80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1035: Fertilizer and water do not flow to outsiders' fields

Wu Yue's stepfather greeted Wu Yue with a smile and sat down. Song Baoliang smiled diligently, with silver light flashing in his eyes. Last night was the happiest time in his life, and he had lived in vain for the past twenty years. !

No wonder his brothers said that the most beautiful thing in the world is to sleep with a woman, especially a beautiful woman.

His cheap sister is beautiful enough, has a good figure, and is a high-profile student. His brothers' women are dozens of times stronger. As long as he marries Wu Yue as his wife, he will definitely be able to straighten his back in front of his brothers in the future.

Song Baoliang winked at his father, Wu Yue's stepfather understood it, put a piece of beef in sauce for Wu Yue, and filled He Biyun with wine, Wu Yue's scalp tightened, and the scene from last night was repeated.

She hated that iron could not become steel and looked at He Biyun, and at a critical time, her mother didn't have to be there at all.

"Mom, stop drinking. Too much alcohol is bad for your health."

Wu Yue wanted to take back the wine glass in He Biyun's hand. In the past three years, He Biyun not only became vulgar, but also became addicted to alcohol.

He Biyun avoided impatiently and drank a glass of wine contentedly. It was bottled wine for two yuan a bottle. In the past, she could only afford bulk wine, most of which were mixed with alcohol, which was not good at all. Gotta have a drink.

Wu Yue couldn't persuade He Biyun, and she hated her heartily. She ate in a hurry, and excused her discomfort, she went to the room early, locked the door, and moved the table against it.

Last night, she was careless and thought she was bitten by a dog. Today, there is absolutely no way she will let this **** Song Baoliang take advantage of her!

He Biyun was already drunk, Wu Yue's stepfather brought her some vegetables, sighed deliberately, and said something about the difficult family situation, He Biyun didn't hear it until he said that he was going to let Wu Yue drop out of school and go home to sell fish. , He Biyun was alert.

"No, Yueyue wants to go to university."

He Biyun has a big tongue, but his expression is still firm.

The man changed the subject and sneered: "Then you find a way to marry Baoliang, my son is twenty-five years old, and I can't even get the dowry, I still want to hug my grandson, Yueyue is no more to learn, save it. Money for her brother to marry a daughter-in-law."

He Biyun's brain poisoned by alcohol was not functioning well. It took a long time to understand what the man meant. He wanted her daughter to drop out of school. He Biyun kept shaking his head and said no.

The man rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I have a good way to get the best of both worlds. Baoliang can marry a daughter-in-law, and Yueyue doesn't need to drop out of school."

He Biyun's cloudy eyes lit up, and he asked the man to quickly explain the solution. The man smiled complacently and said, "This is not easy, Yueyue is not too young, so let her marry Baoliang, let's kiss each other, it's a family anyway. People, fat water doesn't flow into the fields of outsiders!"

Wu Yue, who was eavesdropping on the door panel~www.readwn.com~ was so angry that she burst into tears. What a shameless thing, she actually hit such a dirty idea!

Song Baoliang, that bastard, he dares to think about it?


He Biyun blinked, but couldn't turn her head around again, she just kept saying, "Yueyue wants to go to college..."

The man coaxed: "You can go to college if you get married with Baoliang. As long as she passes the test, I'll give it up for sure!"

He Biyun's mind jolted, and finally woke up. He looked at the man fiercely, and then looked at Song Baoliang next to him, and slapped the backhand.

"What kind of thing are you, just because you want to marry my family Yueyue? Bah, the toad wants to eat swan meat and have your spring and autumn daydreams..."

He Biyun's eyes were bloodshot, so he picked up the stool and smashed it down at Song Baoliang, but fortunately Song Baoliang avoided it nimbly.

Wu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, her back was cold.

She can't stay in this house anymore, she must find a way to leave!

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