80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1034: Just be careful

"Brother Mingshun..."

Yan Mingshun closed the car door and was about to go to the cab when Wu Yue ran over, panting, sweating on his forehead, and his face was not very good-looking. (..)

The brows that were already in the car tightened, and he immediately stuck his head out, shouting at Wu Yue, "What are you doing here?"

Wu Yue ignored her and pleaded with Yan Mingshun: "Brother Mingshun, I'm not feeling well, can you please take me home, I really can't walk."

Meimei clenched her hands into fists and looked at Yan Mingshun nervously, for fear that he would nod. After all, Wu Yue was Wu Zhengsi's daughter, and Wu Zhengsi was Yan Mingshun's former teacher.

Although it's not a big deal to only take a road, but she doesn't want her man to have a little relationship with Wu Yue, she is careful.

Yan Mingshun could see at a glance that Wu Yue was indeed very uncomfortable. It was not a fake. Yan Mingshun couldn't help raising the corner of his lips.

"I still have something urgent. I don't have time to take you home. Why don't you call a taxi yourself."

Yan Mingshun politely rejected Wu Yue, and without looking at her red eyes, he closed the door, started the car, and galloped away.

There are so many taxis on the main road, and Wuyue is not short of money. If you really don't want to walk, you can hire a taxi. Why bother to take his car!

He didn't want to overturn the little princess' vinegar jar, and he wanted to kiss Fang Ze more in the evening!

Glancing to the right, the girl's brows and eyes were curved, and the smile on her face was undisguised. He couldn't help but smile and joked: "So happy?"

Meimei hummed a few times, and her small white eyes flew beautifully, and the smile on the corner of her lips deepened. Yan Mingshun lowered his voice and joked: "I'm doing so well, is there any reward?"

"This is your duty as a boyfriend, what reward do you want for doing your job well, hum!" Meimei raised her chin arrogantly, with a small face, but it took less than a minute to break the merits. Laugh to yourself.

It wasn't until the car was no longer visible that Wu Yue turned around slowly, bloodshot from biting her lips, she didn't feel any pain, she was already numb.

Are Yan Mingshun and Zhao Mei dating?

When did they get together?

Wu Yue couldn't help frowning. It seemed that Yan Mingshun was doing well in the army. He was already driving, so he must be an officer!

She was almost moved just now, Yan Mingshun but Han Boyuan looked much better, he was so handsome, and he was an officer with a good future. Although he was a little wealthy, he could be considered a good son-in-law.

Wu Yue stretched out her hand to call for a taxi, and took a taxi home for three dollars. It seemed that this money could not be saved. It was all to blame for Zhao Mei. After getting into the car, Wu Yue quickly recovered from her confusion. The idea was heartbroken, and it disappeared in an instant.

He is good-looking and can't be eaten as a meal. No matter how good Yan Mingshun is in the army, he can't be promoted to that circle, right?

Zhao Mei is also stupid, so many boys in that circle are not looking for, but Yan Mingshun, who is outside the circle, is a stupid pig!

Wu Yue was inexplicably in a good mood, but she sincerely hoped that Mei Mei and Yan Mingshun would be together all the time, so that she would be the daughter-in-law of an aristocratic family in the future, but Zhao Mei could only marry low, and no matter what, she could not get past her!

Thinking that Zhao Mei will bow down in front of her in the future, Wu Yue is not in a good mood, and she has temporarily forgotten the humiliation last night.

Just returned home, but found that the whole family was there, the atmosphere was rare and harmonious, and He Biyun's face had a lot of smiles, Wu Yue was alert, and she didn't know what the father and son wanted to do.

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