80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1056: fish take the bait

Wu Yue raised her head and looked at the charming woman in front of her. In fact, He Biyun was not much younger than He Biyun. I heard that she was already a fourth-year-old man, but she looked in her thirties. !

Moreover, she heard that Ruan Baohui had been divorced twice before, and they were all third-hand goods, but who would have a decent job and a good father!

Ruan Baohui herself is a well-known host of Tianjin TV station. She has a talk show under her name, and the ratings are good. Besides, she is also a well-known painter, and she is very popular in the art world. After all, she is the daughter of the secretary general of the National Painting and Calligraphy Association. Well!

That's right, Ruan Baohui is Ruan Huacai's youngest daughter and Huang Yulian's best friend.

Wu Yue didn't understand what Ruan Baohui meant by asking this question. Didn't this woman always want her to go back?

She looked at Ruan Baohui vigilantly and didn't answer anything.

Ruan Baohui covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "Do you think I'm uneasy and kind? Haha, you really think too much, let me tell you honestly, it doesn't matter if you come back or not, I don't need to be afraid of you, a little girl. Bar!"

Wu Yue didn't believe what she said too much, she still didn't speak, and listened to what this woman said.

Ruan Baohui didn't need her to answer, and continued: "Actually, it's your father who doesn't want you to come back, not me."

She paused and laughed softly, "You don't believe it? What good is it for me to lie to you, I don't want to take the blame again, as long as your father is willing, I raise my hands to welcome you back!"

"You must be telling the truth? How could my father not recognize me? You must be behind the scenes!"

Wu Yue didn't want to endure it any longer. Why should this woman show off her power in front of her, and why should she say that she was rejected by her father!

Ruan Baohui shrugged and blurted out: "Because you are He Biyun's daughter, don't you know that the people your father hates most are He Biyun and Yan Xinya, as long as He Biyun is still your mother or your guardian, your father is I won't take you back, and Yan Xinya is in his heart... Alas, I'm just talking nonsense, don't take it seriously..."

She covered her mouth in panic, and kept saying that she was talking nonsense, and told Wu Yue not to take it to heart.

"I said it casually... Yueyue, you have heard it, don't worry, I will persuade your father one day!"

Ruan Baohui stopped talking after that, and just concentrated on driving. She glanced at Wu Yue, who had a gloomy look, and the corner of her mouth raised slightly.

She doesn't care about He Biyun's life or death, but she cares about Yan Xinya!

She knows the grievances between her father and the Yan family. Yan Xinya is a thorn in her and her father's heart~www.readwn.com~ Only by pulling it out can she feel comfortable.

That's why when Huang Yulian came to her to discuss the plan, Ruan Baohui complied with all her might. Anyway, it was just a lip service. It's better if you succeed, but it's no big deal if you fail.

Wu Yue got out of the car in despair, and even forgot Ruan Baohui's farewell, and went home with a heavy heart.

Ruan Baohui smiled smugly, took out the pager and sent a message to Huang Yulian: The fish has been hooked.

Soon Huang Yulian came back: waiting for good news.

Ruan Baohui smiled knowingly. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Although she can't see Huang Yulian, they have a common enemy, and she is the wife of her boss. Naturally, they must have a good relationship.

Meimei accompanies Yan Xinya to watch TV on weekends. Zhao Yinghua is still in a meeting. I don't know when I will be back. There are only two of them at home. She is lying on the sofa and pillowing on her mother's sweet thigh. Comfortable, but also let Zhao Yinghua not jealous.

"...Huh...Mom, press it back, press it to the Tianjin TV station!" Meimei called out to Yan Xinya who pressed the remote control.

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