80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 144: stinky girl

Wu Mei met Xiong Mumu at the gate of the school. This guy was pushing a cart and waiting at the gate. It seemed that he deliberately stayed and waited for her. Xiong Mumu waved at her from a distance with a smile on his face.

"Why are you so happy? You got 100% in the exam?" Wu Mei asked curiously.

In front of Xiong Mumu, Wu Mei was very relaxed and did not feel restrained at all, probably because she already knew about Xiong Mumu's sexuality, she felt like a best friend and could share a lot of secrets.

Xiong Mumu snorted disdainfully, "I can test 100% casually, what's so exciting."

Wu Mei rolled her eyes at him breathlessly. She hated people who took the 100% test casually. She soon became happy again, and said condescendingly, "I got 68 points in the math test this time, teacher. You praised me, and told me to guard against arrogance and impatience and keep working hard."

"Sixty-eight cents what..."

Xiong Mumu suddenly realized Wu Mei's scumbag attributes, changed his face quickly, and said in an exaggerated tone: "It's amazing, to be able to score 68 points in the test, it's amazing!"

It's just that the traces of the performance are too heavy, and Wu Mei can see his duplicity at a glance, snort arrogantly, and Gu Zi walked forward.

"You know why I'm not so happy?" Xiong Mumu followed.

"do not know."

"Wuyue cried at school, and she went home after only one class. It was brought back by your dad. Hehe, it's really interesting!" Xiong Mumu's brows were beaming, and the morning was no longer boring.

Wu Mei's eyes widened in surprise, Wu Yue actually skipped class?

Still crying at school?

This is even more incredible than Halley's Comet hitting the Earth!

"What's the matter? Wu Yue why is she crying?" Wu Mei asked anxiously.

Xiong Mumu wanted to **** off Wumei's appetite, but he couldn't hold it any longer, so his brain poured out: "Wuyue doesn't have a body odor in the morning, you think such a smell, a person in the classroom Can you bear it? Tsk tsk, fortunately I'm not in the same class as her."

"And then? Wu Yue went home?" Wu Mei was very happy, she didn't hide her gloating at all, nothing was more exciting than seeing Wu Yue unlucky.

It's true that Xiong Mumu likes Wu Mei. If he likes it, he likes it, and if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. Unlike some women, who obviously hate a person, but pretend to like it, it's disgusting to look at.

Wu Yue is one of these people, when he can't feel Wu Yue's disdain when he looks at him?

"What else can she do if she doesn't go home? The whole class is about to make her faint~www.readwn.com~ The teacher can't take it anymore, so she has to call your dad and ask him to take Wu Yue back, Wu Yue. I cried so loudly, I could hear it across two classrooms."

Xiong Mumu shook his head as he spoke. Like Wu Mei, he didn't sympathize with Wu Yue at all. Who made them hate this woman!

"Hahahaha, God's eyes have opened up, and Wu Yue has the most stinky body odor in the world. Ouch, I'm so happy, I'm even happier than my 68 marks in the math test."

As long as Wu Mei thought of the scene of Wu Yue being rejected and rejected by her classmates in the classroom, joy flooded into her heart.

Wuyue, Wuyue, aren't you the arrogant daughter of the sky, the star holding the moon?

Now you can become a stinky girl!

Xiong Mumu laughed when she saw Wu Mei's cheerful and silly appearance, and reminded: "Don't be silly when you go back, or your parents will definitely beat you up!"

Wu Mei rolled his eyes at him, "I'm not that stupid, Wu Yue can act, I can act too, I must take good care of my good sister!" Little Sweet Wife 80

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