80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 948: Miss Sheng Qi——Where is the country and the family?

Sheng Yuhua's state has not been right these past two days. Ever since she woke up with a fever, she has been looking like this. Her family is very worried and thought she had a fight with her fiancé Chu Kongqing.

"Xiao Qi, has Chu Kongqing bullied you?" Sheng Ronghua, the sixth daughter of the Sheng family, asked with concern. She even reached out and touched her sister's forehead. She was relieved when she saw that the temperature was not high.

Sheng Yuhua blinked, completely awake, and confirmed a fact——

She's really back.

Back before Chu Kongqing died.

The sixth sister is also alive and well, and everything has started over again.

"No, Kong Qing is fine."

Sheng Yuhua looked at Sixth Sister lustfully. Now Sixth Sister was so alive and as beautiful as a flower. She didn't have to become seriously ill yet. Everything was done in time.

Sheng Ronghua felt uncomfortable when she looked at her and touched his face, "What's there on my face?"

"Yes, the beauty of the country is beautiful."

Sheng Yuhua said seriously, making Sheng Ronghua laugh. He pinched her face gently and said angrily: "When you are well, you should be naughty. Go on a date with your Chu Kongqing. He has been here several times. "

"I'm going to make a call!"

Sheng Yuhua jumped up and ran downstairs to make a phone call. She couldn't wait to see Kong Qing.

Miss Six smiled and shook her head. Now this lively Xiao Qi is the real Xiao Qi. She is sick and lifeless, and the family has lost a bit of vitality.

Chu Kongqing received a call from her sweetheart. Listening to her lively and melodious voice, her face was full of smiles. They were both eager and made an appointment to meet at a nearby park.

Sheng Yuhua put on the sapphire blue cheongsam that Chu Kongqing made for her when she first received her salary. It cost her a month's salary. It was also her favorite cheongsam. She also put on makeup carefully and looked at the young girl in the mirror. Sheng Yuhua smiled and arched her eyebrows at her beautiful self. It was good to be young, and it would be better if Kong Qing was still alive.

Everything will get better, and she will try her best to change the original dead situation.

"Kong Qing, let me take a good look at you!"

Sheng Yuhua greedily touched her lover's face, so young, so handsome, so high-spirited, her face was hot, her heart was beating, Kong Qing was still alive now.

"We haven't seen each other for a few days and you miss me so much?"

Chu Kongqing chuckled a few times, feeling so soft that he didn't expect his girlfriend to miss him so much.

"Well, I miss you so much that I even dream about you. It makes my heart ache!"

Sheng Yuhua murmured, thinking about it all his life.

Chu Kongqing noticed something was wrong with her and was a little worried, "What's wrong with you? Are you still feeling unwell?"

"It's done. I just miss you, Kong Qing. Let's get married tomorrow, okay? Can we go and settle abroad?" Sheng Yuhua said eagerly.

She wants to take her lover away from this place of right and wrong. In this life, she wants to be selfish and live only for herself and Kong Qing.

Chu Kongqing frowned. Yuhua was very strange today, but he didn't think much about it. He thought it was because of illness, so he said softly: "Marriage is not a child's play. You can't just get married."

"Why not? I don't need a big banquet with guests, and I don't want Shili Hongzhuang, Kong Qing. I just want to marry you. How about we get a marriage certificate tomorrow, or go to Father Eugene to witness the marriage."

Father Eugene is an acquaintance of theirs and has a good relationship. He will definitely be willing to witness their marriage. Sheng Yuhua just wants to get married now. There is not much time left. She remembers that in one month, Kong Qing will join the flying team and will never return. .

"Yuhua, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Kongqing looked worried. Something was wrong with Yuhua now, as if she was afraid of something.

Sheng Yuhua calmed down a little, she acted too eager, she forced a smile, "I'm just a little scared, it's very chaotic outside, life and death happen every day, Kong Qing, I don't want to be separated from you, I want to be with you Husband and wife, I want to give you a child. We can live an ordinary life. I can wash my hands and make soup. I don’t need fancy clothes, hairpins, servants or a villa. I just want you, Kong Qing!”

Her biggest regret in the previous life was that she was the prefect and could not give birth to a child for Kong Qing. If she and Kong Qing's child had accompanied her, she would not have been alone in her life.

Chu Kongqing stretched out his hand and gently wiped the tears of the girl in front of him. His heart turned to water, and he almost wanted to agree.

But he can't.

Only when there is a country can there be a family. If the country is broken, where will the family be?

Nowadays, the country is facing a national crisis. As a Chinese, he must not stand idly by. He loves Yuhua, but he cannot watch his motherland being ravaged by foreign enemies and watch his compatriots die under enemy fire for the sake of his little family. , watching the great rivers and mountains being carved up and eaten away by those jackals.

He can't do it!

"Yuhua, I'm sorry, I can't promise you."

Chu Kongqing said it with difficulty. He had already signed up and would be selected into the flying team as expected. He had no intention of coming back alive. He might have let down his parents and loved ones.

He is not a good son, and he does not deserve Yuhua's love, but he still wants to go.

Sheng Yuhua's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and she asked in a voice, "You signed up, right? You're going to be a pilot, right?"

"How did you know?" Chu Kongqing looked surprised. He didn't even tell his parents.

Sheng Yuhua lost control of her emotions and cried and begged: "Please don't go. Can you be selfish for a moment? You have already done your loyalty. Can you think of your parents and me? If you are gone, what will we do?" live?"

Chu Kongqing was a little confused. When had he ever been loyal?

Today, Yuhua was acting strangely, and what he said did not match the preface and the subtext. Chu Kongqing comforted him for a long time, but he still did not let go. It was not that he did not love Yuhua, but that he had to protect his family and country in the face of insignificant love. That's the most important thing.

During this meeting, the young couple broke up unhappy. Sheng Yuhua complained that Chu Kongqing was too cruel, knowing that there was a dead end ahead, but she still moved forward without hesitation. However, she was proud of Kongqing. If her man had to shrink back when the enemy invaded, She will definitely look down on him as a turtle.

Sheng Yuhua was very torn in her heart. She loved Chu Kongqing's passionate bravery, but she didn't want him to sacrifice. What should she do?

After several nights of insomnia, Sheng Yuhua looked visibly haggard, her eyes were black and her complexion was not very good. Everyone in the family thought she was still ill, but Miss Sixth noticed something was wrong with her sister and came to talk to her.

"Sixth sister, Kong Qing is going to join the flying team. He will die. I advised him not to go, but he doesn't listen. What should I do?" Sheng Yuhua didn't hide anything. She and Sixth Sister talked about everything.

Miss Six frowned slightly, her eyes admiring, Xiao Qi did not fall in love with the wrong person, Chu Kongqing is a good man!

But she also felt sorry for Xiao Qi. Joining the flying team was doomed to a narrow escape. The enemy's fighter planes were very advanced, and domestic fighter planes were eliminated from abroad. Flying such a fighter plane into the sky would definitely be tragic. Chu Kongqing would probably never come back.

"Xiao Qi, if I were a man, I would be willing to replace Chu Kongqing in heaven." Miss Six said solemnly.

She often hates that she is not a man. In this world, it is too inconvenient for a woman to do something. If she were a man, she would definitely go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and she would not regret it even if she died on the battlefield.

Therefore, she admired Chu Kongqing and envied him.

Sheng Yuhua's heart sank, thinking of Sixth Sister's death. At this time, Sixth Sister had actually been infected with tuberculosis, but the symptoms were not obvious, just a few coughs. Sixth Sister did not take it seriously. In the previous life, she joined the flying team because of Kong Qing. I was worried every day, but did not notice that Sixth Sister's body was getting weaker and weaker, and she was not sent to the hospital until she became seriously ill.

"Sixth Sister, both you and Kong Qing are the most important people to me, nothing can happen to either of you." Sheng Yuhua said angrily.

Miss Six shook her head, "I'm telling the truth, Xiao Qi. I have always dreamed of going into battle to kill the enemy, chop off the heads of those jackals with my own hands, and avenge the tragic death of my compatriots. Unfortunately, I am too weak. Going into battle will drag down the soldiers." their hind legs.”

Seeing that Sheng Yuhua was in a bad mood, the Sixth Miss persuaded her again: "Xiaoqi, in today's troubled times, every Chinese citizen has the responsibility to protect their home and country. Chu Kongqing is a real hot-blooded good man. If he doesn't go to heaven to kill the enemy, So what if he lives? If the country dies, we will be the slaves of the country, and we will be lower than ants. What's the point of living?"

Sheng Yuhua's heart trembled, her eardrums felt like they were being struck by a heavy hammer, and she suddenly became conscious and a little ashamed.

"Sixth Sister, I know what to do."

Sheng Yuhua's eyes were firm and bright, and she clenched her fists.


I'll continue tomorrow. I haven't been in a good state these past few days. I'm still working on new articles. Good night.


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