Sun Yinguang changed his face instantly and said angrily: "Who agreed? This house is in tatters. What qualifications do you have to sell it? Don't sell it!"

If he sold his niece's house to his uncle, he would be stabbed in the spine. He would not have the shame to visit his parents' graves during the Qingming Festival and Winter Solstice.

These words completely angered Zhang Guifang. She had already negotiated the price. She would get it as long as she transferred the household payment. It would be enough to build a new house. If it was not enough, she would ask Sun Yinguang to borrow it. It would not be much different. She was worried about this family. , but this loser kept holding her back, which made her angry to death.

"I want to sell it. Sun Yinguang, you have no ability to make money. Now I have thought of a way. What right do you have to object? Chu Qiao used to eat and drink in our house for so many years without paying a penny for living expenses. This house is considered as living expenses. "

Zhang Guifang found an excellent reason and didn't feel guilty at all. She had raised the money-losing guy for so many years, so what happened to wanting a house?

Sun Yinguang sneered and said sarcastically: "How dare you say you raised Qiaoqiao? Qiaoqiao has always been raised by my parents. She also works by herself. What do you want to eat and drink? Zhang Guifang, you don't allow even a tile in this house. Move, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude!”

The man who had always been honest and coward suddenly became so tough. Zhang Guifang couldn't adapt. She was stunned for a while. When she realized what she was doing, she became furious and grabbed a teacup and threw it at it. Sun Yinguang avoided it and the ground was covered with it. Broken porcelain pieces.

What followed was Zhang Guifang's curses and obscenities, and he even greeted Chu Qiao's grandparents. Sun Yinguang, who had always looked indifferent, finally became angry when he heard this woman scolding his parents. He rushed forward, rounded his hands, and slapped the woman.

After all, he was doing farm work. Sun Yinguang was very strong. He slapped Zhang Guifang and spun her around in a circle. Her ears were ringing and stars were shining in front of her eyes. She was so stupid that she didn't wake up for a long time.

"You know how you treated Qiaoqiao in the past, and you still want to sell Qiaoqiao to a fool. You have done such evil things before. How dare you sell Qiaoqiao's house? No one is allowed to touch that house. Only Qiaoqiao has the right to deal with it!"

After Sun Yinguang gave the warning, he left the room. Behind him was Zhang Guifang's scolding and the sound of breaking things. He didn't even look back. His heart was heavy. This life was so boring. Wait until Yinxiu is done. After the funeral, he might as well go to the city to work.

A new house must be built. He has two sons. The eldest is 26 and the second is 20. Neither of them has a wife. The eldest fell in love with one in the first half of the year, but the girl came to the house for a meal and asked for her after returning. Build a new house, otherwise we will not agree.

It's also because he has no skills and can't make money. Other families in the village have built new houses, but his house is still the old house from decades ago, alas.

Sun Yinguang sighed heavily, and his heart became even heavier. If the new house is not built and his son cannot get a wife, where can he get money?

Later, he asked the villagers to see if they could introduce him to work on the construction site. He had no skills, but he was strong and could endure hardships. He could earn the money to build a new house while he was still able. No matter how incompetent the father was, he could I have to find a wife for my son Zhang Luo.

Chu Qiao and Gu Ye drove back. Shanghai City is not far from Hangzhou, so it is more convenient to drive. It took three or four hours to drive, and they also brought Xinxin with them. This girl has not yet been weaned and needs to be fed at least once a day. So we can't live without Chu Qiao.

It has been nearly two years since I last returned to my hometown. When I saw the familiar country road and the fields on both sides, Chu Qiao had mixed feelings. There were people working in the fields. When I saw the cars, it was like looking at a zoetrope. No work was done. , and gathered around.

"Qiaoqiao is back? Ah, you are getting more and more beautiful. I heard your uncle said you are married. Are these your lover and daughter? The little girl is so beautiful!"

These people basically watched Chu Qiao grow up and spoke very casually, but they all saw that Chu Qiao's current conditions must be very good and she could afford to drive a car, which meant that her husband must be a cadre.

The villagers spoke with some respect and politeness, asking Chu Qiao about things in the city and Gu Ye's work.

"Those who work in sales are not big cadres, and their salary is higher than others. I'm going to find my uncle first, and I'll talk to you later."

Chu Qiao was not impatient either. The villagers treated her well and took good care of her, even better than Sun Yinxiu.

Someone saw the box that Gu Ye was holding. It was covered with black cloth and was boxy. They couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts. This box looked strange. It couldn't be——

"Qiaoqiao, what is this?"

Someone pointed at the box and asked. In fact, everyone had guessed it and just wanted to make sure.

"Bring my mother's ashes back for burial." Chu Qiao replied.

The villagers immediately sighed and asked how Sun Yinxiu died.

"She drank too much and fell into the sea and drowned. She has not had a good life these years. She drinks every day and is addicted. Her health is not good." Chu Qiao said half-truthfully.

We can't talk about Sun Yinxiu's drug abuse. Although the villagers are simple, they are very gossipy and can make waves even if there is no wind. A small matter will definitely spread and be exaggerated dozens of times. It is better not to tell it, so as not to cause trouble.

"Your mother is so blessed that she doesn't know how blessed she is!"

The villagers were filled with emotion. Sun Yinxiu was a flower in the village back then. She was very beautiful. Her father was also the captain of the production team and she didn't have to work. The whole family pampered her. All the girls in the village were envious.

A good deck of cards was smashed. This Sun Yinxiu was really arrogant, and his life was ruined.

Chu Qiao didn't say anything. She was a junior and it was not easy to discuss the rights and wrongs of Sun Yinxiu. After saying goodbye to the villagers, she took Gu Ye and her daughter to find Sun Yinguang, first going to her previous home.

As expected, the house became even more messy. The floor was covered with chicken feces. It was stinky and dirty, and there was no place to walk.

Chu Qiao couldn't get angry anymore. Zhang Guifang was so lazy that she didn't do any work in the fields or at home. It was all done by her uncle. This woman had been scolding her uncle for being useless all day long, and now she was ruining her house. so.

"I'm going to take the house back soon and won't let them use it." Chu Qiao said angrily.

This house was given to her by her grandparents. After Sun Yinxiu eloped, her grandfather made it clear that this house was given to her and she had the right to take it back with the village elders.

"Don't be angry, talk to your uncle later." Gu Ye advised.

He had dealt with Sun Yinguang last time. He was an honest man and should be easy to talk to.

"Well, we'll tell you after the funeral is done."

Chu Qiao nodded, closed the door, and was about to go find Sun Yinguang. Sun Yinguang's surprised voice came from the distance, "Qiao Qiao is here!"

Sun Yinguang heard what the villagers said and ran over to take a look. Sure enough, he saw his niece. He hadn't seen her for two years. She seemed to be more beautiful and had given birth to a fat girl. It was obvious that she was living a good life. He was relieved.


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