Duan Qiqi stayed with Brother Cai for half a year, and even went to Brother Cai's hometown, a remote and backward mountain village. Brother Cai was the hero of this mountain village. Every time he returned home, he was warmly welcomed by the villagers. Like a big boss welcoming a proud return to his hometown.

Brother Cai, who was fierce in the port city, was very kind to the villagers. From the moment he entered the village, he always had a friendly smile on his face. He even picked up a little boy and teased him, asking his subordinates to bring out candies and distribute them to the children in the village.

"Ah Cai is back, come to my house for dinner tonight!"

"Go to my house. I went to your house last time. You must go to my house to eat this time. I have made bacon from the pigs killed during the New Year. I can't bear to eat them. I will save them for when Ah Cai comes back."

A short, thin man spoke eagerly, and even reached out to hold Brother Cai's hand. He was particularly enthusiastic. Duan Qiqi noticed that this thin man was disabled and walked with a limp.

Brother Cai smiled so hard that he narrowed his eyes. He was still holding a little boy in one hand. He didn't know whose child he was. He was not afraid of strangers. His big eyes were wandering around and he was very cute.

"Okay, let's go to Brother Qi's house for dinner today. It's been a long time since I've eaten the food cooked by Sister Qi."

As soon as Brother Cai finished speaking, the lame man was very happy and ran home happily to prepare the meal. The other villagers gossiped sourly and felt that Brother Cai was treating one person favorably and not going to their house for dinner because he looked down on them.

"Come one by one. I will stay home for a while this time and have plenty of time to eat." Brother Cai is easy to talk to and enjoys being praised by all the fellow villagers.

After saying this, the villagers were all satisfied, and they all said that their own bacon was the most fragrant, and the bacon ribs were specially left for Brother Cai. In such a poor mountain village, bacon is the most decent dish, and the villagers themselves are reluctant to part with it. They eat, but leave it to Brother Cai. Obviously they regard Brother Cai as the person they respect the most.

Someone noticed the silent Duan Qiqi. These days following Brother Cai, Duan Qiqi looks better, has grown taller, and is more beautiful than before. The villagers are envious of him. Every time Brother Cai goes home, he The women are all different, but one thing is the same. The women are all beautiful, they are fairies that they can't even dream of, but Brother Cai changes several of them a year. He is really capable.

"Ah Cai, this time I have the most beautiful wife." A male villager whispered and winked. He was about the same age as Brother Cai. He was Brother Cai's younger brother and they had a very close relationship.

Brother Cai glanced at Duan Qiqi with a proud expression. He wanted money and women now, and he was more comfortable than the emperors in ancient times. Even if he was arrested and killed by the police tomorrow, half of his life would still be worth it.

But he wasn't tired of Duan Qiqi yet. This woman was not only beautiful, but also very charming. He couldn't get enough of her. The brothers under his command were all very greedy, but Brother Cai didn't let go. He hadn't finished enjoying her yet.

Duan Qiqi followed Brother Cai to live in this mountain village. She abided by the rules. She never visited other people's homes or gossiped with others. She served Brother Cai wholeheartedly. This made Brother Cai particularly satisfied. Women are not as beautiful as Duan Qiqi, and they are not as disciplined as Duan Qiqi, so he soon got tired of her.

After living in a mountain village for a month, Brother Cai has never had a meal at home. He only has an old lady at home, who can't control him. However, Brother Cai is still filial. This murderous bandit is a very contradictory individual, cruel and ruthless to others. , he is a murderer, but in his hometown he is kind and amiable, enthusiastic and righteous, and will help anyone who has difficulties.

For example, the lame seventh brother couldn't do heavy work because of his physical disability. The family was in difficulty. Brother Cai paid for him to build a new house. There were many things like this. Almost every villager had received the favor from Brother Cai, so he He has a high prestige in the village, and the villagers are proud of him.

The villagers knew little about Brother Cai's business outside, but some of them knew about it. After all, Brother Cai's men were all from the same village. Paper couldn't stop the fire. Someone would definitely tell the truth, but the villagers didn't care. They even thought that if they had money, People have so much money, so it is only natural that they should be given out to the poor. Is it possible that so much money should be carried into the coffin?

After staying in his hometown for a month, Brother Cai is tired of it. He is used to the life of feasting and feasting. Staying for a month is already the limit, but he can't go to Hong Kong City for the time being. Wu De is now like a mad dog, looking for him everywhere, and he will do the same when he returns to his hometown. For refuge.

Brother Cai, who was extremely bored, led his brothers to Yangcheng. The economy there was developed and they could have fun. Naturally, he also brought Duan Qiqi with him. Brother Cai had strict requirements on his subordinates and they were not allowed to cause trouble in the mainland. Gangcheng He dared to provoke the police, but he did not dare to provoke the police in the mainland. He knew this very well.

But Brother Cai doesn't know that Duan Qiqi and several of his subordinates have been getting closer these days, and their relationship is much closer than he thought. These subordinates are used to misbehaving in Hong Kong City, and they are already very frustrated after a month in Shancunguan. , I wanted to go to Yangcheng to vent my anger, but the boss didn't allow it, which made several of his subordinates very angry, but they dared not speak out.

Duan Qiqi blew some wind in their ears. These subordinates were already simple-minded, and if they were encouraged again, they could no longer hold back. They committed two cases in succession, and the victims were both women.

When Brother Cai found out, he was so angry that he hid with his men for a few days. He thought everything was fine before he came out. However, as soon as he came out, he was arrested by the Yangcheng police. They robbed, raped, and killed people. They were punished for several crimes. All were sentenced to death and executed immediately.

Brother Cai also invited a lawyer from Hong Kong City and wanted to transfer the case to Hong Kong City for trial, but the Yangcheng Public Security Bureau did not give him a chance. All the gangsters were shot and no one was left alive. This group of people is notorious in Hong Kong City. , the news of their deaths came back to the Hong Kong city, and everyone applauded and praised the mainland police as the detectives who eliminate violence and bring peace to the people.

Mrs. Wu, who was on the sickbed, smiled happily after seeing the report of the execution of Brother Cai and his gang. She took the newspaper and the side dishes her son loved to eat during his lifetime, and forced herself to go to the cemetery. She wanted to tell her son that the enemy All dead.

"Cat boy, mommy will be with you soon. Don't be afraid down there. I've killed all those who harmed you. It's mommy's fault for not protecting you..."

Mrs. Wu was burning paper money while talking, as if Wu Bing was still alive. The servants next to her were crying. They were the old servants who had been with Mrs. Wu for decades. They also raised Wu Bing. The young master was gone. My wife is also about to leave, what should I do if I leave them behind?

Half a month later, Mrs. Wu died. All the old servants were with her, as well as Duan Qiqi. Mrs. Wu helped her obtain a Hong Kong identity and contacted overseas schools. From then on, Duan Qiqi could Say goodbye to the past and welcome a new life.

"Madam, you can go in peace. I will visit you and the young master often and give you more money." Duan Qiqi is not sad. Mrs. Wu will be reunited with her son soon, so there is nothing sad.

She was very grateful to Mrs. Wu for giving her a new identity and saying goodbye to her dirty past. In order to repay Mrs. Wu, she would burn money for Mrs. Wu and her son every year so that they would not be short of money down below.

After Mrs. Wu's first seven years, Duan Qiqi boarded a flight to go abroad and started her studies. Mrs. Wu gave her a sum of money, which was enough for her to live well abroad.

Fifteen years later, Duan Qiqi returned to Hong Kong City. She had obtained a doctorate in medicine and had worked in a top private hospital abroad for several years. She had a very good resume, so she was admitted to the private hospital here in Hong Kong City. The special appointment came back to serve.

Duan Qiqi is very popular in the hospital because she is beautiful and outstanding, which fascinates the male doctors in the hospital. She is also pursued by other outstanding young men. However, Duan Qiqi made it clear that she is not a marriage minded and will not fall in love. She has already I don’t know how to love anyone anymore, and I don’t need other people’s love. I’m fine being alone.

Duan Qiqi, who rejected people thousands of miles away, made her suitors very sad. As time went by, everyone became discouraged and gave Duan Qiqi the nickname Iceberg Beauty. However, they discovered that every year during the Qingming Festival, Duan Qiqi Qi Hui asked for leave and disappeared for a whole day. I don’t know what she was doing.

It was another Qingming Festival. Duan Qiqi held three bouquets of white carnations and went first to the cemetery of his brother Xiaohao and then to the cemetery of Mrs. Wu and her son. They were buried together. Every year she would come to pay her respects. Overseas She never stopped studying during those years.

Putting down the flowers, Duan Qiqi bowed three times. Looking at Wu Bing's young smiling face on the tombstone, she couldn't help but sigh: "You should be reincarnated. I hope you will be healthy in your next life and grow old safely!"


I’ll write about Miss Sheng Qi’s extra story tomorrow. Don’t worry, I won’t be cruel. This is the last story, and it will definitely have a happy ending.


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