80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1167: have doubts

The old lady's condition is dangerous day by day, she has been put on a ventilator, and even if Hua Tuo dies again, she will be helpless. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

The Zhao family fell into grief, the atmosphere was very dull, it seemed to be in mud, which made people extremely uncomfortable. Meimei didn't want to stay at home. Facing the embarrassed faces of Zhao Xuehai and the others, they simply went to Xiao's house to play bleak during the day. It's a pity that the king and the queen mother are not there, and it's a little less fun.

"It seems that you have to wait for your old lady to return to heaven before you can return to Tianjin City." Xiao Se said.

Meimei nodded depressedly, and whispered in her ear: "It's really frustrating to drag it like this. According to me, it's better to pull out the ventilator and give her a good time."

She heard TV reports in her previous life that wearing a ventilator is very painful. The patient can't speak, but his consciousness is clear. The family members can't understand the feeling of wanting to die but not being able to die. That's why euthanasia is proposed abroad. , but it is illegal in China.

Now the old lady just hangs herself on the ventilator. As soon as the straw is pulled out, she will die immediately, but no one dares to say this.

Doctors dare not, Meimei dare not!

Only the old man is qualified to mention it, but he still wants to rely on the old lady to test the eyebrows. How can he bring it up when the old lady is too busy?

"Your Zhao family is really a dragon pool and a tiger's den. According to me, none of them are good." Xiao Se was very disdainful.

Meimei agreed. Although Zhao Yingyong and the others did not get involved, from the beginning to the end, only An Yafang reminded him of a vague word, and there was no other action.

"Anyway, when the old lady returns to heaven, I will go back to Jin City. It would be better if you don't come here in Kyoto, and I won't be able to deal with them." Meimei said her plan.

Xiao Se frowned, thinking that her friend was so useless, but thinking of that crazy Heliance, she felt that it was indeed better not to come, who knows when that guy went crazy!

"This time your Zhao family is unlucky. I think the happiest person is Ouyang Shanshan. You have to be careful when you return to Tianjin City." Xiao Se reminded.

"Don't be afraid, you forgot that I still have a photo of her in my hand!" Meimei winked at her friend, and Xiao Se remembered the photo she took three years ago, and smiled clearly.

Heliance had been observing the Zhao family, and Mr. Zhao's words and demeanor could not be concealed from him.

"Old Zhao asked Zhao Mei to save the old woman? Isn't he crazy?" Heliance only thought it was funny, but soon he couldn't laugh anymore~www.readwn.com~ his expression was condensed.

He thought of Qiuqiu, that rare white-haired squirrel, quite spiritual, not like a common thing, and he also thought of something Ouyang Xiong told him, saying that Zhao Mei, this little slut, would use poison, Han Boyuan was inexplicably made by her to be like a wooden man. He was in the first club three years ago, didn't he also follow this little bitch's way?

It seems that Zhao Mei really has a secret!

Maybe there is a magic medicine that can prolong one's life. Thinking of this possibility, Heliance suddenly became excited. Ning Chenxuan's obsession was to live longer than that old man, but his uncle was not in good health. Just shit.

If he can find out the secrets of Zhao Mei and let his uncle live longer, if his uncle is happy, he should not object to him and Mei Shuhan!

Heliance had a plan in his mind, beckoned to call for his subordinates, and ordered to go on, with a sinister smile on his face. ..

The old man Zhao is so stupid that he is going to die, so how could the old woman Zhao Mei care?

As long as Zhao Mei really has the elixir, she will definitely show her legs!

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