After the vice president returned to the court, he retrieved Luo Lichun's file. The court session will be held on the 18th next month. It is true that Gu Ye from Xingda Machine Tool Factory was charged with child trafficking, and he also petitioned to take back his two sons.

"Xiao Li, you are on a business trip and go to this village to investigate Luo Lichun's family affairs. You must find out her life style and how she treats her two children."

The vice-dean called his subordinates and arranged the business trip. People in the village must know about what Luo Lichun did. They will find out if they go and investigate.

Time passed quickly, and it was October in the blink of an eye. A few days after leaving the court, the subordinates sent by the vice-president to investigate also came back, bringing detailed reports, all of which were the villagers' confessions.

"Leader, this bitch is really nothing. I really want to kill her with one shot!"

The subordinate who went to investigate was named Li, and he also came back from the army, so he hated Luo Lichun deeply and really wanted to kill this woman.

The deputy dean slowly read the report, his brows became tighter and darker as he read, and his face turned as black as coal. What the villagers said was almost the same as what Brother Dabao said, and it also went into many outrageous details. Even if he went up Even now that I'm old, I want to kill this woman and that second-rate guy named Cai Jinfu, a pair of beasts.

"Xiao Li, please go back and check the situation of these two people in Shanghai and who they have been in contact with. They are penniless and unfamiliar with the place. If no one helps, they will not be able to stay in Shanghai. I can’t even think of suing.”

The vice-president is experienced and can see the key points at a glance. There must be someone behind the scenes, but he doesn't know what the purpose is.

Finally, on the 18th, the court started at 9 a.m. The lawyer suggested bringing the two children with them to help testify, so they told the brothers about this a few days ago.

Chu Qiao held her heart in her heart, and the old man and Lin Yulan also came. When they heard about this, they were very angry and wanted to come to the court for a hearing.

Gu Ye and the lawyer were sitting in the defendant's box, and Luo Lichun was sitting in the plaintiff's box. Chu Qiao saw that wretched man in the audience, it was Cai Jinfu. He hadn't seen him for a month. This bastard was dressed like a dog, and there was someone beside him. Sitting there was a gentle man talking to Cai Jinfu.

Chu Qiao became suspicious. Cai Jinfu and Luo Lichun were unfamiliar with each other in Shanghai. How could they make new friends in just one month? Can you still afford a lawyer?

Chu Qiao intuitively felt that this gentle man had something to do with this case.

The judge came on stage, and Dabao and Xiaobao looked happy because the judge was the uncle they met a few days ago. The uncle promised them that everything would be fine.

The vice-president looked at the brothers, sat down, looked solemn, and announced that the court was open.

Luo Lichun's lawyer made a speech first, and bitterly enumerated several of Gu Ye's major crimes. He also said that Luo Lichun became ill and bedridden because he missed his children in the past few years. He went through all kinds of hardships and dangers before he found Shanghai. He wanted to I want my two biological children back.

"The defendant cruelly refused and instigated the two children to disown their biological mother. He spoke ill of my client in front of the two children, causing the two children to reject my client in their hearts and causing great harm to my client!"

The lawyer kept talking and shamelessly asked Gu Ye to compensate Luo Lichun for the mental damage caused to him in the past few years.

The old man in the audience was so angry that he stood up, pointed at the lawyer and cursed: "Are you still a human being? Do you have a black heart? You don't distinguish between black and white, and you confuse right and wrong. Aren't you afraid of retribution after making this kind of money?"

The old man's voice was loud and powerful, and the lawyer felt guilty. He was so scolded that he didn't even dare to look at the old man. He only asked the judge to expel the old man because he was disturbing the order of the court!

"There's no need to rush you, you bastard, you were born now. Before, you were a traitor and a bastard. I will kill you!"

The old man shook off the bailiff, cursed the lawyer a few more times, and yelled at the judge: "You have to judge the case based on your conscience, otherwise I will make trouble every day!"

He used to hate relationships the most, but if this case cannot be tried fairly, he will use his old face.

The corner of the judge's mouth twitched. Although he didn't know the old man, he could tell that the old man was definitely not an ordinary person. But even if the old man didn't say that, he wouldn't let Luo Lichun succeed.

Precisely because he didn't trust others to try the case, he came to try it himself.

Lin Yulan also followed him out. She was afraid that the old man would get angry and get angry at the bailiff. The staff were innocent and working hard, so she had to keep an eye on him.

"I'm so angry. This stinky bitch is not a human being. I'm going to slap her hard in the face soon. Don't stop me. I still have to slap that stinky bitch to death!"

When they got outside, the old man was still angry and cursing.

"I won't stop you, just fight!"

Lin Yulan didn't dissuade her this time, and she was also angry. How could such a shameless person accuse her son of child trafficking? Bah, how shameless!

You should let the old man teach you a lesson!

The two bailiffs nearby heard it funny. They were discerning. One look at the demeanor of the old man and Lin Yulan, and they knew they were veteran cadres, so they stood outside for a while and then went back. The old man looked around and saw nothing. He dragged Lin Yulan back and continued the hearing.

At this moment, Luo Lichun shed a few mouse tears and cried out about the pain of missing his son. Dabao and Xiaobao in the audience had been holding back. Before coming, Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu said that no matter how angry they were, in the court You are not allowed to curse, and you must leave a good impression on the court.

The lawyer hired by Gu Ye took out a contract, a stack of photos, and an injury appraisal report and handed them to the judge.

"I have sufficient evidence to show that the plaintiff is lying. This is a contract signed between my client and her three years ago. The plaintiff agreed to my client taking away brothers Zhou Shengli and Zhou Weiyang, provided that my client gave 10,000 yuan in cash, and there was a contract signed at that time. The contract was used as evidence, and the plaintiff also took his fingerprints.”

The lawyer continued: "The reason why my client wants to adopt the two children is because the two children were abused by Luo Lichun and her lover and were worse than dead. If they had not been taken away, it is very likely that the two children would not survive now. This is the injury report and photos taken when my client took his two children to the hospital for examination.”

Although the judge already knew about Luo Lichun's brutal behavior, he was still furious when he saw the scarred brothers in the photo. The two children in the photo were completely different from what they are now. Their big eyes were full of fear and warning, and their heads were full of fear. Big, with a thin neck, arms and legs as thin as hemp poles, the injuries on his body were old and new, and some places were bleeding. It was obvious that the injuries were not caused at one time.

Something worse than a beast!

Luo Lichun panicked. She didn't expect Gu Ye to take photos, so she screamed: "I didn't abuse the child. I am a biological mother. How could I abuse my biological child? These photos are fake. The ten thousand yuan is Gu Ye forced it on me. I am illiterate and don’t know what was written on the paper. Gu Ye forced me to press the fingerprints. I don’t know anything. He took my child away and I am the victim! "


This annoying woman will be cannon fodder tomorrow, good night


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