80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1026: climb the wall again

Meimei raised her head in surprise, Yan Mingshun looked at her with a smile, jumped slightly, and hugged her, the beauty was already in her arms.

"I told you..."

The eyebrows hooked the man's neck contentedly, seeming to be happy and annoyed, hooking the man's heart, and even thinking about it, he printed the red lips that he thought about day and night.


It seemed like a long time ago, when the eyebrows were about to suffocate, Yan Mingshun let go of her, looked at her with a smile, but his hands slid towards her dishonestly.


Meimei patted it angrily, and said angrily, "...don't touch it...you will feel uncomfortable after a while..."

Yan Mingshun felt uncomfortable every time after being dishonest. She looked anxious. Yan Mingshun looked at her wrist, frowning slightly. She has to learn tomorrow. girl!

Tomorrow night he will come earlier...

Seeing Yan Mingshun withdrew his hand obediently, Meimei breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little lost.

"Brother Mingshun, how long can you stay this time?" Meimei looked at Yan Mingshun hopefully.

"About half a month."

Meimei smiled suddenly, "The old pervert is very merciful, I will give you so many days off." Suddenly, her smile disappeared, and she asked, "The old pervert will not introduce you to girls again, right?"

Seeing the nervousness on the girl's face, Yan Mingshun couldn't help laughing, and gently pinched his nose, "With you, a lioness, who would dare to approach me!"

Meimei rolled her eyes at him arrogantly, and hummed, "Anyway, you are not allowed to talk to other women, you can only talk to me."

Yan Mingshun rarely sees this jealous little girl, she is full of vitality, where is the poor little girl when she was a child.

The two talked for a while, and the cooperation between Meimei Jiang and Xingxing Publishing House was discussed. Yan Mingshun didn't care too much, "You are happy with Meimei, but lawyer Ma must be present when signing the contract."

Lawyer Ma was carefully selected by him. He used to be Xiao Meng's comrade-in-arms. After retiring, he was admitted to law school. Now he is a very good lawyer. With lawyer Ma raising his head, Yan Mingshun is very relieved.

"Well, Brother Mingshun, let me tell you, I took Ouyang Shanshan a few days ago..."

Meimei happily told Ouyang Shanshan that she had taught her a lesson, and Zhu Wei also said that Yan Mingshun didn't care about Ouyang Shanshan, but when he heard that Zhu Wei was coveting his woman, his eyes changed instantly. Dark, but quickly returned to normal.

"Heliance's action is quite big, Meimei, the Zhao family may be out of luck."

Yan Mingshun's expression is very serious~www.readwn.com~ He thinks it's better to tell Meimei about this kind of thing, so that she can be prepared.

Meimei raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Is the big boss down?"

It is said that Mr. Zhao is now the confidant of the big boss. As long as there is no handle left outside, the Zhao family should be fine, but now...

Yan Mingshun shook his head and said, "The problem lies with your second uncle. Heliance caught your second uncle's handle."

"What handle?"

"Zhao Yingying embezzled military salaries, and the amount is very large." Yan Mingshun said.

Meimei's eyes widened in disbelief, Zhao Yingying embezzled money?

How can it be?

Zhao Yingying and Han Suqin should not live too frugally. Food and clothing are extremely simple. They have lived like this for decades. If Zhao Yingying embezzles military salaries, what will he use the money for?

"Zhao Yingxiong is a frequent visitor to the first club. He spends a lot of money, and has a fixed lover. He lives a very luxurious life." Yan Mingshun explained, his eyebrows widened.

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