Chen Wei sneered, "It's not what I plan to do now. It's Ouyang who wants to divorce me. He said that the savings and house will belong to me, except for the gallery and his paintings. Hmm, he made a good calculation. The gallery is the most valuable. It’s all run by me, why should I give them an advantage?”

Chu Qiao frowned. Ouyang Lin was too stingy. Before Chen Wei married him, although he was famous, he didn't have much money. Now Chen Wei basically managed the family property, as well as the gallery. Ouyang Lin only knows how to paint. , knows nothing about other things, and only relied on Chen Wei's all-around skills and marketing methods to earn her current family business.

"You also have shares in the gallery, and you have always been running the gallery. Why shouldn't Ouyang give it to you?" Chu Qiao said angrily.

"I'm so obsessed with sex."

Chen Wei looked contemptuous. She was now extremely disappointed with Ouyang and just wanted to get her own property.

She drank two more cups of tea and felt much better. She sneered: "If Ouyang is in the first grade of junior high school, don't blame me for being in the fifteenth grade. I will never let go of the gallery."

Now Chen Wei is still young, her tolerance skills are not that high, and she is very angry.

Chu Qiao didn't give her any advice. Chen Wei didn't lose in her previous life, and she definitely won't lose in this life either.

She couldn't help but ask: "Are you angry at Ouyang for having a different relationship, or are you angry at him for being stingy?"

Chen Wei understood as soon as she heard it, and asked with a smile: "You actually want to ask me if I love Ouyang, right?"

Chu Qiao had a sly expression. She did have this intention, but Chen Wei saw through it.

Chen Wei didn't care, sighed, and said: "If I say that I love Ouyang, you may not believe it, but I do love him. Although he is much older than me, I still love him and his talent. I love his demeanor. Women have a strong mentality. I may be more serious. I only like strong men. Ouyang is very strong in the field of painting. I love him very much."

She took a sip of tea and added: "I don't deny that I had an intention to marry Ouyang for his fame, but Ouyang also wanted me to be young and beautiful. We each get what we need. You may look down on me, but I It’s just such a reality. Since I’m getting married, of course I have to choose a man who can help me achieve the next level. Otherwise, why would I get married and just be a cow and a horse in order to have children?”

Chen Wei's expression became more and more sarcastic. After drinking the tea in the cup, she poured herself another cup. Without Chu Qiao talking to her, she started talking to herself, "Many people look down on me and call me a shameless vixen. I don't care." , people have laughed at the poor but not at prostitution since ancient times, and this kind of thing is not entirely my fault. It was Ouyang's initiative from beginning to end. I just didn't refuse. When the opportunity came to me, I couldn't give up. I didn't want to be like my mother. Live your life like this with your sister.”

Chu Qiao poured tea for her and said nothing, letting her vent her emotions. Moreover, she was also curious about Chen Wei's family. Mei Jiuming said that they had similar experiences, but did not say the specifics, but Chen Wei's original family should not be too different. good.

"My hometown is in the same place as Mei Jiu Ming's family, and the villages are next to each other. Mei Jiu Ming's parents died. I envy him. Sometimes, it's good to be an orphan."

Chen Wei sneered and continued: "My parents are not educated, and my father is an alcoholic. He beats people when he drinks. He beats my mother, my sister, and me. He beat me to death every time because my mother didn't She deserved to be beaten because she gave birth to a son. No one sympathized with her. My sister and I also deserved it because we were losers. People in the village all sympathized with my dad because he had lost his job and thought he was too pitiful. They beat him a few times to vent his anger. That’s what it should be.”

"Being a boy or a girl is a man's business. Women only care about giving birth, regardless of gender." Chu Qiao got angry just hearing that. She blamed women for everything. Just because women are inherently weaker, do they have to be beaten by men? ?

You have the ability to prevent men from being born from women’s bellies!

If a man is so powerful and he can fulfill the great responsibility of carrying on the family line by himself, why should he marry a woman?

[The author has some personal emotions. What happened recently has made the author particularly angry. It’s already 2022, why are there still so many bad behaviors? 】

Chen Wei mocked: "How can men admit that they are not good? They will only blame women and vent their anger and dissatisfaction on women because women cannot beat them and because women are easy to bully. My father always treats my mother He was beaten until his head was bloody and he had no strength left. My mother had to get up to cook and do housework. Once she couldn't bear it anymore, she cried to my grandma. My grandma said, who made it impossible for you to give birth to a son? !”

"Don't your grandma feel sorry for your daughter? She is a woman too!" Chu Qiao suddenly felt bad.

It's annoying when men bully women, but what's even more annoying is that some women also help men bully women. Just like Chen Wei's grandmother, she felt that her daughter was guilty and should be beaten.

Chen Wei sneered and said: "My grandmother gave birth to eight children, and my mother was just one of them. She has never felt distressed since she was a child. Moreover, my mother herself felt that she was guilty because her stomach was not up to par, and the Chen family was cut off. I 12 When I was young, my mother hanged herself, and I saw it when I came home from school. I was very calm at the time and not afraid at all, because I felt that my mother was finally free and no longer had to be beaten, how great it was!"

Chu Qiao sighed. She didn't expect Chen Wei's childhood to be so miserable. The harm done to people by her original family really takes a lifetime to redeem.

"My sister got married when she was 17. When she got married in the town, people in the village said that my sister married well, but her life was not good at all. My brother-in-law doesn't drink, but he also likes to beat people and is not in a good mood. So I can beat my sister even when she is angry outside. My sister is trembling in fear at home because she doesn’t know when my brother-in-law’s fist will come out.”

Chen Wei's voice became silent, but still very calm, as if she was telling someone else's story. Chu Qiao patted her hand gently, not knowing what to say.

"My sister gave birth to a son, but she still had to be beaten because her family was too poor and she had no one to support her, so she deserved to be beaten by her husband. Her mother-in-law also bullied her. She was an unpaid nanny and birth machine at home. She works as a cow and a horse during the day, and at night she has to provide for my brother-in-law to vent his animal desires. She lives a life without any dignity, but people in the village still say that my sister married well and she is blessed, ha... I don't want this kind of blessing. "

Chen Wei had a mocking expression and cold eyes. When she was very young, she vowed to leave that hellish place. No matter what method she used, she would become stronger so that men would not dare to bully her.

"How is your sister now?" Chu Qiao asked with concern.

Chen Wei looked sad and said in a low voice: "Before Ouyang and I got married, we had three pregnancies that were difficult to give birth to. She had already given birth to a son and a daughter. She was not in good health to begin with. Her husband's family forced her to have another child, saying that more children would bring good luck. My sister has no right to resist and can only give birth. Now that family has married a daughter-in-law. Fortunately, although that family is not good to my sister, they are still good to their grandchildren."

Chu Qiao's heart became heavy. We are still in a new society and it is so difficult for women to survive. When will women be truly liberated?

No matter day or night.

Whether wearing a skirt or pants.

No matter what the occasion.

Whether alone or in a group.

When will the day come when women can go out boldly without worrying about being bullied?


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