80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1169: ups and downs

Yan Mingshun received the news that He Lianqing personally called him. [WWw.SuiMеng.lā

"That stupid girl in your family is in a bad situation..." He Lianqing said with a schadenfreude, telling Heliance and Old Man Zhao's thoughts.

Yan Mingshun frowned, he knew that one day the potion would not be able to hide it, but he didn't guess that the first person to be suspicious would be Mr. Zhao, and he also attracted the evil wolf Heliance.

Fortunately, they are still only suspicious, as long as they can't get the real evidence, Meimei is not in danger.

"You finish the task quickly, pack up and go back to Kyoto. If you don't come and sell your stupid girl, I won't take action." Helianqing said in a high voice, with a look of disgust, and Xiaomeng behind him twitched. corners of the mouth.

The duplicity of Mr. is really getting more and more serious.

Yan Mingshun's heart sank, and he asked tentatively, "I'm only afraid that I will face Heliance this time..."

"It's right, it's right, is it possible that you are still afraid of that evil obstacle? If you are afraid, tell Lao Tzu as soon as possible, and Lao Tzu will replace him immediately..."

Helianqing got angry inexplicably, and murmured a lot, to the effect that if you, Yan Mingshun, dare not fight against Heliance, he will change his son.

Yan Mingshun sighed helplessly and reminded: "Foster father, you said before that I was young and not suitable for confrontation with Heliance."

He Lianqing was stunned for a while, remembering that he seemed to have said such a sentence, who knows when he said it, and he scolded angrily: "I'm talking about fledgling, don't tell me you haven't grown your hair yet? "

"Of course it's all grown up, don't worry, foster father, I'll be back in Kyoto in three days."

Yan Mingshun replied respectfully, but Mao always felt that there was something wrong with what he said!

He Lianqing was very satisfied and issued the latest instructions, "Give me some energy to clean up, my son is definitely a hundred times stronger than that evil barrier, and he can't lose his momentum."

Yan Mingshun hung up the phone and pondered, thinking that if the scourge of Zhao Yingying was resolved, he would be able to calm down. If you are not careful, you will be involved in it, and it will be irreversible.

But with him there, it will never hurt a single hair on the eyebrows! ..

"Conclude as soon as possible, and return to the capital in three days." Yan Mingshun gave instructions, with a grim expression, looking forward to the head-to-head confrontation with Heliance, with faint excitement.

Three days later~www.readwn.com~Kyoto Airport

Huang Yulian and Ouyang Shanshan came out, complacent. After three years, they can be considered homecoming!

"Mom, grandma, won't she let us in?" Ouyang Shanshan was a little timid. She still remembered the curse of Mrs. Ouyang three years ago.

Huang Yulian sneered: "Don't worry, you are now a famous writer in the country. How much glory you have brought to the Ouyang family, it's too late for your grandma to flatter you!"

Only then did Ouyang Shanshan let go of her heart. She couldn't stop her smug smile. That's right, what family wouldn't hold on to a girl as good as her?

The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled, beckoned a taxi in high spirits, and set off towards the compound.

I heard that Mrs. Zhao is dying, of course they have to express their sadness, and this time they are returning home, they naturally have to live in the compound, so it’s better to block Zhao Mei every day!

Huang Yulian's mother and daughter just left, and Mei Shuhan also left the airport on the back. He came back secretly. He also heard about the Zhao family. He wanted to come back to see the situation of Meimei and see if he could help. .

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