It was the first time she attended an international film festival. Chu Qiao was still nervous. Filmmakers of all skin colors were walking around, and there were several familiar faces who often appeared in movies. They were international movie stars she used to admire. Now But he appeared before her alive.

Qi Feng gave her the identity of everyone in the popular science. Basically, they all knew each other. Some of them were relatively close friends. When she saw Qi Feng, she waved and said hello. There were also male and female actors and actresses. She also knew many foreign film professionals and they talked skillfully in English. , Chu Qiao couldn't understand a word she said, so she forced out a decent smile and stood reservedly. When someone greeted her, she would smile back or nod her head, and nothing would go wrong.

There were flashes of lights in the field, and all kinds of guns and cannons were used. The time for the famous red carpet finally arrived. Chu Qiao and Qi Feng, as well as the male and female protagonists, walked on the red carpet together. She was almost so nervous Fortunately, Qi Feng was experienced and walked slowly, waving greetings from time to time. Chu Qiao was influenced by her and her nervousness became much less tense.

After arriving at her seat, Chu Qiao relaxed and whispered: "My heart almost jumped out of my head, Sister Feng, was I not rude just now?"

Qi Feng burst into laughter and joked: "You are the center of attention now. Didn't you see that all the reporters are taking pictures of you? Some people are asking me about the movies you acted in."

"Sister Feng, you are teasing me again. There are so many big stars here, and all of them are beauties. Who am I?" Chu Qiao was extremely embarrassed. She really didn't think she was more beautiful than those big international stars.

Celebrities who can come to the film festival are basically a bit extravagant. They dress up carefully and wear high-end dresses just to impress at the film festival and show their most beautiful side.

In the past, Chu Qiao would think that celebrities were nothing more than just passers-by after taking off their makeup. But after watching the scene, she felt that this idea was really ridiculous. Celebrities are carefully selected, and their image and temperament are unique. They may not look outstanding at first glance, but when placed next to ordinary people, the difference is immediately apparent.

Another thing is that popularity nourishes people. The more popular a star is, the more beautiful she is. Maybe her appearance was not that good when she debuted. After becoming popular, she becomes more and more beautiful. Some people will say that they have plastic surgery, otherwise the change would not be so big, but it is also possible that Redness really nourishes people, and packaging and makeup will make people become more and more beautiful.

Qi Feng was actually very nervous, and her palms were sweating. She was afraid that the movie would not be selected, and she had finally reached this point. If she was not selected, she would not know whether the next movie would be nominated, and she would feel a little regretful.

"It's definitely no problem. I've already booked the celebration banquet." Chu Qiao comforted her.

Hearing her vow, Qi Feng was not so nervous. The waiting time passed extremely slowly, and finally the announcement came. Two special guests announced the final list of winners.

As usual, the male and female guests had to chat for a while to liven up the atmosphere. Qi Feng's heart was aroused again, and the rest of the crew were extremely nervous. Only Chu Qiao was very calm.

The guests whetted their appetites and finally announced the name of the winning movie. When he heard Hua Guo's English, Qi Feng tightly grabbed the armrest of the chair and struggled to control his emotions.

The title of the movie was finally read out by the guest, and the whole audience was shocked and applauded like thunder. Qi Feng was still confused, and there was buzzing applause in her ears. Chu Qiao poked her, "Sister Feng, we have won the award."

Only then did Qi Feng wake up, with tears in his eyes, he finally won the award. The male and female actors hugged each other excitedly, and the others applauded enthusiastically and smiled kindly.

It was the first time that a Chinese-language film won such a valuable international film award. Major media around the world rushed to report it. Domestic media also reported this good news. The movie box office has surged in a new wave. Everyone is actively buying tickets to see this film that has won international awards. Award-winning movie.

Chu Qiao and Qi Feng were also interviewed by domestic media, and their photos made headlines. The male and female lead actors, as well as director Xu Zhengsheng, were all very popular.

The machine tool factory was also talking about it. Unexpectedly, Chu Qiao, who kept silent, actually did such a big thing and went to a foreign country to win a prize. It brought glory to the country.

"Chief Gu, why didn't Xiao Chu say anything during the movie? He quietly enlarged his moves!"

"Aren't you worried about not doing well?" Gu Ye said modestly.

But I'm thinking in my heart, what's the use of chirping? Can you contribute your efforts or money?

"Xiao Chu is so awesome. He has already gone abroad. I have never even left Shanghai in my life."

"How can you compare with Xiao Chu?"

"I'll go to the movies tonight and see what this movie is about. My son has said it several times."

Although there were a lot of harsh words in the machine tool factory, overall they were happy for Chu Qiao. After all, they were bringing glory to the country. Until Chu Qiao was about to return to the country, people in the factory were still discussing the movie with great interest. How much assets the Gu family has now is a source of envy and jealousy.

After staying abroad for more than ten days, Chu Qiao was eager to return home. She missed home, Gu Ye, her daughter, her big baby and her little baby. She also missed the food in Shanghai, and just wanted to drink a cup of steaming soy milk in the morning. Putting on a basket of steamed dumplings is called comfort.

The organizer entertained them very attentively, but the food was really not to their taste. Chu Qiao couldn't understand why foreigners loved salads so much. There were all kinds of salads, breads, and cheeses. One or two meals was fine. It's really unbearable to eat every day, that is, the hotel doesn't have a kitchen, otherwise Chu Qiao would like to cook herself, stir-fry a plate of vinegar-sweet potato shreds, a plate of fish-flavored shredded pork, and a plate of mapo tofu. She can cook three bowls of rice.

Finally able to return to China, Chu Qiao called her home. It happened to be the weekend when she arrived in Shanghai. Gu Ye specially set aside this day and took his three children to pick up his wife at the airport. Under Dabao and Xiaobao's suggestions, he I also bought a big bouquet of red roses.

"Daddy, hurry up!"

Xinxin urged her hard at the bathroom door. She wanted to see her mother as soon as possible. Gu Ye was still shaving. He had never paid so much attention to his image because when Chu Qiao called home, she said that there were so many handsome foreign guys that she was dizzy. .

Gu Ye suddenly became aware of the crisis. His daughter-in-law had a successful career and was young and beautiful. What if a handsome foreign man abducted her?

He must take care of himself and let his wife know that the most handsome man in the world is at home, and there is nothing good about foreign devils.

"Dabao, take Xinxin away!"

Gu Ye was annoyed to death by his daughter's demonic voice piercing his brain, which affected his image. Dabao smiled and took his sister away. After half an hour, Gu Ye finally finished his preparation, holding a large bouquet of coquettish red roses. The family went to the airport excitedly.

There were some small vendors at the entrance of Shanghai Airport, some selling snacks, flowers and toys. Xinxin couldn't walk when she saw the toy gun. She dragged Gu Ye to prevent him from leaving: "Dad, buy it!"

She pointed at the toy gun on the stall without turning her eyes. The stall owner was a stooped man with gray hair on his temples and wearing shabby clothes. He looked very poor. After hearing Xinxin's words, the man raised his head and smiled. Said: "This one is very cheap, five yuan each, and it can also be called..."

The man couldn't speak anymore and looked at Gu Ye blankly. After regaining consciousness, he quickly lowered his head, but his lips were trembling and his hands were shaking.

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