Zhang Guifang turned pale and asked in a low voice: "Doctor, won't you prescribe some medicine?"

"No, there is no cure for your disease."

Doctor Chang twitched the corner of his mouth again and prescribed a ridiculous medicine, but he was not sick at all.

But Zhang Guifang understood that her illness was so serious that there was no cure. The blood on her face suddenly disappeared and turned white into a piece of paper.

Sun Hongbo turned his head and couldn't bear to look at his mother, but this method was so good that his mother almost had a heart attack.

"Doctor, I won't be able to speak anymore?" Zhang Guifang asked in a choked voice.

She couldn't figure out what kind of serious disease she had. She couldn't even speak. What was the point of living?

Dr. Chang grimaced and asked sternly: "It's not that you can't speak, but you have to speak less. Talking too much is harmful to your body and your nerves. Do you often have trouble sleeping?"

"Yes, I can't sleep at night." Zhang Guifang nodded vigorously, and any doubt in her heart disappeared immediately.

Doctors in big cities are so good that they even know that she has trouble sleeping at night.

"I can't sleep because you talk too much and hurt your nerves. You should talk less in the future. I will give you eight words. Eat less, talk less and work more. Remember these eight words, and your health will be better."

Doctor Chang's tone was very stern, but he was almost laughing in his heart. The reason why this fat woman couldn't sleep well was because she was too fat, and because she didn't work during the day, she must be sleeping. She had slept enough during the day, so why not at night? Still able to sleep.

"Doctor, I will listen to you. Eat less, talk less and work more. I will definitely do it."

Zhang Guifang nodded vigorously and memorized all the eight words the doctor said. From now on, she would live according to these eight words.

"Well, you must follow the doctor's advice, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. Check again in three months. Get out, and the next one will come in!"

Doctor Chang waved his hand and called the next patient to come in.

Sun Hongbo dragged his parents out. Zhang Guifang still looked lost and had no energy at all. Sun Yinguang whispered to his son: "How about changing to another hospital?"

Why doesn't something sound right to him? There's no way words can hurt one's health. He has lived for fifty years and has never heard such a statement. That Doctor Chang looks like a magician. He can't be a liar, right?

"Dad, this hospital is the best in Shanghai. Dr. Chang is an expert. How could he be wrong? We should listen to the doctor." Sun Hongbo said seriously.

Zhang Guifang also said: "Yes, yes, listen to the doctor. Dr. Chang is very smart and knows many things without asking. Hong Bo, take your mother to a restaurant. I want to eat braised pork. I have a full meal today. I will eat it later." I won’t eat anymore.”

She became even more pitiful as she talked about it, tears streaming down her face, and she looked at her son miserably. She would starve in the future, and today would be her last meal, so she had to eat to her heart's content.

Sun Hongbo agreed, took his parents to a restaurant near the hospital, and ordered some hard dishes. Zhang Guifang devoured them like a starving ghost. She basically ate all the dishes alone, and Sun Yinguang didn't eat much.

After dinner, Sun Hongbo took his parents home. There was a train in the evening, so he could catch the last train when he arrived in Hangzhou. It was already dark when he got home.

Brother Sun Hongbo cleaned up the house last time, but they haven't cleaned up in the past few days, and it is dirty again, but not too dirty. Compared with the previous mess, it is quite clean and tidy now.

Zhang Guifang stared blankly at the dirty floor, and Dr. Chang's words rang in her ears: "The living environment must be kept clean and tidy, otherwise bacteria will enter the internal organs and cause harm to the body..."

Zhang Guifang's plump body shook violently, and Zhang Guifang felt as if she had been given a shot in the arm. Her fatigue disappeared in an instant, and she went to get the broom in high spirits, rolled up her sleeves and was about to get started.

In order to live a long life, she will clean her house every day to ensure that the house is spotless and the windows are clear and clean.

"Mom, aren't you going to sleep?" Sun Hongbo asked, suppressing a smile.

"Get clean before going to bed, and leave me alone!"

Zhang Guifang didn't even raise her head. She worked hard, cleaning everything from the inside to the outside. Then she poured hot water and wiped hard, even the corners of the wall. She wiped it clean and it reflected the light. .

Sun Hongbo wiped his eyes and saw that the light was indeed reflected. He remembered that the house had never been so clean. It was his brother-in-law who managed to make his mother docile with just one move.

Sun Yinguang opened his mouth in shock, wiped his eyes several times, and looked at his busy wife in disbelief. Zhang Guifang had never been as hard-working as she is now since she got married.

He dragged his son outside and asked in a low voice: "Is your mother... a ghost?"

"Mom is following the doctor's orders. The doctor said that you need to work more to stay in good health."

Sun Hongbo patted his father's shoulder gently and comforted him: "Go to bed. Mom is fine, and the family will be better and better in the future."

Sun Yinguang was dubious and asked worriedly: "Is your mother really okay?"

"Don't worry, it's definitely fine."

Sun Hongbo patted his chest and assured him. Sun Yinguang looked at his son suspiciously and didn't ask any more questions. It's good now, at least the family feels like home.

The father and son boiled hot water, washed up, and went to bed. Zhang Guifang was still working, like a tireless machine. After cleaning the house, they went to the yard to work. The chicken feces on the ground were shoveled into the vegetable patch. He also arranged the debris piled in the yard neatly.

After finishing all the work, Zhang Guifang was so tired that she couldn't even lift her arms, but she was extremely satisfied when she saw the refreshing home and yard. This way, there would be no bacteria, right?

That night, Zhang Guifang slept until dawn without dreaming. She slept better than ever before. The rooster crowed three times, and there was movement in the village. Hard-working farmers usually get up to work before dawn. Usually, Zhang Guifang would sleep until dawn. The sun rises in the sky.

Today she also wanted to sleep in. It was so comfortable to lie in bed, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she woke up suddenly and sat up. The doctor said that she should work more and not be lazy.

She has to get up to make breakfast, wash the clothes she changed yesterday, and then go to cut pig grass and cut firewood. She also needs to go to the mountains to open a piece of wasteland and plant potatoes and edamame.

Zhang Guifang arranged her work in an orderly manner. She was not born lazy. When she was a girl, she had to work at home. If she didn't work, she would be scolded. After getting married, Sun Yinguang had a good temper and the family conditions were good, so Zhang Guifang started to be lazy. .

But when her parents-in-law were alive, she would still do some work. After her parents-in-law passed away, she would not do any work at all. She became fatter and lazier.

Sun Hongbo and his son had already gotten up. Sun Yinguang was going to cook breakfast and go to work after eating.

"I come!"

Zhang Guifang roared, snatched the spatula from Sun Yinguang's hand, pushed him away, put on an apron and started working. She didn't eat at home yesterday and there was no leftover food, so she cooked fresh rice.


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