80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1775: deep fryer

Although Ruan Huacai has lived abroad, his thinking is very feudal, and he is very disdainful of women. This kind of disdain and contempt is very obvious in him. <щww.suimeng.lā

But he forgot that it was the 1990s, and it was still in a city with a highly developed economy and civilization such as Hong Kong. When he said this, it was like pouring a spoonful of oil on the fire, and sparks flew everywhere.

"Ruan Huacai, you always use my mother as an excuse to be a woman, and you don't recognize my mother's status as the heir of the Yan faction. Hmph, my mother is my grandfather's only daughter, and she has received my grandfather's advice since she was a child, and my mother is in the painting world. The achievements are not small, why do you say that my mother is not qualified? Just because my mother is a woman? "

Mei Mei sneered, pointed at the women in the audience, and said loudly: "Why can't women be? Wu Zetian, Queen Victoria... These are all women, and Nightingale, Madame Curie... Which of them are they? Worse than a man? At least a few million times stronger than you, a shameless villain who cheats on his ancestors!"

"Yes...women are not worse than men at all. Women can do what men can do, but men can't do what women can do." The female audience in the audience was stirred up by their eyebrows, and the idea of ​​Ruan Huacai earlier. Respect, at this moment, all turned into disgust, and they all crusade.

"That is, a woman can fly a plane, a spaceship, a submarine, a woman who knows how to draw and calligraphy, can be a strong woman in the workplace, and can still be a good wife and mother when she gets home. Can a man do it?"

"Just a few men can't do it, can they have children? They can't even lay an egg!"

"Yes, my salary is higher than that of my husband. I gave birth to the child. I am responsible for more than half of the mortgage and living expenses. It's my job to educate the child's parents if they get sick, and the man only has a bed."

"I'm in the same situation as you. The problem is that my man can't even go to bed. It's over in three minutes, and the mother hasn't warmed up yet!"

"Are you still disgusting with this kind of man?"

"I'm already looking for a lawyer to draft an agreement. My child's house is mine. Let him get out of the house!"


She stared blankly at the women who had been fried into pots. At this moment, it had turned into a denunciation meeting against her husband. She didn't even know that these bright-looking strong women would actually have so many complaints!

The other male audience members, with decent and embarrassed smiles on their faces, quietly stayed away from this group of women who could not be offended.

They are so aggrieved!

It's not the straight male cancers in the mouths of these women at all!

The scene was out of control, and the women's emotions seemed to have not been vented for a long time. At this moment, they finally found an outlet.

A few women even made up their minds~www.readwn.com~ go back to find a lawyer and put the man off!

"I don't want to endure it any longer. The old lady has divorced the scumbag, and she has a good time with her children. The night is lonely, and the big deal is to find a cowherd to relieve her!"

"I'll introduce you to a Niulang shop. The little brother there is handsome and strong, with a sweet mouth. He is definitely a hundred times stronger than your husband!"


Meimei couldn't listen to it anymore, why did he become a cowherd to discuss the conference again?

So bold!

But so relieved!

Let those men who look down on women listen, the fate of disrespecting women is to be abandoned by women!

Meimei shouted at the loudspeaker: "Sisters calm down, you can discuss other issues in private for a while, and I will clear the door first?"

"Okay...we support you!"

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