80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 164: provoke success

He Biyun and Wu Zhengsi have been married for more than ten years, and have a clear understanding of the people next to the pillow. At this time, she already felt Wu Zhengsi's resentment, and she panicked. She wished that Wu Mei was dragged into the room and beaten.

Wu Yue's heart also sank, not caring about Sheng Wu Mei's anger about her body odor just now, she squeezed out a smile and said softly: "Actually, I also think the food in our family is too plain, so today's Cai Mei Mei will be made. Very good, Mom, why don't we let Meimei cook all of our dishes in the future? She's very talented in cooking!"

As she spoke, she kicked He Biyun secretly under the table. He Biyun was a little angry that her eldest daughter didn't speak for her, but after listening to Wu Yue's words, she followed the words and said, "It's really a talent for cooking. I don't have the talent in this area, or let Meimei cook at home in the future, Lao Wu, you can eat more comfortably."

Wu Mei scolded secretly, grabbed in front of Wu Zhengsi and said, "I still have to go to school. Besides, who's family let a twelve-year-old child cook? It's not like Brother Shuhan's family, where his mother is paralyzed and unable to move. Even if that's the case, it's not my turn, and my sister!"

He Biyun's face was ashen with anger, how dare the dead girl curse her to be paralyzed?

Although Wu Zhengsi likes his younger daughter's cooking skills very much, he is still rational, knowing that if he really listened to what He Biyun and Wu Yue said, the whole family building would see his jokes.

"Isn't Meimei saying that as long as you put more oil in it? It's ok for me to buy some oil and meat with my monthly salary, right? If it's really not enough, I will use your salary as well. How can you say that you are also a member of this family? , not an outsider."

Wu Zhengsi's face sank. He Biyun's salary was basically spent on his parents' family. Of course he knew it, but He Biyun was sweet, and he passed after saying a few nice words on the bed, but the dissatisfaction did not disappear, but It slowly accumulated in the bottom of my heart, and over time, the resentment became deeper and deeper.

During this period of time, Wu Mei's uproar caused a cloud of smoke in the family, and gradually aroused Wu Zhengsi's resentment buried in the bottom of his heart.

However, his nature is gentle, and no matter how unhappy he is, he will not say anything too serious. Just saying that is his limit. He Biyun's complexion changed greatly, and he looked at Wu Zhengsi in disbelief.

Wu Zhengsi snorted softly, got up and went back to the room without looking at He Biyun.

Wu Yue was apprehensive, in her memory, this was the first time her father had said such a heavy word to her mother!

Wu Mei happily finished the meal in the bowl, ate several pieces of meat, burped contentedly, put the bowl in the sink, and went back to the room to do homework~www.readwn. com~ left the space for the mother and daughter outside.

He Biyun was very confused. Wu Zhengsi's words caught her off guard. Do you really want to use her salary?

No, no, no, no, if her salary is used up, what will happen to her parents' side?

Wu Yue was actually dissatisfied with He Biyun's behavior of spending a lot of money on her parents' family, but He Biyun obeyed her in other matters, but she refused to give in at all.

"Mom, just listen to Dad, don't make Dad unhappy." Wu Yue persuaded in a low voice.

He Biyun waved his hand, a little impatient: "Yueyue, you do your homework, don't worry about these things."

Wu Yue pouted in dissatisfaction, dissatisfied with He Biyun, and even more dissatisfied with Wu Mei. If it wasn't for this idiot to stir up trouble, Dad wouldn't be angry.

Forget it, she still has to go back and see, as long as she gets the first place in the monthly exam, she will still be the little princess in her father's heart, and she doesn't care about her mother's bad things. Anyway, she only needs a lot of her money. Eight zero sweet wife

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