Chu Qiao clapped her hands and smiled at the bailiff who turned his head to look at the scenery. The bailiff had an expressionless face and a majestic appearance, but the corners of his mouth twitched. This beautiful woman looked so delicate. She fought so fiercely, punching and kicking her. That big-ass and three-thick second-rate guy was beaten until he was crying like a ghost, and it was really refreshing to see him.

In the court, Luo Lichun was still making trouble, cursing people for a while, scolding the judge for being incompetent, scolding Dabao and Xiaobao as an ignorant wolf, scolding Gu Ye for being worse than an animal, and the filthy words were unbearable.

The judge's face was as black as coal, and he asked the bailiff to forcibly throw the mad woman down. The court is a sacred and majestic place, and this mad woman will never be allowed to defile it.

Two bailiffs held Luo Lichun's arms, and the woman became frightened. Mouse tears flowed down, and she cried and begged: "I know I was wrong, leader, I don't want children anymore. I will go back to my hometown now. Don't arrest me and put me in jail." , I don’t have a penny on me, please spare me, Dabao, Xiaobao, help mother beg for mercy, mother knows she was wrong and will never come to you again..."

Luo Lichun cried so much that his face was covered with tears and snot, and he was so disgusted. Dabao looked indifferent and turned his brother's face aside to prevent him from looking at Luo Lichun. He also covered Xiaobao's ears so that he could neither see nor hear. My brother will not be soft-hearted.

In fact, Dabao underestimated his younger brother. Xiaobao had no feeling for Luo Lichun's tears. In his limited memory, this woman only gave him beatings and insults, without any warmth or sweetness, only coldness and bitterness. How can I be soft-hearted to this bad woman!

In Xiaobao's heart, his mother is Chu Qiao. Although he calls her aunt, he has long regarded his aunt as his mother. Even Pan's mother, whom he made a movie with, has a higher status in Xiaobao's heart than Luo The beginning of spring is much more important.

Chu Qiao didn't want the two children to be tortured by Luo Lichun, so she asked Gu Ye to take the two brothers out. After the Dabao brothers went out, Chu Qiao walked up to Luo Lichun and said coldly: "God is watching, and evil will be punished. If you abuse two children, there will definitely be retribution in the future, just wait!"

"Bullshit on you, I will live well, you vixen will get retribution, I will make you look like a fox!"

Before the tears on Luo Lichun's face dried, she immediately turned into a ferocious look. If the bailiff hadn't held her back, she would definitely have scratched Hua Chuqiao's face. She looked like a vixen, and she must be a bad watch. I don't know how many men she let. Slept over.

Luo Lichun couldn't move his hands, but it didn't affect Luo Lichun's feet. He jumped and kicked Chu Qiao a few times. He kept swearing in his mouth, which made the court staff frown. They couldn't imagine how this could happen in the world. This kind of woman?

The father of the Dabao brothers is a hero, but he married such an unsightly woman. It turns out that a good man marries a bad wife.

Luo Lichun was kicked out, and she didn't dare to curse anymore, because the bailiff warned her that if she cursed again in the court, she would be arrested and imprisoned for disturbing official duties. Luo Lichun was shocked and shut up.

She didn't see her concubine Cai Jinfu outside, and immediately panicked. She thought something had happened to Cai Jinfu, and she was so anxious that tears flowed out again. But she didn't know where to find someone, and Luo Lichun, who couldn't do anything, was like a headless fly. Spin in circles.

Chu Qiao's family came out. Xinxin was riding proudly on his grandfather's shoulders, patting his fat paws on the top of his head. The grandfather and grandson were so happy that they rushed to the front.

Xin Xin's sharp eyes saw Luo Lichun, and the expression on his face immediately changed. He pointed at Luo Lichun and shouted: "Beat... the bad guy!"

This bad guy bullied the older brother and the younger brother. He is a big bad guy and he wants to be beaten to death.

Although the little girl is young, her heart is like a mirror. She saw it just now. The bad guy scolded her brother and made him cry. He was so bad. She wanted to avenge her brother and beat this big bad guy to death.

The old man looked over and frowned, but when he heard his granddaughter's childlike words, he became happy again and said with a smile: "Yes, the bad guy needs to be beaten to death. Xinxin learns kung fu from grandpa, and he will be able to beat the bad guy in the future!"


Xinxin nodded vigorously. She liked to play with her grandpa.

Lin Yulan gave the smiling old man a hard poke, and said unhappily: "What kind of kung fu do you practice? Every girl can practice so well that she won't be able to get married in the future!"

"It's a good thing if you don't get married, I will support you, and I will find a grandson-in-law who will step in and step in!"

The old man snorted. He wished that his granddaughter would not get married. Why should his precious granddaughter, who is like a jewel of the Gu family, take advantage of the bad men outside?

Lin Yulan glared and said nothing more. In fact, she was reluctant to let her granddaughter get married. Women in this society always have to work harder. No matter how good the man is, after getting married, a woman has to give birth to children, do housework, and take care of the children. She is too worried, like her It's pretty good. There are no in-laws above, so there are fewer conflicts.

Some of her former female colleagues complained about their parents-in-law, especially their mother-in-law, in the workplace every day. Almost no female colleagues could get along well with their mother-in-law, and few men helped their wives.

Lin Yulan actually couldn't understand that many men were not filial when they were sons, nor could they appreciate the hard work of their mothers. But as soon as they got married, the men suddenly changed their gender, and felt that it was too difficult for their old mothers, and then they His wife has it so easy, so when there is a conflict between his daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law, the man doesn't ask for the reason. Anyway, it's his wife's fault. Why should he be angry with his wife if he has such a hard time?

In the end, it was her daughter-in-law who suffered all the grievances. Lin Yulan really sympathized with those female colleagues, so she didn't want her granddaughter to suffer from such nonsense in the future. There was nothing wrong with not getting married.

Chu Qiao also saw Luo Lichun. She asked Gu Ye to take Brother Dabao farther away. Gu Yeye understood that it was not convenient for him to hit a woman, so it was good for his wife to take action.

When they were far away, Chu Qiao sneered and walked towards Luo Lichun without saying hello. He punched him with one punch. He was caught off guard and Luo Lichun was stunned. Just like Cai Jinfu before, he didn't resist at all. With such force, he was quickly defeated.

"Good fight, Xiao Chu, please work harder and teach this stinky bitch a lesson!"

The old man was relieved and cheered loudly from the side. He also taught Chu Qiao which parts to hit. The experienced old man said that those parts could not be beaten to death or seriously injured. A small flesh wound could make Luo Lichun miserable.

Lin Yulan wanted to cover her granddaughter's eyes for fear of scaring the little girl, but she was so happy watching it and clapped her hands to cheer her mother on: "Mom... fight the bad guy, fight!"

Xinxin now fully understands that her mother is indeed the most powerful in the family, and her father is so useless. From now on, she must listen to her mother, otherwise her butt will hurt.

Chu Qiao kicked him several more times, but Luo Lichun remained motionless, groaning on the ground and staring resentfully.

"If you gouge out your eyes again and harass Dabao and Xiaobao again, I will beat you to death!"

Chu Qiao shook his wrist and finally got angry. When she was in court, she wanted to beat the woman.

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