said happily: "Let's go, let's go." Keep climbing and reach the top of the mountain in one breath.”

Others couldn't help but be extremely envious and asked Chu Qiao to give them a prick too.

Chu Qiao did not refuse. Fortunately, she brought a lot of silver needles and injected them all. The effect was very effective. Her waist and legs no longer ached immediately, and everyone became more confident in her medicine.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Chu Qiao had more orders, including miscellaneous things. She accidentally earned hundreds of thousands. She sold heart-protecting medicine and liver-protecting medicine at very high prices. These rich people were not short of money, as long as the medicine was effective. , they are willing to spend money.

After resting for a while on the top of the mountain, he was ready to go down. It was easier to go up the mountain than to go down. The speed was a little slower. Chu Qiao had been secretly observing Mr. Zhu, trying to find a reason to persuade Mr. Zhu to go for a physical examination, but Mr. Zhu was in excellent health. Asking someone for a physical examination for no reason will definitely be unconvincing and make people unhappy.


Mr. Zhu suddenly took a breath and stopped. Qi Feng asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just pulled a muscle."

Mr. Zhu pressed his left chest and didn't care. Qi Feng didn't take it seriously either. Her husband had been doing physical exercises and his physical fitness was better than that of some young people. There was no need to worry.

Chu Qiao's heart moved and she thought of a reason. She walked to Qi Feng and persuaded in a low voice: "Mrs. Zhu, please forgive me for being presumptuous. I think it would be better for Mr. Zhu to do a full-body examination, especially for the heart and lungs. Check it out.”

In his previous life, Mr. Zhu died suddenly of a heart attack, and he didn't even have time to express his last words. If Mr. Zhu had emergency medicine, he would probably be fine.

Qi Feng's face suddenly changed and she was a little unhappy. If it weren't for Xin Xin's sake, she would really be angry.

"My husband is in excellent health."

Chu Qiao persuaded her hard: "Mr. Zhu's face is unusually flushed. According to Chinese medicine, he may have some problems with his heart and lungs. Don't be angry, Mrs. Zhu. If the physical examination is fine, just treat me as a fart. If anything is found, take precautions as soon as possible." It’s also good, what do you think?”


There are still two more chapters to be rewarded and updated. I will write them out.


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