80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1774: The most important character in calligraphy and painting

Meimei sneered: "Mr. Jiang, you can't talk nonsense no matter where you are. Do you think that only Hong Kong has laws? I dare to say that, of course I can show evidence, but do you really want me to show it?"

Jiang Shoucheng's heart skipped a beat, Zhao Mei made a vow, does she really have something in her hand? ..

But soon he calmed down. Zhao Mei had only just arrived in Hong Kong, and he was unfamiliar with him. How could he find out about him?

Zhao Mei must be teasing him!

"I'm sitting up straight, what's there to be afraid of? Miss Zhao, don't make rumors here, we are having a serious academic exchange, please keep quiet, Miss Zhao, or I'll ask you out.~~щww ~suimеng~lā" Jiang Shoucheng looked righteous.

"Calligraphy and painting are high, and the first priority is character. You can't even talk about character. What qualifications do you have for academic exchanges? Aren't you afraid of mistaking your children?" Meimei mocked.

"Someone... someone, please invite this Miss Zhao out." Jiang Shoucheng shouted.

The two men in uniform came over, and before they got close, Xiao Li came out like a ghost. Although he was not too tall, and his body did not look strong, just standing there made people uncomfortable. Dare to underestimate it, I just think it is more effective than the air conditioner, making people cool from the inside to the outside.

Xiao Li doesn't like to talk, he always likes to subdue people by force, so——

He picked up a stainless steel cup from the seat next to him, "Borrow it."

Xiao Li tugged at the corners of his mouth lightly, and Yu was fleeting, and the owner of the cup nodded dumbly, "...Okay..."


Everyone gasped and gasped, dumbfounded.

It turned out that Xiao Li just squeezed lightly, and the cup made of stainless steel was like a paper cup. Trick to show his strength.


With a soft sound, as thin as a mosquito, Xiao Li glanced at her, a smile flashed in his eyes, and grabbed a ball of iron in the east and west, just like pulling a cotton candy, everyone gasped again, Eyeballs almost popped out.

The cup that was squeezed into iron **** is now rounded again, but it is not as round and wrinkled as before, but there is no problem with holding water, Xiao Li said apologetically to the owner of the cup: "I will buy you a new one later. of."

"No, no, it's worthless, hero, don't mind." The owner of the cup was so excited that even the hero used it with a look of admiration.

Xiao Li looked at the two security guards~www.readwn.com~ and asked softly, "Do you go by yourself or should I ask you to go?"

"Go on your own... Heroes are free..." The security guard shivered, and he didn't dare to chase people anymore, but he wasn't impatient anymore.

Xiao Li retreated behind Meimei with satisfaction, standing like a King Kong, not angry but arrogant.

Ruan Huacai, who was on the stage, felt a chill in her heart and secretly cursed her bad luck, but she was still not willing to admit defeat easily. Since Zheng Shilin let the **** Zhao Mei get in, his house has become too busy, not even a fly will come to the door.

There are so many people waiting to eat at home, and there are also many outside. It is definitely not possible to sit and eat in the air. I have not been able to support it for two years. I came to Hong Kong to start a new country. If it goes well, there will be absolutely no problem with pension money.

"Your mother is just a girl. She is not qualified to clear the door for Master. Those are just her wishful thinking. I, Ruan Huacai, are still a disciple of the Yan faction. Except for Master and Senior Brother Xia Tingtao, no one is qualified to expel me."

Ruan Huacai looked at Meimei with embarrassment. Xia Tingtao had not been seen for decades, and she must have died. Yan Xinya and Niang had no right to care about him.

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