80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1023: Really special mom relieved

"Mr. Police, this woman stole my money and beat me up like this!" Zhu Wei pointed at his eyebrows and yelled.

People from the Public Security Bureau didn't know Meimei. Although they sympathized with Meimei, there was nothing they could do. For the sake of cross-strait harmony, they would have to feel wronged for this beautiful little girl.

Meimei sneered: "Why didn't you say why I hit you!"

Zhu Wei's eyes flashed viciously and said: "Mr. Police, this woman saw that I came from Hong Kong, and deliberately asked me to invite her to dinner, and asked me to buy her jewelry. I didn't agree. She grabbed my wallet and called got me."

Aunt Tu shouted angrily, "Nonsense, Comrade Public Security, what's going on..."

She briefly explained what happened, and the staff looked at her eyebrows in surprise. She didn't expect such a beautiful little girl to be a writer. She really is a hero!

Out of respect for the sacred profession of a writer, the people from the Public Security Bureau were much more polite when questioning him, but Zhu Wei was bitten to death and did not let go.

"Comrade Zhao Mei, you beat up overseas compatriots and robbed money, which seriously damaged the harmony between the people on both sides of the strait. Please call your parents. Mr. Zhu Wei also asked for financial compensation, and you also need your parents' signature to go to the juvenile detention center. "

People in the Public Security Bureau are ruthless, sympathy is sympathy, and the principle is the principle. It involves Hong Kong compatriots and must be handled strictly.

There's nothing to talk about!

"Zhao Mei's father is presiding over an important meeting and entrusted me to come over to solve this matter."

An elegant man wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked into the Public Security Bureau. It was the secretary-general of the municipal government, Zhou. He smiled and made her not panic.

The people from the Public Security Bureau frowned and asked, "Who are you Zhao Mei? How can this kind of thing be entrusted to someone else?"

At this moment, the phone rang, and the older policeman in charge of the case answered the phone, his expression soon became serious, and he looked at his brows in surprise.

"Yes, Chief, rest assured, I will handle this case impartially and never let the people suffer any grievances!" The older policeman raised his head high and said loudly.

The tone of the other police officers is wrong. If they really want to deal with it fairly, they have to arrest the Hong Konger surnamed Zhu!

Obviously, this surnamed Zhu is uneasy and kind and wants to take advantage of the little girl, but the problem is that they can't handle it impartially!

Secretary-General Zhou said unhurriedly: "Is the case clear? Can I take Zhao Mei home?"

"Understood, thank Comrade Zhao Mei for supporting our work. Don't worry, we will never let the bad guys go unpunished." The policeman said with a smile.

Meimei held back her laughter, and she also accepted it. At present, Zhu Wei can only suffer a small loss. After all, the environment is like this. If there is a big problem, it will not be good for Zhao Yinghua's career~www.readwn.com~Zhou Uncle, let's go! "

Meimei took a deep look at Zhu Wei, not in a hurry, it will take a long time to come to Japan, and there will always be a time to teach this pig brother a lesson in the future.

Zhu Wei was stunned for a while, and when he saw that Meimei had walked out of the public security station, he finally came to his senses and scolded angrily, "Hey, why did you let her go? Why don't you leave her alone..."

The older policeman gave his subordinate a wink, and his subordinate hurriedly took Zhu Wei, who was yelling, to the temporary detention center, where he could be considered quiet.

"What's the matter with the captain? Why did you let the girl go? He even locked up the Hong Kong guests, aren't you afraid of the director's approval?"

"It was the director who called just now, and asked me to rectify this man named Zhu a little."

"Why? Could it be... what's the origin of this Zhao Mei?" The subordinate quickly thought of the key.

"The daughter of a high-ranking city official, what's your origin?"

"Fuck... No wonder you dare to beat up Hong Kong people... I'm really relieved..."

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