80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 145: smelly ecstasy

The living room of the Wu family was overcast, and Wu Zhengsi had a rare chance to go home early. He Biyun even took a leave of absence and came back. It took only half a day for her to have a fire bubble on her mouth.

Wu Yue was not in the living room. She shut herself in the bathroom and took a shower over and over again. Since she came back, her skin was bleeding.

He Biyun stood guard at the bathroom door and softly persuaded: "Yueyue, don't wash it, if you wash it again, it will cause problems. Be obedient, let's not wash it!"

"I want to wash, I want to wash away the stench, Mom, leave me alone."

Wu Yue cried frantically, accompanied by the sound of rushing water, she was like a madman, unaware of the pain, and kept smearing soap on her body and flushing.

"Old Wu, what can I do? We have to let Yueyue come out. Her skin is washed and torn."

He Biyun was so anxious, her voice was full of tears, her heart was broken into countless pieces, how could her Yueyue be so unlucky!

Wu Zhengsi also had a severe headache. When he received a call from Teacher Wu Yue today, he couldn't believe his ears. When he went to the school and smelled the disgusting odor, he believed that the teacher didn't say anything. lie.

His eldest daughter, who is so proud of, has really become a stinky person who hates everyone!

Still a stink that no one can stand!

Even he couldn't stand the stench, and he vomited several times along the way, which made Wu Zhengsi extremely anxious. No matter how good a girl is, who would like this stench on her body?

How could Wu Yue like this win glory for him?

Wu Zhengsi deserves to be an extremely selfish person. When Wu Yue had an accident, the first thing he thought of was not Wu Yue's body, but his face. He Biyun was even worse.

At least He Biyun still really loves Wu Yue, even though she is so bad to Wu Mei.

"Go to the hospital to check, this smell is too weird, you can rest assured after going to the hospital." Wu Zhengsi said in a deep voice.

"Yes, yes, send Yueyue to the hospital for examination. Neither you nor I have body odor. How could Yueyue have body odor? Maybe it's because of eating bad food."

He Biyun hurriedly ran to the house to get her wallet, and after thinking about it, she folded it back, went to talk to Wu Yue, and asked her to get dressed and go to the hospital.

"Don't go, I don't want to go out, they will laugh at me, I'm not going anywhere!"

Wu Yue shouted loudly, and the sound of water splashed on the ground again. She would never forget the coldness and contempt she received at school today. The coldness went straight to her bones.

"Yueyue is obedient, we'll be fine when we go to the hospital, wait for a while, mom will spray you with more toilet water, it's fragrant, let's see who dares to call you stinky!"

He Biyun talked about it anyway~www.readwn.com~ can be regarded as getting through Wu Yue, and finally agreed to go to the hospital. He Biyun happily ran to the house to get her wallet, and took toilet water on Wu Yue and kept pouring it on Wu Yue, as if she didn't want money.

"Mom, do I still stink?" Wu Yue's eyes were red and swollen, looking at He Biyun with hope.

He Biyun forcibly endured the nausea and said with a smile, "It doesn't stink, it doesn't stink at all, it's more fragrant than flowers!"

Wu Zhengsi didn't have He Biyun's motherly heart. He couldn't bear it anymore. He ran to the room and took a mask and put it on. He said solemnly, "Let's go!"

Wu Yue was coaxed by He Biyun, but when she saw Wu Zhengsi's mask, her heart sank to the bottom, and she rushed into the bathroom frantically.

"You lied to me, I must still stink, my father is wearing a mask, woo, I'm not going to the hospital, I'm not going anywhere!"

The sound of water sounded again, He Biyun was extremely depressed, she looked at Wu Zhengsi complainingly, why couldn't she bear it?

She has to wear a mask in front of Yueyue, how can Yueyue think too much! Eight zero sweet wife

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