80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1201: aggressive method

Ouyang Shanshan was so young, she couldn't help feeling guilty at this time, and her expression was a little unnatural. Huang Yulian gave her a warning look, and Ouyang Shanshan immediately stood up straight and smiled decently. ? www.suimeng.lā

"Others deliberately spread rumors and poured dirty water on my daughter's head. I don't even know who the other party is. How should I produce evidence? Zhao Mei, you are deliberately embarrassing." Huang Yulian was not in a hurry.

Many people in the audience nodded slightly, agreeing with Huang Yulian's words, it's easy to hide from hidden arrows, but it's hard to guard against the dark arrows. When you are famous, you have all these troubles. That beautiful girl is really making things difficult!

"Listen to your tone, is Ouyang Shanshan wronged?" Meimei asked deliberately.

Huang Yulian looked serious and said sternly: "Of course, no one knows better than me, how much sweat my family Shanshan has put in writing this book, the study in high school is very stressful, and Shanshan's time to write the book is all sacrificed. When I was sleeping, I was still writing a book in the middle of the night, and I felt distressed when I saw it..."

Meimei's words caused Huang Yulian to sigh with emotion. She told Ouyang Shanshan's bitter and tearful history, which was very touching. Many parents who brought their children in the audience all thought about it and took the opportunity to educate their children.

"So... this book is a collection of Shanshan's hard work for several years. Those who spread rumors are really black-hearted. If you let me know who they are, I will definitely scold them!"

Although Huang Yulian said cruel words, it did not arouse everyone's disgust, but admired her heart of protecting her daughter.

If it was their children who were splashed with dirty water on their heads, they would definitely be very angry, and they would never be more calm than Huang Yulian.

Meimei did not interrupt Huang Yulian, and let her perform her acting skills like a Biao Yingying queen on stage.

Play to your heart's content, the deeper you get into the play, the harder it will be to play in a while!

Xiao Se was impatient, and poked her brow with her elbow, urging her to hurry up.

"Listening to you, it seems that this book is really written by Ouyang Shanshan!" Meimei said with a smile.

Huang Yulian felt that her smile was very strange, and she felt a little uneasy, but she still said bravely: "Of course it was written by my family Shanshan. Every word and every sentence is her hard work."

Meimei and Xiao Se looked at each other, and the corners of their lips rose, waiting for your words.

"Listening to what you said, I also think the newspaper is spreading rumors, but the question is Jingdong Daily. How could Jingdong Daily deliberately embarrass such a small person as your daughter? Do you think this is true?" Meimeichong everyone Q~www.readwn.com~ Some people's thoughts have been swayed again. Jingdong Daily is indeed a serious newspaper, can it be wrong to wrong a small writer?

Huang Yulian was very anxious in her heart, she knew that the little **** Zhao Mei would not give up easily, the old guy from the Kyoto Daily will wait and see, anyway, after it's done, we must let Ouyang Bin teach the old guy who doesn't know what to do! ..

"When Maxima stumbled, maybe the editor of the Kyoto Daily did not correct it carefully, so this erroneous report was published." Huang Yulian thought of a reason.

Meimei took the book from Xiong Mumu's hand, flipped the page, and said loudly, "It's hard to say whether it's a false report, but I have a good way to prove your daughter's innocence, I'm afraid Ouyang Shanshan won't dare!"

"What am I afraid of?"

Before Huang Yulian could speak out, Ouyang Shanshan responded first, but she couldn't admit defeat in front of Zhao Mei.

Huang Yulian knew something was wrong, but she couldn't change her mind, so she had to see the tricks.

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