80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1202: Your child is born in 1 litter

Ouyang Shanshan was successfully provoked by Meimei's aggressive tactics, and without hesitation, she jumped into Meimei's pit. {щww{suimеng][lā}

Meimei smiled treacherously, she could see Huang Yulian's urgency very clearly, and secretly laughed, she was not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs!

Huang Yulian is as cunning as a fox, but she gave birth to a daughter who is as stupid as a pig. God really opened his eyes!

"The solution is very simple. Didn't your mother just say that every word of this book is your hard work? You should be familiar with this book, right?" Meimei asked.

Huang Yulian didn't know what medicine was sold in the Meimei gourd, but she knew that Meimei must be uneasy and kind, and she wanted to say that it was impossible for the writer to remember every article she wrote, but her pig teammates spoke first.

"Of course, my articles are like my children, created by me, how could I not be familiar with them?"

Although Ouyang Shanshan felt guilty, she still insisted on saying that she remembered seeing an interview with a famous writer on TV before. That's what the writer said, so it shouldn't be a problem to borrow it today! ..

Huang Yulian was very pleased that her daughter's answer was perfect, even if she could not have thought of such a good answer.

The brows burst into laughter, which caused Ouyang Shanshan to look angry.

"Don't stare at me, I just find it strange that the children of other writers are born one by one, but in your case they are born one by one."

Meimei said with a smile, others didn't understand what she meant, Ouyang Shanshan and Huang Yulian didn't understand either, but they knew it was definitely not a good word.

However, Xiao Se understood and asked deliberately, "Meimei, please clarify, what is a litter? Ouyang Shanshan is not married, so how could she have a child? Could it be that she is pregnant before marriage?"

Ouyang Shanshan's complexion changed greatly, and she shouted angrily, "Xiao Se, what nonsense are you talking about?"

He frowned and waved his hands, "Don't worry, didn't you just say that the articles are your children? Then you write articles like giving birth to children. I mean that other writers publish them one by one. It's just published as a book, unlike Ouyang Shanshan, you have never published an article before, but suddenly a book is published, isn't it a lifetime!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

Xiong Mumu and Xiao Se thumped their chests and laughed, and the others laughed too. This analogy is really vivid.

But some people guessed the allusion in the eyebrows' words, and also thought of the weirdness of Ouyang Shanshan's book, but it's not unreasonable!

Generally, the published articles are collected into a book~www.readwn.com~ and then published, but Ouyang Shanshan skipped this procedure and went directly to the final link, which is very unusual.

Huang Yulian's face changed slightly, and she was secretly annoyed that she had not thought of being too thorough, but Zhao Mei had caught such an obvious handle.

"Because we never thought we would publish a book, Shanshan took the time to write because she likes literature, but she was just out of interest and didn't publish it until one day, a friend of mine in the publishing industry. I stumbled across Shanshan's article and persuaded me to let Shanshan publish the book, and that's how today's book signing event came about."

Huang Yulian explained softly that although the reason was a bit far-fetched, it was not impossible, and many people dispelled their doubts.

Brows and brows, he said: "Yes, Ouyang Shanshan's grandfather... er... Dad is in charge of publishing books. It's too easy to come up with a book. It's less labor-intensive than me eating and drinking!"

Huang Yulian heard that she was doing this on purpose, her eyes seemed to have been tempered by snake venom, and she looked at Meimei ruthlessly.

Meimei only regarded her as air, and said to Ouyang Shanshan, "Since this is your cub, let me read a passage from it, and see if you can tell which article it is from!"

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