80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1024: why are flowers so red

In the evening, Zhao Yinghua came home from get off work and asked Meimei about the daytime affairs. She was furious and immediately called the police chief.

"I'm Zhao Yinghua, that Hong Kong bastard, treat him well for me, make sure he remembers it deeply, and never dare to set foot in Tianjin again!"

Zhao Yinghua pulled out a wicked smile on his lips, bastard, dare to beat his daughter's idea!

Not even the President of the United States!

His brows were warm, but he was still a little worried, "Dad, why don't you think about it, I beat up this guy surnamed Zhu so hard today, and I've already vented my anger, but don't ruin your reputation because of such a person."

Zhao Yinghua didn't care, and smiled: "Daughter, you look down on your father, how could such a small role affect your father? Don't worry, father will definitely vent his anger for you and let him know why Hua'er is so popular... "

Zhu Wei, who was transferred to the detention center, looked desperately at the burly men in the same room, his heart was as cold as ice!

And he also found a fact sadly -

Whether it is in Hong Kong or inland, the prisons are all the same as the rules of the rivers and lakes!

Mr. Lin didn't make a move, and Meimei didn't rush him. Anyway, she was sure that Lin Zhenguo's uncle and nephew were at the end of the road, and there was no other choice but her.

Ouyang Shanshan was also honest, probably because Huang Yulian had educated her. When the girl saw Meimei, she took the initiative to retreat, but she didn't dare to lift her eyebrows at all.

As for Wu Yue, Mei Mei is not so easy to let go, but she still remembers three years ago, when Wu Yue stirred up discord in front of Heliance and caused her to be whipped by a pervert!

Mei Shuhan seldom went back to Jin City in the past three years, and she didn't go to see Mei's mother, but she heard that it was very good. Mei Shuhan was a dutiful son, and he hired two people to take care of his mother. As for Mei Shuhan's father.

Mei Mei frowned when she thought of the man who was addicted to alcohol and gambling all day long. In her previous life, Mei Shuhan's father died not long after she married Mei Shuhan.

He died a disgraceful death. He drank too much wine in the winter, fell into the ditch in a confused way, and froze to death.

This time he is still alive and well!

Wu Yue was in a very good mood, her brows and eyes were full of spring. Yesterday, after Han Boyuan invited her to eat ice, he invited her to watch a movie again. It was a love movie.

But what really made her shy was that the hand that Han Boyuan reached over intentionally or unintentionally touched her hand, it was hot, wet, and a little rough...

She can't remember what the movie said, only the warm hands~www.readwn.com~ After the movie ended, Han Boyuan also invited her to go to Phoenix Mountain for a picnic this weekend, only the two of them...

Wu Yue felt that Han Boyuan definitely liked her. Although she was not from Ouyang Shanshan's family background, she Ouyang Shanshan was beautiful, she was sensible, and she was innocent...

It was inevitable for Han Boyuan to choose her. If she were a man, it would be impossible to choose Ouyang Shanshan!

If she can get hold of Han Boyuan... Wu Yue smiled smugly, thinking about marrying Han Boyuan in the future and becoming the envy of everyone, the smile on her face almost overflowed.

But soon her smile froze again, thinking of her current situation, Wu Yue couldn't help frowning.

He Biyun is now staying at home every day, and her stepfather and stepbrother have dark faces all day long, and she also accuses Sang of scolding Huai. She lives at home like a year.

Although she was reluctant, Wu Yue could only go home because she had nowhere to go.

He Biyun was cooking in the communal kitchen. His stepfather and stepbrother closed the stall early, sitting in the living room with a dark face, blowing the fan, and seeing Wu Yue's eyes was a little strange.

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