"She has to rely on herself. Her parents can't be trusted, let alone what she did." Chu Qiao was very sober.

She didn't expect the Zhu family to take care of Xinxin for the rest of her life. She had to rely on herself for everything. She and Gu Ye were responsible for raising the child and laying a good foundation for the child. Whether the child would become a dragon or an adult in the future would depend on Xinxin.

Niu Taohua smiled and said that, but it is much better to have a strong backer. Xinxin's current starting point is probably the end point that others will not reach in their lifetime.

The same goes for her son, who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. Even if his son can't do anything, he can still live a life of food and clothing without any worries.

However, she still hopes that her two sons can be successful. Chu Qiao is right. It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone else. They must be trained well since childhood and cannot be the second generation ancestor.

"When will you and Boss Liang's wedding candy be eaten?" Chu Qiao asked jokingly.

Niu Taohua immediately beamed with joy, glanced at Liang Yaozu who was chatting with someone in the distance, and said in a low voice: "Lao Liang mentioned this matter yesterday and said that he will get married next year. This is the first time he has given me the right word."

"Congratulations, I'll come over for your wedding next year." Chu Qiao was also very happy, and finally the clouds cleared and the moon shone brightly.

"You must come. What kind of friendship do we have?"

Niu Taohua frowned and smiled. From last night to now, the muscles on her face were sore from laughing.

"Please take some time to look after my younger brothers and sisters," Chu Qiao asked.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm in Hong Kong City, I won't let anyone bully your younger siblings. But I think your younger sister is quite strong-tempered and doesn't like to be taken care of."

Niu Taohua met Duan Qiqi once and saw that this little girl has a strong temper and is very independent. She is not a weak-tempered person. She likes her very much.

Chu Qiao nodded, "Even if you are too strong, my sister will also have a hard life. Alas, I hope she can live a better life in the future."

"It will definitely work out. It's nothing to suffer a little when you are young. Real blessings come when you are old and enjoy the blessings. Your sister is beautiful and smart. She will definitely have a bright future in the future."

Chu Qiao smiled and said, "Thank you for your good wishes."

She also hopes that Duan Qiqi and her brother will be safe and smooth in the future, without any more ups and downs.

The recognition ceremony began. Mr. Zhu briefly said a few words, and Gu Ye also spoke. Under the witness of all the guests, Xinxin became the official goddaughter of the Zhu family. Although she had the word "gan", the guests It was obvious that Qi Feng and his wife valued this little girl very much. From beginning to end, Qi Feng held the little girl in his arms and was reluctant to let go, just like a daughter waiting to be married.

Qi Feng and his wife spent a lot of money, and the gift they gave Xin Xin was an extraordinary gift. It was a large flat with a view of the sea, something that many people in Hong Kong could not afford in their lifetime. Xin Xin, a little girl under one year old, had it. Such a mansion.

There are also two prosperous shops, and they are also sincere. Such a generous meeting gift shocked the guests. This must be too generous.

Everyone unanimously valued Chu Qiao and his wife more, and wanted to find out privately about the family background of these two couples, and what kind of powerful background made the Zhu family famous.

From the beginning to the end of the recognition ceremony, Chu Qiao was confused. She didn't expect that the Zhu family would give out such a heavy meeting gift. That big apartment would be worth at least 100 million in more than ten years, and those two prosperous shops. It's not a small amount either.

After the ceremony, the guests all left one after another. Qi Feng still hugged Xin Xin and held a big red envelope in his hand. It was given by the black-faced Mr. Zhang before, saying that he liked Xin Xin very much and wanted to give it to her. Qi Feng is welcome. The ground accepted it.

Chu Qiao said embarrassedly: "Sister Feng, your gift is too heavy. I only care about a little girl, so I won't need it."

"Why don't you need it? Our family is not a small family. If you become my goddaughter, you will definitely give generous gifts. Don't worry about it. This is what I gave to Xinxin. I will give it to Xinxin as a dowry in the future. Is Xinxin okay?"

Qi Feng still refused to let go and kept holding Xin Xin. If Xin Xin wasn't too small, she would have wanted to stay for several months.


Xin Xin seemed to understand. She nodded vigorously and put her arms around Qi Feng's neck. She smeared her face hard with saliva, which made Qi Feng laugh. She didn't mind the saliva all over her face.

"I understand, haha, my heart is so smart, my godmother really can't let you go. Xiao Chu, when your heart grows bigger, you can send her to live here, and I will definitely take good care of her." Qi Feng was reluctant to leave, she was really I like this little girl, she is so annoying.

"Sister Feng, when she gets older, you will think she is noisy. This girl is like a monkey." Chu Qiao joked.

"Children have to be more noisy. It's boring to be quiet. Let's just say this. If you don't send it to me, I will pick it up myself." Qi Feng's tone became stronger. She is now a godmother and will pick up her daughter to live here. It's only natural.

Moreover, raising a daughter is completely different from raising a son. When her three sons were young, her hair was much whiter and her eyes would blaze every day, but the little girl was filled with joy just looking at her and wanted to hold her in pain.

Chu Qiao couldn't help laughing and agreed, but she could predict that when Xinxin grew up, she would definitely give her a headache. This girl was not a quiet person at all. She was so noisy when she was in her belly. When she grew up, she would probably go to heaven. Ground.

The Zhu family admitted to having their daughter, which caused a stir in the whole city. Many people in the market were speculating on Xinxin's life experience. Most people felt that such a little girl must have come from a wealthy family, even if she was not as good as Zhu. The family is not much worse than the Zhu family.

Acknowledging a relative is the same as getting married. It is about being of the same family. If there is too much difference in family background, who will recognize the relative?

There are different opinions, and some people guess that Xin Xin is the daughter of a high-ranking official. Anyway, the family background must be unusual, but the Zhu family is very particular about things. The people who hosted the banquet that day were all close friends, and Xin Xin's photos were not leaked. People in Hong Kong only know the Zhu family. She recognized a goddaughter, but no one knew what Xinxin looked like or who her parents were.

However, the newspapers in Hong Kong City still reported it extensively. Chu Dingxiang, who had been busy at work, also saw these reports. They did not mention Xinxin's family background, but mentioned that Xinxin's parents were from the mainland and their surname was Gu.

Chu Dingxiang suddenly thought of Chu Qiao, and her heart trembled. She was jealous and envious, thinking that it might be a coincidence. How could Chu Qiao, a country bumpkin, be related to the Zhu family?

It must be a coincidence.

But she also thought about the Chu Qiao she saw in the club that day, chatting happily with a group of wealthy ladies. Chu Qiao was sitting and she was standing. She couldn't let go of the feeling now. Maybe Chu Qiao would flatter her and make her stand. Mrs. Zhu was so coaxed that it was not impossible to recognize her as a godmother.

Chu Dingxiang gritted her teeth, and her heart was almost filled with jealousy. The damn concubine had taken over those prescriptions and defrauded her of 50,000 yuan. Grandma was right, there was nothing good in the concubine, they were all greedy and cunning. Shameless person.


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