Wu Chao was so frightened by Wu Mei, but he really didn't dare to make a small report. As long as he thought of Wu Zhenghong's ability to cause trouble, Wu Chao couldn't stop shivering.

Wu Zhenghong's temperament doesn't know who to follow. It's a moving time bomb, maybe it will explode at any time, and it's also a deep-water torpedo. In a quarrel, she would have to live or die, first smashing things, and then running back to her mother's house crying.

The old man and the old lady felt sorry for their daughter and worried that Ji Jianbo, a good son-in-law, would run away, so they asked the brothers Wu Zhengdao and Wu Zhengsi to persuade Ji Jianbo, and let Wei Qiuyue and He Biyun teach Wu Zhenghong how to be a wife.

In a word, Wu Zhenghong is a living Bodhisattva in the family, and she is also a Bodhisattva with intermittent nervousness. Once a seizure occurs, it cannot be subsided for at least half a month, and the whole family makes her mentally exhausted.

Wu Mei squinted at Wu Chao, and knew that this guy was afraid of Wu Zhenghong. At this time, Ji Jianbo and the others were almost here. Wu Mei thought about it, and Chao and the others walked over. Wu Chao was taken aback and trotted after him. up.

"You told me not to say hello, you fell down yourself, what do you mean, Wu Mei!"

Wu Mei smiled at him sweetly, and hooked his fingers, Wu Chao's heart froze, the dead girl dared to hook his fingers at him!

He followed angrily, but he wanted to see what medicine this dead girl was selling in the gourd!

"Uncle, Teacher He, are you going to do some errands?" Wu Mei walked up to Ji Jianbo and the others and called out crisply, and Wu Chao also greeted him.

Ji Jianbo was discussing the time and place of the next date with He Wenjing. He never thought that he would meet two little magic stars. His face turned pale with fright, but he quickly calmed down.

He first looked around subconsciously. Wu Mei knew who he was looking for, so he laughed secretly and said intentionally, "Sister Wenhui, she has already gone home. Wu Chao and I are here to buy cakes and eat."

Ji Jianbo breathed a sigh of relief, and his face became much more natural. It would be good if his daughter was not there. He deliberately stayed away from Teacher He, and said with a smile: "This is my colleague. I happened to meet him on the street. Her surname is He, you call her Teacher He. Just fine."

Wu Mei smiled and said, "Hello, Teacher He."

Teacher He smiled reluctantly. She never imagined that the student she just accepted would be Ji Jianbo's niece, and Wu Mei would tell her aunt that if the tigress found out, she would probably come to her unit to make trouble. .

The more Mr. He thought about it, the more frightened he became~www.readwn.com~ looked at Ji Jianbo in panic, but Ji Jianbo was not so panicked, and Wu Mei hid it for him last time. Wu Chao is a little troublesome.

Wu Mei smiled again and said, "Uncle, I learned painting from Teacher He, but my parents don't agree. I learned it secretly. Uncle wants to keep it a secret for me!"

Ji Jianbo was not at all surprised by the attitude of Wu Zhengsi and his wife. It would be strange if they agreed. What was strange to him was why Wu Mei told him this. Seeing Wu Mei's meaningful smile, he quickly understood that he was really a little ghost.

"Learning to draw is a good thing, don't worry, my uncle doesn't say anything."

"Thank you uncle, you and Teacher He can go to work, Wu Chao and I are going home." Wu Mei waved at them, dragged Wu Chao, who was confused, and walked back, and secretly winked at Ji Jianbo blinked.

"Be careful on the road!"

Ji Jianbo also waved his hand with a smile, and sighed lightly, his little niece is indeed an eighteen-year-old girl! Eight zero sweet wife

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