80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1195: A good show is coming

Ouyang Shanshan dresses up very well and elegantly, because she is now a famous girl writer in the country, and she can be regarded as a face for her ancestors. Therefore, although the two of them went home without authorization this time, the old man Ouyang was not too angry. ? www.suimeng.lā

Mr. Ouyang is a realistic person, whoever wins glory for the family, he likes whoever!

And let it go!

Old Mrs. Ouyang was the opposite. She just saw that the mother and daughter were not pleasing to the eye. They were not pleasing to the eye before, but now they are not pleasing to the eye. Who made them lose her grandson's eyes and ears.

"Mom and dad, today is Shanshan's signing ceremony. At that time, there will be reporters from TV stations and newspapers to interview. Do you want to go to some people at home to strengthen Shanshan?"

Huang Yulian spoke in a soft voice, with a smile on her face, but her words contained needles. Old Madam Ouyang rolled her eyes and said strangely:

"It's just selling books. I'm afraid the whole country doesn't know about it. It's a TV station and a newspaper office. Do you think our Ouyang family isn't ashamed enough?"

Huang Yulian's face changed slightly. She could hear what the old lady meant. She just wanted to talk about Ouyang Shanshan's life experience. Damn old woman, she won't be able to take care of her when she can't move in the future!

Ouyang Bin's wife sneered and said, "If you want me to say, it's better to keep a low profile. The higher you climb, the worse you will fall. It doesn't matter if you fall to your own death, don't get us involved!"

Ouyang Bin gave her a warning look, the woman snorted softly, and didn't bother to say it anymore, anyway, it couldn't be true, she just waited to see Huang Yulian's mother and daughter make a big appearance.

Hmph, as far as the idiot Ouyang Shanshan can write any good articles, it must be written by the **** Huang Yulian. The paper can't contain the fire. As far as she knows, the great granddaughter of the Zhao family has already prepared Going to do it!

The woman looked at Ouyang Shanshan's mother and daughter with contempt again, idiots!

After doing something shameful, you still dare to publicize it in such a high-profile manner, for fear that others will not know?

Huang Yulian's eloquence is very good, the old man Ouyang was so moved by her words that he agreed to follow him to support the scene, and Ouyang Bin, he and Huang Yulian have rekindled their old relationship in the past two days.

Although he can't do anything, it is because the second child is useless that Ouyang Bin has some feelings for his own daughter, and naturally he wants to join in.

Ouyang Shanshan's signing ceremony started at 10:30 in the morning. When Meimei and the others arrived, the Cultural Plaza was already full of people, and there was nowhere to stand.

"Huang Yulian can spend the blood this time!" Xiong Mumu mocked.

Meimei smiled narrowly, "Huang Yulian is helping us save money. Originally, I was thinking of paying to hire some people, but now it's my business!"

Xiong Mumu understood what she meant~www.readwn.com~ couldn't help but be amused, and was looking forward to the signing.

"Why hasn't Ouyang Shanshan come yet? I can't wait!" Xiong Mumu looked around, the platform in the center of the square was already set up, and the staff had arrived, but the protagonist had not yet appeared.


With sharp eyes, Yan Mingshun saw the arrogant Ouyang Shanshan family from a distance, followed by Huang Yulian and Ouyang Bin and other relatives and friends, who were very powerful.

Meimei's nerves tightened, and she asked Xiong Mumu, "Is there any problem with Thurse?"

"Don't worry, there's absolutely no problem. Newsstands should have started selling them now. Maybe someone has seen them!" Xiong Mumu raised her eyebrows with a reassuring gesture, full of confidence.

Meimei was still very relieved about Xiao Se's ability to do things. She raised her wrist and looked at it. At 10:25, Ouyang Shanshan was already on stage, and the host was already in place.

The eyebrows and lips are raised, and the show is about to start!

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