80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1055: Want to come back?

In the past, Wu Yue had excellent grades and was outstanding, and could win glory for Wu Zhengsi. He naturally glanced at Wu Yue Gao, but now Wu Yue's grades are rotten, and it would be shameful to say it out. He really doesn't want to see this daughter. !

Wu Zhengsi also figured out that his daughter is not a son. He decided to have a good son with Ruan Baohui. He would have a good life and cultivate him. In the future, he will be able to honor his ancestors and his nephew Wu Chao.

Thinking of his eldest brother's family, Wu Zhengsi couldn't help shaking his head. His excellent eldest brother was considered broken. He borrowed alcohol all day long to relieve his worries.

What a pity!

Wu Yue secretly hated in her heart, hated Wu Zhengsi's ruthless cold-bloodedness, no matter how much she hated He Biyun, she always had your blood flowing through her body. Is she so indifferent?

"Dad, I miss you, come and see you." Wu Yue said timidly, her eyes only had the admiration and longing for her father.

Wu Zhengsi's heart couldn't help softening. After all, it was his biological father and daughter. He used to hold it in his hand, and it was a pain in his hand. .

Ruan Baohui's eyes flashed slightly, and she said with a smile, "You are Yueyue, right? I heard about you early in the morning, and you are indeed a beautiful little girl. Look at this smart and energetic girl, she must have good grades in school, right?"

Wu Zhengsi's face sank slightly, and his heart instantly hardened.

"There's nothing to see, but if you have this time, you should spend more time studying, and don't get shady grades in the test again." Wu Zhengsi scolded him sharply, making no secret of his disgust.

Ruan Baohui's eyes flashed with pride, but she couldn't let Wu Yue's return go so smoothly. The things Yu Lian explained have not been done yet!

Of course, even if Wu Yue is back, she will never get a cent of Wu Zhengsi's property, it's all her and her son's!

Wu Yue's tongue was bitter. She knew that if there was a woman like Ruan Baohui, she would definitely go to great lengths to destroy it. She did it on purpose!

"Dad, Uncle Song doesn't let me study, he wants me to get married, and he beats me... woo... Dad, can you pick me up?"

Thinking of the humiliation that night, Wu Yue's tears streamed down, and finally turned into a howl.

She can only swallow the bitter fruit herself, no one can tell, but she hates it so much!

Wu Zhengsi's brows furrowed even tighter. That fisherman with the surname was really audacious. Wu Yue paid for his studies and living expenses. Where did he get the qualification to sell the fisherman?

"I know how to cry, what's the use of crying!" Wu Zhengsi roared, with a look of disgust.

Spending so much money to pay for a scumbag to come out, it is a loss-making business, but he has to continue to invest, how can he be in a happy mood!

Ruan Baohui hurriedly said, "Don't be angry if you are thinking~www.readwn.com~ I can't blame Yueyue for this, it's her stepfather who is wrong. Don't worry about your busy work. I will go to Yueyue's stepfather tomorrow and talk to her, I will definitely not let Yueyue A month off from school."

Wu Zhengsi smiled with satisfaction. He liked Ruan Baohui's understanding, and he didn't need to say many things. Ruan Baohui could understand, and he was indeed his Jie Yuhua.

It's not like the previous He Biyun, who is a elm knot, and a crazy woman, no wonder she gave birth to such a shameful daughter Wu Yue!

After being interrupted by Ruan Baohui, Wu Yue said that Wu Zhengsi should take her back, but it was over, Wu Zhengsi didn't even mention it, and only asked Wu Yue to go home quickly.

"Zhengsi, you are busy, I will send Yueyue home, after all..."

Ruan Baohui's eyes wandered, and she was full of charm. Wu Zhengsi swallowed. How could she refuse, she just thought that Ruan Baohui knew the whole thing, and she deserved to be from everyone.

Wu Yue didn't know what Ruan Baohui was thinking, so she watched her car without saying a word.

"Want to come back?" Ruan Baohui asked suddenly.

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