80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 807: Doctor’s orders must be strictly followed

When Sun Hongbo saw his mother in such a pitiful state, he couldn't help but feel soft in his heart. He was worried that his mother would be frightened into something bad, but when he thought of the evil things his mother had done, his heart hardened again.

His mother, even if she has a heart attack, is lying at home, which is better than being alive and kicking. At least she doesn't have the energy to harm others.

"Let's go and ask the doctor what's going on."

Sun Hongbo dragged his mother away. Zhang Guifang was so frightened that she couldn't think of anything. She followed her son blankly, her eyes fixed on the filming list in her son's hand. The more she thought about it, the sadder she became. She even thought about her... There are several months left to live.

Just by looking at her complexion, the doctor could tell that she was ill. She must be terminally ill. No wonder she felt uncomfortable everywhere these days and had no strength to argue. It was because of her illness.

"Hong Bo, I want to eat braised pork and roast chicken."

Zhang Guifang made a pitiful request. She had to eat more good food while she could still eat, otherwise she would not be able to close her eyes until she died.

"I'll wait until I ask the doctor before going out to eat. Maybe it won't be a big deal."

Sun Hongbo held back his laughter, and with a serious face, he dragged his mother back to Dr. Chang's office. Sun Yinguang was still sitting in the office, not daring to move. He was relieved when he saw his son. Everyone in this office was unfamiliar. Man, he was a little panicked, but he felt at ease with his son by his side.

After Dr. Chang had looked at other patients, Sun Hongbo handed over the order for the X-ray film and pretended to be anxious and asked: "Doctor, is my mother okay?"

Zhang Guifang's heart was in her throat. She looked at the doctor eagerly, and all the fat in her body was tight.

Doctor Chang looked at the list carefully, his expression became more and more solemn, and he did not speak. The air pressure in the office dropped obviously. Zhang Guifang wrung her hands vigorously, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and tears rolled in her eyes. It's over, it's over, If the doctor doesn't speak, he must be seriously ill.

Sun Hongbo was also thinking, is his mother really suffering from a serious disease?

He didn't dare to disturb the doctor and waited quietly. In fact, it only took a minute or two for Doctor Chang to look at the order, but Sun Hongbo and the others felt like ten thousand years had passed, which was terrifyingly long.

Doctor Chang glanced at Zhang Guifang, then looked at the list, frowned slightly, and clicked his tongue. This click was extremely loud, like a thin needle that instantly pierced Zhang Guifang's already tense nerves. , she couldn't hold it in any longer, and cried and asked: "Doctor, I...what's wrong with me? How many days do I have to live?"

The unknowing Sun Yinguang was startled and became nervous. Although he was angry with Zhang Guifang, he still had feelings for his wife who gave birth to his two sons.

Doctor Chang put down the list and said slowly: "My life is not in danger for the time being. As long as you listen to the doctor's words, you can still die."

He is a doctor in a regular hospital. Even if he is helping his brothers teach evildoers a lesson, he cannot talk nonsense, let alone let others catch him. Zhang Guifang is now in her forties or fifties. Based on a life expectancy of eighty years, her life is indeed not in danger for the time being. Although this woman is in good health, she still has some minor problems, so as long as she listens to the doctor, her health will only get better and she will have no problem dying in peace.

The stone in Zhang Guifang's heart suddenly fell to the ground. She raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead. She took a long breath and complained: "Doctor, you are scaring people to death. You kept a straight face and didn't speak. I thought I was seriously ill."

"There is indeed something wrong with your body, I haven't finished yet."

Doctor Chang spoke slowly again. Zhang Guifang, who had just taken a breath, lifted it up again before she could finish her breath. With her hand wiping sweat still on her forehead, she asked in a sharp voice: "Doctor, what's wrong with me?" ?Can you finish it in one breath? Don’t leave half a sentence."

The last sentence made Zhang Guifang cry, and she was scared to death, but she did not dare to lose her temper in front of Dr. Chang. Life and death were in the hands of the doctor. It was too late for her to fawn over, so how could she dare to lose her temper.

Although Sun Hongbo knew the inside story, he was still disturbed by Dr. Chang's actor-like acting skills, and he was worried in his heart.

Doctor Chang glanced at Zhang Guifang and said unhappily: "Why are you so anxious? You have to say it one sentence at a time. You are usually too hasty and it does great harm to your body. Have you ever heard of the old saying that being angry can harm your body?"

"Doctor, what kind of disease do I have? Can it be cured?" Zhang Guifang burst into tears and her intestines turned green.

If she had known that quarreling would lead to illness, she would have stopped quarreling with others. She has not lived enough.

Dr. Chang was not in a hurry to answer. He picked up the tea cup and took a few sips of tea. He cleared his throat and said, "You have so many problems that you can't explain them in just a few words. You are both gluttonous and lazy. As the saying goes, life lies in exercise. You eat so much but don't work, and your body can't bear it. Besides, you're not too young. Money can't buy you old age. Look at the fat on your body. You're already 150 pounds, right? If something serious is going to happen, your lifestyle must change, otherwise you won’t be able to recover from this disease.”

"I will change it, doctor, I will change it, and I will listen to you."

Zhang Guifang was so frightened that she lost her mind. She had no doubts about Dr. Chang's words. The doctor knew her living habits very well when he met her for the first time, and everything was right. This was a miracle doctor. She must listen to the miracle doctor's words.

Dr. Chang took another sip of tea, tore up a prescription list, and wrote as he spoke: "First, eat a light diet, eat less meat, preferably not at all, and eat a bowl of rice with each meal."

"Doctor, big bowl or small bowl?" Zhang Guifang asked eagerly.

Doctor Chang's mouth twitched and he said coldly: "A small bowl is only as big as this."

He compared the size of a soup bowl, and Zhang Guifang's face suddenly changed, and she muttered: "Doctor, if you order like this, I'll be gone in one bite. I won't be full."

She can eat eight bowls of such a big bowl in one sitting. She usually uses a big bowl to serve rice at home and eats at least three bowls.

Doctor Chang's face darkened and he scolded sternly: "Just get used to it slowly. Do you want to die early or live a long life?"

"Longevity, I listen to the doctor."

Zhang Guifang nodded obediently. She still wanted to live a long life, so she could get through it if she ate less and endured it.

"Second, work more. Don't sit around all day. You have to have something to do. Carry water, plant vegetables, hoe weeds, sweep pig weeds, sweep the floor, wipe tables, and wash clothes. These are good exercises. You have to work every day. , not even a day less."

Dr. Chang always looked very serious, and when he kept a straight face, he became even more serious. Zhang Guifang nodded while listening, taking it all to heart, and will work more in the future.

"Third, the home must be clean and tidy. Bacteria can easily breed if it is too dirty. Bacteria can enter your respiratory tract and internal organs and cause harm to the body. The living environment must be clean."

"Fourth, lose your temper less and talk less. Talking too much can be harmful to your health."

Dr. Chang wrote it on the paper, pulled it off neatly, handed it to Sun Hongbo, and said sternly: "You must strictly abide by the doctor's instructions, otherwise the consequences will be serious."


Continue tomorrow


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