80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 163: sow discord

He Biyun was speechless by Wu Mei, and couldn't say a word. These words forced her to have no way out. No matter what, it was wrong.

If I feel bad for the oil, I don't feel bad for Wu Zhengsi, and I will put more oil in the future. If I put less oil on Wu Zhengsi, I will definitely feel that she doesn't care about the man's body, and I will buy better vegetables in the future, but these all cost money!

He Biyun didn't dare to settle accounts anymore. She felt that the color TV had been flying farther and farther. With such an expense, she would never see a color TV in her life, let alone a refrigerator and a washing machine.

Wu Zhengsi ate two bowls of rice, and ate a lot of vegetables. He felt good when his stomach was full. He glanced at He Biyun's black face and felt extremely uncomfortable. What does his wife mean?

Is it really reluctant to give up a little oil?

Hmph, he earns so much salary every month that he can't afford to eat oil?

"What Meimei said makes sense. The body is the capital of revolution. Biyun, you have to learn from Meimei's cooking skills. You can see that Meimei's cooking today is delicious." Wu Zhengsi said meaningfully. Looking at He Biyun.

Wu Mei smiled shyly and said loudly: "Mom's cooking skills are actually very good, but she is reluctant to put oil and buy meat. Teacher Zhang's salary is not as high as that of his father, but Mrs. Zhang cooks meat more often than my family. , so Teacher Zhang is stronger than your father."

Wu Zhengsi's complexion changed slightly. Teacher Zhang's four sons had to eat, and his wife was a housewife who didn't get paid. Her food was better than his family's. This made Wu Zhengsi very uncomfortable, and even more dissatisfied with He Biyun.

"Your mother Zhang is indeed a good housekeeper. Your mother is not as good as others in this respect, she just needs to study a lot." Wu Zheng meant something and expressed his dissatisfaction euphemistically.

In the past, the food at home was always like this, and Wu Zhengsi was used to it, but today I suddenly ate the delicious food made by Wu Mei, and Wu Zhengsi's activated taste buds could no longer bear the rough food.

Moreover, Wu Mei's words have a great influence on him. Teacher Zhang earns much less than him. How can people eat so well?

How did He Biyun's family work?

Wu Zhengsi's words made He Biyun's heart sink to the bottom, and he felt even more humiliated. Lao Wu actually said that she was not as good as the uneducated rural woman Zhang Shima?

Zhang's family can't even afford a TV set. The only big item is a broken sewing machine. The family is so poor~www.readwn.com~ The money is all eaten up in the stomach. Can it be compared with her family?

But she can't say these words. Wu Zhengsi has now coaxed the dead girl into a fascination. If he says it, he might think that she is avoiding the problem, and he will tell Lao Wu these things slowly in the future.

"Isn't the book saying that eating more vegetables and less oil is good for the body? Since you are not satisfied, I will put more oil in the future." He Biyun smiled, her heart split into eight petals.

"Then why do you always cook chicken soup, duck soup and bone soup for my sister? No wonder she has body odor, she must have eaten too much meat." Wu Mei said half-jokingly and half-sarcastically.

Wu Zhengsi's face softened a bit, but when Wu Mei said this, he became suspicious again. He couldn't think of it without his little daughter, and he felt very uncomfortable when he said it.

He Biyun is such a precious eldest daughter, of course it is impossible to do bad things to Yueyue, so what she said just now about being a vegetarian and less oily is good for your health, all of which are perfunctory to him!

Wu Zhengsi was originally not too big-hearted and thoughtful, but now that Wu Mei provoked such a provocation, his eyes gradually became cold and his smile disappeared. Eight zero sweet wife

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