80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1168: good things come in pairs

Huang Yulian learned that the situation in Kyoto was changing, she was happier than anyone else, and the Zhao family was unlucky!

It's been a lot of fun lately!

It's just a pity, He Biyun's useless, the one who should be killed didn't die, but the idle people and others were killed happily. It's a pity that such a good piece was wasted. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā

But it doesn't matter, she doesn't have to be afraid of the Zhao family anymore, Zhao Yinghua's position as the leader should also be replaced, and she will have a chance to kill that little **** Zhao Mei in the future!

Ouyang Shanshan is happier than Huang Yulian, but she can be regarded as getting rid of Zhao Mei who stepped on her head to make a fortune. It's a pity that this **** is in Kyoto, otherwise she will humiliate Zhao Mei severely and go out. Evil in my heart.

"Shanshan, hurry up and pack up, let's go to Kyoto."

Good news always comes in pairs, Ouyang Shanshan just regretted not being able to humiliate Zhao Mei in time, Huang Yulian then informed her to go to Kyoto, saying that it was a call from OnePlus Publishing House, saying that it was from Hong Kong. The signing will be postponed and will be held in Kyoto first.

Ouyang Shanshan is extremely excited. As long as the signing event is successful, she will be famous all over the world and become a world-famous writer. How can Zhao Mei compare to her!

When she goes to Kyoto, she must step on Zhao Mei's foot, let her know what it means to have the last laugh is the winner!

As for whether there will be people coming to support the signing party, Ouyang Shanshan is not worried at all, Huang Yulian has already arranged it, and she is talented and beautiful, and her family background is superior, who doesn't worship her?

How could no one come to buy the book?

I'm afraid I won't even be able to squeeze it out by then!

This Zhao Yinghua replied to the old man, only that Meimei couldn't save the old lady.

"Dad, you are really whimsical. How can Meimei cure Mom, or I'll go find Doctor Gu. Xinya was treated by Doctor Gu back then."

Although Zhao Yinghua had doubts in his heart, he would never betray his daughter. Today's old man made him unpredictable and could not see his father's thoughts, which made him vigilant.

He knew what happened to his daughter during this period of time. The selfishness and viciousness of Zhao Yingying and his wife and the old lady made him resentful.

And he was also angry at the old man's inaction. If it wasn't for his daughter's cleverness, and Yan Mingshun's escort, I'm afraid that his daughter would be more miserable than Han Suqin.

Even if his niece can really save the old lady, Zhao Yinghua will not let Meimei take action~www.readwn.com~ The old lady's life limit is up, let her return to the west in peace, but don't harm his family Meimei again!

As for Dr. Gu, it is the gynecological master introduced by Yan Mingshun. His medical skills are really good, but his whereabouts are uncertain. ..

Moreover, this guy seems to have a deep relationship with his father-in-law and mother-in-law. The origin is very mysterious, and he can't find out anything, but he is definitely not the enemy.

He also deliberately brought up Doctor Gu to divert the old man's attention. As far as his mother's situation was concerned, how could he wait for the old man to find Doctor Gu!

The old man took a deep look at Zhao Yinghua and sighed, "I know your family has a grudge against your mother, but Yinghua, you have to remember that she is the mother who gave birth to you and raised you after all!"

Zhao Yinghua's heart was sour, but it was more sarcasm, she couldn't help saying: "I think of her as a mother, but does she think of me as a son? As long as she has my son in her heart, she will not drug my daughter. , and send her to the perverted hands of Heliance, she is trying to force my daughter to death!"

The old man looked at the angry back of his younger son and sighed again, but he still didn't give up, he just wanted to think of a good way to really test his granddaughter's ability!

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