80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1194: Old loyal dog

In fact, Zhao Yinghua himself can't understand, how did Yan Mingshun suddenly become Ming Shao?

Of course, this can explain why Yan Mingshun has gained so many mysterious powers in the past three years, but he is very puzzled—

When did this kid hook up with Helianqing?

Could it be Helianqing's illegitimate child? ..

Zhao Yinghua quickly denied this ridiculous speculation. Helianqing had long lost the ability to give birth to a son, and he couldn't give birth if he wanted to. No, he had to ask his daughter to find out, otherwise he would definitely not be able to sleep at night. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

"do not know!"

Meimei shook her head neatly, blocking the heart of the father and son on the opposite side, and hated her teeth, but she couldn't do anything about it.

They are reluctant to fight, reluctant to scold, what can they do?

"Oh, what are you in such a hurry? Didn't Brother Mingshun say that it would be clear in a few days? Look at all of you in such a hurry, I'm going to bed, close the door when I go out."

Meimei yawned impatiently, with tears in her eyes. Zhao Yinghua squeaked heavily on her daughter's little nose, gritted her teeth and left, followed by Zhao Xuelin who also gritted her teeth.

The daughter (sister) is a ghost and a ghost, and it's not as easy to coax as a child at all!

But they are still very relieved. If Meimei was not smart this time, how could she have avoided the calculations of her relatives at home?

When Yan Mingshun came back, Meimei felt at ease. She had no dreams all night. She didn't get up until she slept for three days. She hadn't slept fully the other day. Lian Ce there.

During breakfast, Zhao Yingyong looked at his eyebrows from time to time, his eyes were very strange, his eyebrows could not help frowning, and his appetite was gone.

It seems that her third uncle is not a peaceful person!

The phone rang, Meimei ran to pick it up first, and it happened to be Yan Mingshun who called, "I'll pick you up in ten minutes."

"Okay." Meimei smiled happily.

Less than ten minutes later, Yan Mingshun came over. He didn't come in. He honked the horn a few times outside the door, and his eyebrows lit up.

"I'm going out to play!"

She put on her backpack, ran out happily, and turned back and winked at Xiong Mumu, Xiong Mumu suddenly realized, said hello to the old man and others, and also ran out.

"Brother Ming Shun, go to the cultural square, there is a big drama today!" Meimei's eyes were bright.

Today is Ouyang Shanshan's new book signing. According to Xiao Se's inquiries, Huang Yulian attaches great importance to this signing, and spent money to buy a lot of extras to build momentum for her precious daughter, but she is willing to spend the money.

Yan Mingshun pampered her, pinched Meimei's face, and fastened her seat belt. The cold and hard face softened a lot, and Xiong Mu was dumbfounded.

Damn, this guy Yan Mingshun has been as cold as ice since he was a child, and now the image of this loyal dog husband is too blinding!

I can't tell~www.readwn.com~ Zhao Mei, this stinky girl, is still a good man at training men!

tsk tsk!

"Brother Mingshun, the evidence you found will come in handy today. I have to see how Ouyang Shanshan ends then?" Meimei looked at the show.

The more extras Huang Yulian invites, the more dramas there will be!

It just fits her too well, there is no wood!

"At most, Ouyang Shanshan is no longer in the writers' circle, so there won't be much loss." Yan Mingshun didn't want to attack his little princess, but that's the truth. The expectation is too different, and his little princess will be very disappointed.

Xiong Mumu frowned, and his expression was not hesitant, but his eyebrows were not affected, and he was still in high spirits.

"It's nothing, if she has the ability, she goes to the entertainment industry, and then I'll get her down..."

Yan Mingshun smiled indifferently, and Meimei didn't take it to heart, but they didn't expect that Meimei's words became a prophecy.

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