Chu Qiao frowned. His uncle seemed to be thinner, dark and skinny, and his back was rickety. In fact, Sun Yinguang was only two years older than Chu Yuanzhi, only fifty, but he was as old as sixty or seventy, and his hair was white. It was obvious that he was malnourished and overworked.

Her uncle does all the work at home. Zhang Guifang still doesn't cook on time, so she can't guarantee three meals a day. Even if she does, her cooking skills can't be imported. When she was in the country, she would call her uncle and cousin when she cooked. My cousin came to eat, and they all ate the ordinary meals with gusto, which showed how bad Zhang Guifang's cooking skills were.

"Ahem... Go home and sit down quickly, it's dirty here."

Sun Yinguang coughed a few times and asked them to go home. He didn't have time to clean up here. It was so dirty. He had just thought about it. After his sister's funeral was completed, he would return the house to his niece to save Zhang Guifang from acting like a monster every day. , completely broke this woman's heart.

Chu Qiao's family followed, and Sun Yinguang led the way, smoking and coughing as they walked. He smoked the cheapest cigarettes, which cost a few cents a pack, and they were choking and strong.

"You cough and smoke so much, why don't you pay attention?"

Chu Qiao couldn't help it anymore and yelled at Sun Yinguang angrily. From the moment they met until now, the coughing has not stopped. Sun Yinguang's health in his previous life was not very good. He had chronic bronchitis. The doctor said it was caused by smoking. Let him He quit smoking, but Sun Yinguang couldn't quit, but he smoked less.

But in her previous life, she rarely returned to her hometown because she hated Zhang Guifang and had objections to her uncle. She was not sure about Sun Yinguang's physical condition. Now it seemed to be worse than in her previous life. The cough made her feel uncomfortable.

Sun Yinguang hurriedly put out his cigarette, smiled ingratiatingly, and explained: "I choked just now. I don't usually cough."

But while he was talking, he coughed several times, hoarsely, and Sun Yinguang quickly covered his mouth, fearing that Chu Qiao would be angry.

"Smoking less, your body is your own. Don't be like my mother, who got addicted to drinking and fell into the sea and drowned." Chu Qiao said coldly.

Her feelings for her uncle were very complicated, with complaints and attachments. She was angry that when she was most helpless, her uncle chose to stand by and watch. If her grandfather hadn't rushed over, she would have married a fool.

"I won't smoke anymore. I won't smoke anymore."

Sun Yinguang agreed repeatedly, feeling very sad. He didn't expect his sister to drink to death. Alas, how could this be the result?

She didn't even make it to death, her sister was the one who brought it upon herself to die.

He led his family back home. Zhang Guifang was not at home, and he didn't know where he went. The ground was still in a mess, and the broken porcelain and tea had not been cleaned up. Sun Yinguang was a little embarrassed and explained: "I accidentally dropped the tea cup just now, you guys?" Sit down for a while and I'll go clean."

How could Chu Qiao believe these words? It must have been because of Zhang Guifang's nerves. This woman has no ability, but a bad temper. She knows how to curse people all day long, but she never works. Once, the rice fields were basking in the rice, and it was going to rain. Sun Yinguang She was working in the fields and didn't have time to come back. This woman didn't do anything at home and just watched the rain falling on the rice.

In the end, Chu Qiao and her cousin took it in together. They took it a little slower. Zhang Guifang even scolded her for being useless, but not her own son. Although this woman was useless, she was still good to her son.

Sun Yinguang swept the floor and went to make tea for them, but Chu Qiao couldn't drink it. The house was too messy. Sun Yinguang could only do farm work. He was not good at housework and had no time to do it. He could only sweep the floor. Wipe the table.

"Where is Hong Bo?" Chu Qiao asked his cousin.

My cousin’s name is Sun Hongbo, he’s 20, and he has a good relationship with her. My cousin’s name is Sun Hongtao, he must be 26, and I don’t know if he’s married yet.

The relationship between Chu Qiao and her two cousins ​​is pretty good. In the past, when Sun Yinxiu beat and scolded her, her cousin would help her, but as she grew up, the relationship faded away. Her cousin went to the city to be an apprentice, and her cousin I live on campus and come back less often.

"He and his brother are in the city, learning how to repair machines." Sun Yinguang said with a smile.

The eldest son studied machine repair. After graduating from high school, the younger son studied machine repair with the eldest son. It is considered a skill and cannot make a fortune, but it can make a living, which is better than farming in the countryside.

"The mechanic is pretty good. Once you learn it, it's very popular." Gu Ye said with a smile.

Sun Yinguang smiled honestly, "The eldest has started working as a master in a factory in the city. The younger one is following his elder brother's footsteps. In two years, he will be able to work as a teacher and get paid."

Chu Qiao didn't talk much. Basically, Gu Ye and Sun Yinguang chatted. The two chatted quite happily. Sun Yinguang talked about the house, "When your mother's affairs are settled, I will collect the things in that house. Don’t put anything away, Qiaoqiao, you can handle it yourself, whether you want to sell it or build a new house, it’s up to you.”

"Why are you selling it? My grandparents built the house, so I won't sell it!"

Chu Qiao disagreed. The house was in a good location, with a wide view, and was right on the roadside. In the future, she would build a two-story building and come back to live there for a few days when she had time, just like on vacation.

"It doesn't sell well."

Sun Yinguang was very happy, and he also agreed not to sell it. Where could he find such a good location if he sold it?

The atmosphere in the room became more and more relaxed. Zhang Guifang, who was eavesdropping outside the door, looked increasingly ugly. She had just gone out to pick some vegetables. When she came back, she heard a useless man talking about the house. Chu Qiao, a heartless person, also came back. , Living such a good life in the city, but still reluctant to part with a house, a stingy and unscrupulous white-eyed wolf, how can he have the face to come back?

Zhang Guifang suppressed her anger and intentionally made some noise. She smiled and said after entering the room, "Qiaoqiao is back. You didn't even notify your family of your wedding. I didn't even go to your wedding banquet."

Chu Qiao's body suddenly became tense and she didn't want to do anything to save face. She would never forgive this woman in her life. For five hundred yuan, she coaxed her to go to the fool's house in the town and left her alone in the fool's house. At that time The fear and despair are unforgettable to her now.

Gu Ye noticed something was wrong with his wife, so he took the initiative to exchange greetings with Zhang Guifang. Zhang Guifang glanced at the gifts on the table. There were cigarettes, wine, and snacks. The gifts were quite generous. She had just heard someone say that this damn girl was... When I drove back, looking at this outfit, I must have made a fortune in the city.

Zhang Guifang's mind became active and she became more enthusiastic, "I'm going to cut the meat and have lunch at home."

"No, we came after dinner."

Chu Qiao refused coldly. They had eaten in town when they came here. She couldn't swallow a bite of Zhang Guifang's cooking and didn't want to eat it.

Zhang Guifang still wanted to persuade her to stay, but Sun Yinguang interrupted her, "Forget it after eating. I've invited the people who can help. This is how I arranged it. I'll treat the villagers to eat tofu rice, and then ask the Taoist priests to do the rituals. What do you say, Qiaoqiao?" Okay?"

"Well, it's your arrangement. You call the person and I'll pay for it." Chu Qiao agreed.

She knew that this was the rule for dead people in the village. Even if Sun Yinxiu made mistakes during his lifetime, he would still have to hold a ceremony after his death, otherwise the villagers would gossip.


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