Gu Ye was also surprised. He didn't expect that the toy seller was actually Gu Jianshe, whom he hadn't heard of for a long time. He had only been there for a few years, but he was so old that he couldn't see. He didn't know how he had spent these years.

"Xinxin, go pick up mom first." Gu Ye didn't say hello, and didn't want to buy a toy gun. He hugged his daughter and left.

"Then pick up mom and buy it again, okay?"

Xinxin looked at the toy gun reluctantly. She didn't have this model and wanted to buy it.


Gu Ye agreed. He knew that after picking up his wife, Gu Jianshe would be gone. This man wanted to save face, so he would definitely slip away.

Xinxin was quickly coaxed and urged Gu Ye to walk faster. The little girl was lively, cute, and pretty. Many people couldn't help but look at Xinxin, envying Gu Ye for having such a beautiful daughter.

When the family entered the hall, Gu Jianshe planned to close the stall. He just heard that Gu Ye was going to pick up Chu Qiao. He didn't want Chu Qiao to see her in such a desolate state.

Gu Jianshe felt very uncomfortable. Chu Qiao gave Gu Ye Ye such a beautiful daughter. She looked like a spoiled girl at first glance. He heard that Gu Ye had made a lot of money and was now the richest man in the machine tool factory, but he couldn't even work. No more, I can only make a living by setting up a small stall.

The eldest son failed to live up to his expectations, was learning to count backwards, and hung out with the second-rate people in society. He said a few words that the eldest son was more vicious than him, and even attacked him. The younger son was in poor health and fell ill every day. He looked like a monkey and had a different personality. Likeable.


Gu Jianshe sighed heavily, feeling bitter in his heart and mouth. He was the first person Chu Qiao had a blind date with. She was supposed to be his wife, but Gu Ye took advantage of her. Then his bad luck came. Unfortunately, one bad thing happened one after another. From the deputy secretary that everyone envied, he turned into the beggar he is now.

In fact, he is worse than a beggar. All the beggars outside the airport earn more than him. The little money he earns now is barely enough to live on, and he can't even afford new clothes.

Just now he saw Dabao and Xiaobao. The two monkey-like children had become sunny and handsome. At first glance, they looked like children from a superior family, much better than his two sons.

Things are changing!

Gu Jianshe suddenly thought of this sentence, laughed to himself, put all the toys in his bag, and prepared to set up a stall in another place. A young man and woman passed by him, and the girl said she wanted to go to a movie.

"That movie is very popular now, and it even won an international award. I must watch it." The girl said coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll go check it out soon."

The boy's tone was doting, and they were clearly a young couple in love.

Several more people came out of the airport and talked while walking. Some of them had a newspaper in their hands. When they passed by Gu Jianshe, they thought he was a cleaner and handed him the newspaper.

Gu Jianshe was stunned and a little annoyed. He was not a cleaner. He was about to scold him when he heard these people say: "Our Chinese film industry is finally proud and proud. I will write an interview when I get back. If you write about the male and female leading actors, I will It’s about two beautiful producers. Without them, this movie wouldn’t have been made.”

"This film is a cross-strait joint venture and the fruit of the friendship between Ms. Qi Feng and Ms. Chu Qiao. There are many details worth writing about."

These people were reporters and they were discussing with great interest. Gu Jianshe heard Chu Qiao’s name and it was related to the movie. He was very confused and opened the newspaper in his hand. The headline was a photo of Chu Qiao and the crew. Although The photo is blurry, but you can still appreciate her style, even if she is with a big star, she is not inferior.

After Gu Jianshe read the article, he felt even more miserable. He didn't expect Chu Qiao to have such achievements. How could she still be the poor stepdaughter before?


Unable to help but sigh again, Gu Jianshe looked gloomy and threw the newspaper into the trash can, preparing to set up a stall elsewhere. If these toys were not sold today, he would not have any money to buy food.

He walked slowly, eating pickles and tofu every day. His body collapsed quickly and he had no strength. He couldn't walk fast. He was out of breath when he reached the other side of the road. Gu Jianshe put down his bag and planned to set up a stall here, but he couldn't walk anymore. Moved.

Chu Qiao pulled the suitcase and walked out slowly. Gu Ye saw it from afar, waving his hands vigorously and grinning with big white teeth. Xinxin was short and couldn't see his mother. He was so anxious that he jumped as hard as he could, but still couldn't see her.

"Dad, ride the big horse!"

Xinxin hugged her father's arm and climbed up, humming. Gu Ye had no choice but to pick up his daughter and ride on his shoulders. Xinxin became the tallest in the audience and saw her mother.


The little girl screamed happily and kept patting Gu Ye on the head.

Chu Qiao saw her daughter from a distance and the sultry bouquet of red roses, which hid Gu Ye's face. She couldn't help laughing and walked faster.

"Mom hugs me!"

When Xinxin saw her mother, she rushed toward her, not caring that she was still riding on her father's shoulders. Gu Ye was so frightened that he grabbed the girl's legs hard to prevent her from falling.

Chu Qiao picked up her daughter and kissed her hard on the face, "Do you miss your mother?"


Xinxin said loudly, but her eyes were fixed on the suitcase, wondering what gift her mother had brought her. Because Chu Qiao promised to bring a gift on the phone, Xinxin had been looking forward to it.

Chu Qiao patted the two Dabao brothers on the head. The two children were silly and happy. They also missed their aunt. Without their aunt at home, it didn't feel like home.

"Why did you buy so many flowers?"

Chu Qiao took the red rose. Although her mouth was disgusted, her heart was as sweet as honey.

Gu Ye chuckled and said, "Your movie won an award. I'm here to celebrate for you. I've booked a celebration banquet at the hotel for our family to celebrate."

Chu Qiao frowned and smiled brightly. The whole family came out chatting and laughing. Gu Ye pulled the suitcase with Chu Qiao holding her heart. Dabao and Xiaobao were walking beside her. The passers-by couldn't help but look at her with envy. , the three children are all beautiful, and so are the couple. What a happy family.

Gu Ye went to drive. Chu Qiao was waiting on the side of the road with her children. She accidentally glanced at it and was startled. She seemed to see an acquaintance. On the opposite road, there was a man selling toys. He looked like Gu Ye. construction.

But Gu Jianshe should not be that old. When she died in her previous life, Gu Jianshe was not this old. Maybe she recognized the wrong person.

Ever since Gu Jianshe was kicked out of the Gu family and transferred to work on the island, Chu Qiao had not heard from him again and did not want to inquire. From now on, bridges will return to bridges and roads will return to their original destination.

Gu Ye drove over, and Chu Qiao and the child got in the car. He couldn't help but look at the opposite road again and asked, "Do you think the toy seller looks like Gu Jianshe?"

"it's him."

Gu Ye didn't look, he saw it just now.

Chu Qiao was very surprised, it was really Gu Jianshe.

"Why is he selling toys? Doesn't he work in a branch factory?" Chu Qiao asked curiously.

The salary in the machine tool factory is not low now, and although the branch factory is not that low, it is not too low. Gu Jianshe's salary is enough to support him and his son. How can he live in such a miserable life?


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