80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1203: 1 more paragraph

Ouyang Shanshan's heart skipped a beat, her scalp was getting tighter and her palms were cold, it was clearly a crisp autumn weather, but she felt that it was colder than the cold winter. {щww{suimеng][lā}

Huang Yulian also felt the same way, she never thought that Meimei would come up with such a tricky way!

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, how could she not know what kind of virtue Ouyang Shanshan is?

The whole book was published by her, but she let Ouyang Shanshan take time to read the book, but the problem was that she didn't think Ouyang Shanshan would be obedient.

Now I just hope that Ouyang Shanshan can live up to her expectations and remember this book thoroughly, so that Zhao Mei's trick can't succeed.

Ouyang Shanshan didn't dare to look into Huang Yulian's eyes. Her bowels are turning green now. She should have listened to her mother's words and read books seriously.

But there is no regret medicine in the world!

Ouyang Shanshan hadn't finished reading this book, so she could only pray that the paragraph Zhao Mei picked up happened to be what she had read and that she remembered.

Meimei saw Ouyang Shanshan's guilty conscience in her eyes, and she had a chance of winning, she knew that this little **** wouldn't be patient enough to read a book.

"My approach is fair, don't you think?" Meimei asked the people in the audience.

The big furniture nodded. This method is indeed fair. Before the author publishes the book, he has to correct and revise his manuscript again and again. He will definitely remember it clearly in the short term. Now that the book has just been published, Ouyang Shanshan will definitely remember it.

Huang Yulian wanted to say too many articles, so she might not be able to remember them, but when she saw that everyone agreed with Zhao Mei's words, she couldn't say anything, so she swallowed her stomach and looked at Ouyang Shanshan nervously.

Meimei didn't waste any time, she just picked out a paragraph and read it out. Her voice was sweet, but what was readable was an old and sarcastic paragraph, which was very funny to listen to.

"I read a paragraph, and it was really well written. If I hadn't known the author, I would have thought that the person who wrote this article must be a middle-aged man who didn't meet his talent!"

Meimei said deliberately, Huang Yulian's eyebrows jumped, and one of the three gunmen she hired happened to be an unwilling writer.

At this point, she was 100% sure that the mastermind behind the newspaper was Zhao Mei!

Ouyang Shanshan couldn't refute Meimei at all, and she didn't have any extra thoughts, because of the article Meimei read, she didn't have any impression at all?

How to do? ..

Meimei asked with a smile, "Ouyang Shanshan, which article is this passage from?"

When she asked, many people had already started to turn the book, looking for the source of this passage, Ouyang Shanshan looked at them enviously, she also wanted to turn the book, but she couldn't.

Ouyang Shanshan bit her lip and tried her best to recall the article she had read, but after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't remember it. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and the blood on her face slowly disappeared.

Is she going to make a fool of yourself again today?

Do not!

Can not!

She finally achieved today's achievements~www.readwn.com~ must not fall short!

Seeing that Ouyang Shanshan couldn't answer for a long time, the people in the audience naturally had doubts. A writer couldn't even remember the articles he wrote, so he had to be suspicious.

Ouyang Shanshan bit her lip. She didn't want Zhao Mei to succeed, but she really couldn't remember it. She couldn't help but look at Huang Yulian, hoping that her omnipotent mother would be able to help her survive the disaster again today.

But even if Huang Yulian is Daluo Jinxian, she can't help her in any way!

There was a commotion in the audience, and Huang Yulian knew that if she didn't want to deal with it, her hard work this year would be in vain.

Meimei smiled smugly, and said loudly: "After all, there are so many articles, it's forgivable that I can't remember them for a while. Well, let me read another paragraph, Ouyang Shanshan, think about it slowly!"

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