"Bring the information and go meet the client later." The boss came over and ordered.


Chu Dingxiang organized the information neatly and did not dare to neglect. Although she was a top student at Cambridge University, she was nothing in her department. There were many employees with higher academic qualifications than her. If she didn't work harder, she would have no chance of promotion. Got a raise.

The pressure of life in Hong Kong City is too great. You can't relax even for a breath. You must keep running at all times. If you relax even a little bit, you will be surpassed by future generations. The only feeling of living in Hong Kong City is that of exhaustion, but Chu Dingxiang still doesn't want to leave. this city.

Many young people think the same way. No matter how hard and tiring they are, they must stay in Hong Kong City, take root and have a place in Hong Kong City.

Chu Dingxiang’s goal is to buy a house in Hong Kong City. She wants to settle down in Hong Kong City, but with her salary, she doesn’t know how long it will take to afford a house. She also doesn’t want to lower her quality of life. The best way is Just get the prescription, so that she can buy a mansion with a sea view and there will be no problem.

She and her boss rushed to the club in a hurry. They usually discussed business in the club. It was quiet, safe and undisturbed. Rich ladies liked to make appointments here.

This client has been with her for half a year and finally convinced her to invest and manage money, so the client quickly signed the contract. Chu Dingxiang was very happy, which meant that her salary would be more.

"Mrs. Liang, long time no see. Why are you getting younger and younger? How do you maintain yourself?"

The customer stood up and greeted him warmly, with compliments in his tone.

Chu Dingxiang turned to look over and recognized Niu Taohua, who had been in the limelight recently. This woman used to be a joke in Hong Kong because she was a country bumpkin from the mainland. She had no family background, no education, and was not very smart. She just looked pretty, and everyone liked her. Waiting for when Niu Taohua will be kicked out by Liang Yaozu.

But after waiting year after year, the women around Liang Yaozu changed one after another. Niu Taohua was still as stable as Mount Tai, impregnable, and her belly was also up to par. She gave birth to two sons in one go. Recently, she didn’t know where to go to study, and her body was rustic. After being swept away, his temperament improved a lot, his behavior and speech became quite sensible, and his local gun suddenly turned into a foreign cannon.

The recent funeral of Mrs. Liang was also hosted by this woman, who seemed to be half the mistress of the Liang family. As a result, Niu Taohua suddenly became a role model for making a comeback. Many beautiful girls with bad backgrounds regard Niu Taohua as their idol. I also want to make a comeback, catch a kid from a rich family, and successfully jump to the next level.

The bejeweled Niu Taohua smiled brightly and walked over to chat with people. She didn't recognize Chu Dingxiang. She was just a small assistant and not worth her trouble.

"I use Mrs. Gu's whitening cream, and the effect is very good."

Niu Taohua advertised Chu Qiao's whitening cream. The customer was immediately envious and wanted to buy some whitening cream, so he asked, "Is this the Mrs. Gu who recently got married to the Zhu family?"

"That's her. I'll call you later and ask. Mrs. Gu has too many orders and she's too busy to handle them. I'll ask her to match them for you first."

"thank you!"

"Thank you for nothing, you're welcome!"

The two were chatting enthusiastically, and Chu Dingxiang's boss would also interject a few words. Chu Dingxiang stood aside and was ignored. She did not dare to sit down. Both her clients and her boss were standing. How could she, a small assistant, have the right to sit down? .

She was now 100% sure that Mrs. Gu, who was married to her, was Chu Qiao, the concubine.

Suddenly, she felt jealous. What qualifications did Chu Qiao have to marry the Zhu family? She had no education and no family background. She only relied on that prescription to get along among these rich ladies. If she had the prescription, she would definitely be better than Chu Qiao. more popular.

The concubine must hand over the prescription, and her grandfather must come forward. Well, the old man is the head of the family. The concubine must not only hand over the prescription, but also hand over the money she has earned from the prescription over the years, as well as her five Ten thousand yuan, not a penny less.

Chu Qiao didn't know Chu Dingxiang's wild ambitions. She was busy dispensing medicines. She made a fortune in the past few days before going home. There were still some orders that had not been completed. She didn't have time to make the trip. She planned to return to Shanghai to prepare the medicines. It will be shipped by air then.

Time flies so fast. I have lived here for nearly two months in the blink of an eye. It was July when I came here, and it was already the end of September when I went back. Chu Yuanzhi called back and was still traveling. It will take a few days. Back in Hong Kong City, Chu Qiao was too lazy to wait and checked out of the hotel directly, ready to go home.

Miss Sheng Qi is still in the hospital, and the treatment has not ended yet. She will have to stay for another month. Then she and Miss San will return to Shanghai.

Duan Qiqi went to the station to see them off, but Xiaohao was still being treated in the hospital and the doctor wouldn't let him out.

"Call me if you have anything to do. Don't hold it in your heart." Chu Qiao was very worried about this girl.

If you are too courageous, there is nothing this girl dare not do, even the sky can break it.

Duan Qiqi agreed, and before getting into the car, Chu Qiao handed her an envelope and touched her head, and the family entered the station.

Opening the envelope, there was a thick pile of money inside. Duan Qiqi raised the corners of her mouth. She knew it was this. She would keep track of the money and would pay it back in the future.

She hopes that her eldest sister can always live a prosperous life, and the money she repays is the icing on the cake, rather than giving timely help.

Duan Qiqi turned around and left the station, her new life was about to begin.

What Chu Qiao didn't know was that after they left the hotel, someone came to the hotel. It was Chu Dingxiang, and an old man with an extraordinary temperament. He was Chu Yuanzhi's dearest father, Mr. Chu Fanghai, who was also Chu Qiao's grandfather. .

"Check out? Where did they go?"

Chu Dingxiang inquired at the front desk and found out that Chu Qiao's family had checked out.

"Sorry, I don't know." The front desk smiled politely.

Chu Dingxiang led Mr. Chu out of the hotel with a disappointed expression. If she came an hour earlier and met him, this family must have gone back to the mainland, which was really unlucky.

"Didn't you say that your brother-in-law is here too?" Mr. Chu was not disappointed. The main reason why he came here was to see his youngest son.

In that year, he hurriedly went abroad and had no choice but to leave Chu Yuanzhi's mother and son behind. The old man had been thinking about Chu Yuanzhi's mother all these years. He learned from Chu Dingxiang that Chu Yuanzhi's mother had passed away. The old man felt uncomfortable for a long time. He just felt sorry for the mother and son and wanted to take advantage of it. If you can walk, come and see your little son.

"My uncle is on vacation abroad and hasn't come back yet."

"Then wait."

The old man returned to the hotel again and simply checked in. He had just disposed of a century-old ginseng, and he was not short of money. He could not lose his dignity as a master of the Chu family, and he had to stay in the best hotel.

Chu Dingxiang felt uncomfortable. She knew that her grandfather sold a branch of wild ginseng, which was brought out from the inland. She sold it for a lot of money, but her grandfather didn't take out a penny and kept it all. She heard her mother say , Grandma didn’t even know how much she sold it for. The old man hid it tightly, only took out some household items, and kept the rest for himself. The older he got, the more stingy he became.

Chu Yuanzhi finally came back. Together with Yang Lingling, they almost traveled around the world in the past two months, having fun and getting carried away. As soon as they got home, the servant talked about Mr. Chu.

"My father? When did it happen?" Chu Yuanzhi was shocked and then overjoyed.

He can finally be reunited with his father!

Thank God!


Continue tomorrow


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