80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1025: Wu Yue's pain

"Yueyue is back, sit down and let the wind blow, it's been a hard day studying!"

Her stepfather greeted her warmly, smiling, as did her stepbrother, an idle second-rate. !

Wu Yue's heart skipped a beat, but she was always diligent, either a traitor or a thief. What did these two want to do?

Because of the alertness in her heart, when she went to bed at night, Wu Yue did not dare to sleep too deeply. Between half-dreaming and half-awakening, she felt that her body was heavy, and someone was taking off her clothes, so she woke up immediately and saw her body clearly in the moonlight people.

"What do you want to do?"

The man Wu Yue was so frightened that she wanted to push her away was her step-brother Song Baoliang, that disgusting second-rate.

Song Baoliang didn't panic, and looked at her with a smile, "Don't be afraid, my sister, my brother will take good care of you..."

"You go away... If you don't go away, I will call someone..."

Wu Yue is already an adult, and it is when her heart is sprouting, she immediately understands Song Baoliang's dirty thoughts, both anger and disgust.

Song Baoliang didn't take Wu Yue's warning seriously at all, and smiled proudly: "Just call, who is the one who is embarrassed when you see it..."

Wu Yue's heart sank to the bottom, seeing Song Baoliang getting closer and closer, she could feel the heat exhaled by this man, which was extremely disgusting.


Wu Yue rushed to the next room and shouted, hoping that He Biyun would come to save her.

Song Baoliang smiled, "Your mother told me to clean up like a fairy, like a dead man, I can't wake up from thunder!"

Wu Yue called out a few more times, but He Biyun didn't respond, but her stepfather's voice came, "Stop talking nonsense, it's important to do things quickly!"

Song Baoliang laughed and jumped on Wu Yue, covering her mouth, and the monkey hurriedly tore off her clothes...

"Good sister, you're from brother, I'll buy you new clothes..."

Wu Yue couldn't stop struggling, but where could she earn the young and strong Song Baoliang? After a while, her clothes were stripped naked, and the beautiful body of the girl appeared in the moonlight, so beautiful that people couldn't open her eyes. straight.


Wu Yue looked at the man who was pounced on her in desperation. The touch of the man only made her feel sick, not as beautiful and heart-warming as Han Boyuan.

When the piercing pain came, Wu Yue stopped struggling, closed her eyes, and didn't want to look at the man lying on her side again, tears flowed down.

Her most precious thing is gone...

Why is it her?

Wu Yue opened her eyes again, and looked coldly at the man who was still shaking her body.

She will definitely make them pay, she will!

All who hurt her must die!

Meimei was not sleepy~www.readwn.com~ She simply opened the window and held her cheeks to admire the moon, but her eyes looked around from time to time.

Why haven't you come yet?

Meimei waited for a long time, yawning, tears welling up, but she still didn't wait for the person she wanted. She raised her wrist and looked at it, it was almost ten o'clock.

"I hate it, it's not worth talking about, hum, wait, go to sleep!"

Meimei pouted and muttered in a low voice. Someone who had just reached the sewer could hear clearly, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he gently tugged at the tail of the white dumpling on his shoulders, and Qiuqiu glared at him. Eyes, the body is vertical, and then rushed to the eyebrows who are about to close the window.

"Qiuqiu...Baby, you miss your sister, why did you come back by yourself?"

The eyebrows turned anger into joy, but the person in the heart did not wait, but waited for the baby pet, and the mood was still very good.

"It's still Qiuqiu, you have a conscience, you're not like some black heart..." Meimei hugged Qiuqiu with emotion, and a voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Who is the black heart talking about, eh?"

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