Chu Qiao gritted her teeth and really wanted to rush up and beat the woman to death, but she endured it and waited until the trial was over before she took action.

The old man almost couldn't hold it back and wanted to curse again, but Lin Yulan stopped him, "Don't make trouble, I'll have to kick you out again!"

"When the trial is over, I will definitely beat this bitch to death!"

The old man gritted his teeth angrily and stared at Luo Lichun above, "You bitch, wait and see!"

The judge was also very angry, but he was professionally trained and would not show personal emotions during the trial, so the judge's expression remained serious and his emotions could not be seen.

"Plaintiff, you keep saying that you love children very much, but why haven't you come looking for them all these years?" the judge asked sternly.

Luo Lichun was stunned and couldn't help but look at Cai Jinfu in the audience. How would she answer?

"Plaintiff, do you even want to hesitate on this question? If a mother misses her child, she will try her best to find her child even though she is thousands of miles away. What's more, the defendant left you an address. If you are serious, you don't have to wait three years. Come again!" The court's tone became increasingly severe.

"I...I don't have money to buy a ticket!"

Luo Lichun finally thought of a reason.

"Then you have money to buy a ticket this time when you come to Shanghai? Didn't you say before that you came here to pick up the train? Now you can pick up the train, but you couldn't pick up the train three years ago?"

The judge's tone was more mocking. He hadn't seen the child for three years, but as soon as the younger son became a star, he came over to fight for the child. It was too obvious that he was a drunkard.

Cai Jinfu in the audience realized that the situation was not good. The tone of this black-faced judge sounded like he was helping Gu Ye. This case could not be won, right?

"Don't panic, look again!"

Manager Cai also noticed that something was wrong, but he was not particularly worried. If he lost, he would not suffer much loss. At worst, he would go find other starlets.

The judge also took out the villagers' confessions, all of which accused Luo Lichun of abusing his children. Together with those shocking photos, the evidence was irrefutable. Even if Luo Lichun's lawyer was eloquent, he couldn't say anything.

"I am the biological mother of my child. It doesn't matter what mother doesn't spank her child a few times or harder. Children in rural areas live like this, but you city people are richer!"

Luo Lichun suddenly became arrogant and acted like a scoundrel. She only said that the two children were her biological children. It was natural for her to take the children away, and the Emperor and I had no control over them.

"My brother and I will not leave with you. We would rather beg for food than go with you. You are a bad person. You called your father a short-lived ghost. You spent all the money your father sent home to that bad man. I My brother and I could only eat pig food, and we were abused by you and almost died several times!”

Dabao, who couldn't bear it anymore, suddenly broke out and pointed at Cai Jinfu in the audience and complained loudly. He cried while talking. Xiaobao had already burst into tears and was holding on to his brother's sleeves. The pitiful appearance of the two brothers attracted the attention of the court. The staff all felt pity and cursed Luo Lichun secretly.

"You little bastard, I'm your mother, why are you talking to me?"

The angry Luo Lichun had long forgotten the lawyer's instructions to pretend to be a gentle and loving mother in the court. Her true nature was exposed, and she rushed to teach the two children a lesson, but was stopped by the bailiff.

But her ferocious face was also exposed. This woman's eyes were full of hatred and disgust, without any tenderness. The love she kept saying about her children was just a joke, and no one would believe it.

The judge knocked a few times and became quiet. There was no need to retry the case. The right and wrong were very clear. He had promised two children and he must keep it.

"Plaintiff Luo Lichun abused Zhou Shengli and Zhou Weiyang, putting the two children in danger many times and almost losing their lives. The circumstances were extremely abominable and outrageous... Luo Lichun was deprived of her custody rights, and Luo Lichun had violent tendencies, and she was prohibited from going to If you insist on visiting the two children, the defendant can apply for judicial execution!”

The judge read out the verdict and deprived Luo Lichun of his custody rights. He also read out the legal custody rights of Gu Ye and Chu Qiao to their two children, and told them to educate their children well, become pillars of talent, and contribute to the country.

Gu Ye and Chu Qiao finally felt at peace, and Dabao and Xiaobao also screamed with joy. The two brothers cried and hugged each other, crying and laughing. They no longer had to worry about being snatched away by a bad woman.

Luo Lichun looked stunned, how could this be the result?

Does she still have her 20,000 yuan?

This vicious and stupid woman is currently concerned about the 20,000 yuan a year promised by Manager Cai. These days, she lives in a hotel, eats and drinks, and lives a more comfortable life than the former landlord and rich man. She never wants to go back to that shabby place. She was in a mountain village, but if she didn't have 20,000 yuan, how could she gain a foothold in Shanghai?

"Manager Cai, didn't you say that the lawsuit is guaranteed to win? Where's my 20,000 yuan? You have to give it to me, and I will do everything you say."

Luo Lichun rushed to the audience, grabbed Manager Cai and shouted, without even looking at Brother Dabao.

Manager Cai was so angry that his face turned the color of pig liver. If he had known that this woman was as stupid as a pig, he would not have waded into this muddy water.

"What 20,000 yuan? It's inexplicable. I just helped you a little because I felt sorry for you. You have cheated on me. It's really a good intention but no reward. It's so unlucky!"

The furious Manager Cai threw Luo Lichun away and walked away in despair. If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that this stupid woman would tell her everything.

"You promised me that you would give me 20,000 yuan a year if you let Xiaobao shoot commercials. Don't leave. If you don't keep your word, give me the money!"

Luo Lichun wanted to catch up, but was stopped by the bailiff before the judge finished pronouncing the sentence.

Because she was the plaintiff and lost, she had to pay all the legal fees. The total amount was eighty-three yuan and eighty cents, which was not much, but for Luo Lichun, it was a huge sum of money.

"Why should you ask me to pay? I have no money. Jin Fu, you go to Manager Cai to get the money. Don't let him run away!"

Luo Lichun acted like a rogue in court and she lost the lawsuit. Why should she be asked to pay? She didn't make 20,000 yuan. She was so angry.

Cai Jinfu was much smarter than her. He knew that the situation was not good, so he wanted to sneak away without having to pay for it anyway. He just got tired of this stupid woman, so they broke up with her.

Chu Qiao gave her heart to Lin Yulan and followed quietly. As soon as she left the court gate, she kicked him. Cai Jinfu was thrown to the ground and before he could react, fists fell on him like raindrops.


Cai Jinfu protected his head with both hands. His body was in excruciating pain and his bones were almost broken. The bailiff standing at the door looked like he was blind. He pretended not to see anything and did not come out to take care of him.

Chu Qiao beat her hard, finally got out of her anger, kicked her feet hard, and then walked away. Cai Jinfu climbed up with difficulty, thought about it, swallowed the loss of being dumb, and limped away. There are many opportunities in big cities, and with his intelligence, he will surely become famous.


There are still three chapters left. I'm going to write them out. I'm a little late today and I'm training the children.


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