Chen Wei worked as an accountant for the gallery two years ago, doing accounting and other tasks. The work was very leisurely and she could earn a high salary. Chen Wei remembered Chu Qiao's feelings and sent several paintings by Ouyang Lin. Chu Qiao framed them and carefully collected them. Well, in a few decades, these paintings will become family heirlooms.

A while ago, there were still people who had gone through several relationships and wanted to buy paintings at high prices, but Chu Qiao didn't agree. Now Ouyang Lin's paintings cost only a million yuan at most. She has a total of five paintings, which are not Ouyang Lin's masterpieces, but It's also very valuable, one piece costs four to five hundred thousand.

Now that she is not short of money, there is no need to sell them. She will keep them and pass them on to her children. When Ouyang Lin comes a hundred years from now, these five paintings will be even more valuable.

Chen Wei has been very busy in the past two years. She is Ouyang Lin's agent. All external activities are handled by Chen Wei. Ouyang Lin only concentrates on painting. Chu Qiao hasn't seen Chen Wei for a while. I came over today to ask. .

Mei Jiu Ming's expression became strange and he hesitated to speak. Chu Qiao looked strange and asked, "What's wrong with Chen Wei? Is something going to happen?"

"Something happened at home." Mei Jiuming said vaguely.

"Ouyang Lin is feeling ill?"

Chu Qiao blurted out, her first reaction was this, Ouyang Lin is almost sixty, and it is normal to have some minor health problems as you get older.

Mei Jiuming's expression became even weirder and he shook his head, "Teacher is in good health."

He is very strong, otherwise he wouldn't have caused so many troubles.

Chu Qiao was so tempted that she urged: "Can you finish it all at once? Don't leave half a sentence, what happened?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's the teacher's private matter. As a student, it's hard for me to say anything." Mei Jiuming was a little embarrassed.

It seems inappropriate for students and outsiders to discuss the teacher's private life.

Chu Qiao was so blessed that she suddenly thought of it and blurted out: "Is your teacher having a mistress outside? No, it's a mistress. Is that what happened?"

Ouyang Lin was very good at painting, and even better at being a romantic. In his previous life, Chu Qiao remembered that this old man had married five wives, only openly, but Ouyang Lin himself could not even count how many wives he had secretly.

Chen Wei was Ouyang Lin's third wife, and there were two more after that. However, Chen Wei was very good at forbearing. Even though she and Ouyang Lin divorced, they still had no ties and never left the house after divorce. When Ouyang Lin was 74 years old, Chen Wei still pretended to be Ouyang Lin. At the risk of his advanced age, he gave birth to a daughter, and won the old man in one fell swoop, becoming the final winner.

Calculating the time, Ouyang Lin probably had an affair with the fourth wife at this time. Except for the original eldest wife, who was married by a matchmaker in the family, the other four wives were all cheated by Ouyang Lin, and so did Chen Wei. All four of them were painters. I painted the model and went to bed.

Mei Jiu Ming had a sly expression and couldn't answer. He just smiled dryly. Chu Qiao knew it at a glance and snorted coldly, "You are such a restless teacher. Are all painters like this? Don't be a little romantic." Can’t draw the account?”

"Of course not, my teacher is just an exception." Mei Jiuming denied resolutely. He was a good and clean painter.

Chu Qiao curled her lips and said, "Just take it down. She just saw those famous anecdotes. Several of the famous painters were very bad in their private lives. The great painter who was particularly good at painting horses was so bad that she wanted to beat him up."

Because he didn't love his original wife, he gave his son a particularly unlucky name. As a result, he got this name. The child died at the age of six or seven, and the tiger's poison refused to eat its children. He was not only a scumbag husband, but also a scumbag father. .

However, Mei Jiuming's private life is still quite innocent. Over the years, he has not been seen interacting with the opposite sex, certainly not with men. This guy's life is more innocent than that of a monk. He is also a vegetarian and lives like an ascetic.

"What's Chen Wei's plan?" Chu Qiao asked with concern.

Although Chen Wei's method of getting to the top was disgraceful, he was a good person, and Chen Wei could not be entirely blamed for this kind of thing. Ouyang Lin was not the thing, he was the culprit.

Mei Jiuming shook his head, "She hasn't contacted me. You can ask her."

He and Chen Wei are not that close. They have rarely contacted each other over the years for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

Chu Qiao didn't ask any more questions, and would call Chen Wei in a few days to invite Chen Wei out for tea, just to ask by the way.

Within a few days, Chen Wei took the initiative to make an appointment with Chu Qiao. She sounded like she was not in a good mood. Chu Qiao just pretended that she didn't know and agreed to go to the appointment. She went to the teahouse where they often went, asked for a private room by the river, and sat down. It is extremely pleasant to drink tea by the window and enjoy the river view.

The waiter made tea, served snacks, and went out. Chu Qiao poured Chen Wei a cup of tea, then poured herself a cup, and asked with a smile: "Why are you such a busy man free to invite me to tea today?"

Chen Wei smiled and said hoarsely: "I haven't had tea for a long time. I happened to be free, so I made an appointment with you."

Now Chen Wei is no longer the same shabby person she used to be. She wears all the big brands, is low-key and luxurious, and the big diamond ring on her hand is shining. However, she is not in a good condition. Her eyes are black and blue, there are bloodshot eyes, and her voice is hoarse. Even with exquisite makeup, she couldn't hide her haggardness.

Chu Qiao just pretended not to know and drank tea slowly. If Chen Wei was willing to talk, she would listen. It didn't matter if she didn't want to. This was someone else's private matter and she wasn't that gossipy.

Chen Wei was drinking tea by herself, finishing one cup and pouring another cup. After drinking two cups, she sighed, mocking herself, and asked, "Have you heard all about it?"

"I heard a little bit, but I'm not too sure."

Chu Qiao told the truth, Mei Jiuming was very strict, and she didn't bother to ask.

"I was with Ouyang, and the process was not very glorious. You all know that, and I don't have to hide it. Ouyang was not divorced at that time, and his wife came to warn me. I yelled at her and mocked her. Don't laugh at her. Ah Er, she pried When Mrs. Ouyang was cornered, she should have thought that she would also be cornered by others," Chen Wei said slowly.

Chu Qiao also listened quietly. It was not easy for her to comment on such matters. Chen Wei was right. The second wife's method of ascending to the throne was the same as Chen Wei's. She was indeed a big brother and a bad boy. Don't scold anyone. .

Chen Wei added: "The woman said that I would be exploited by others in the future. I said it didn't matter. I really thought so at the time. I was very confident in myself and felt that I must be Ouyang's last wife, ha... …And I got slapped hard.”

"Is there something wrong with Ouyang Lin?" Chu Qiao asked.

"Well, I caught him in bed with him. She was one of his female students. She was only in her early twenties. She was young, beautiful and lively. She took the initiative to be a model for Ouyang. She only painted for one night and then went to bed with her."

Chen Wei's tone was calm and her expression was sarcastic. She didn't know whether she was sarcastic about the female student or herself.

After all, this was how she came to power back then.

Chu Qiao didn't know what to say, so she asked, "What are you going to do?"


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