80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 198: moth to fire

He Wenjing asked in fear: "Jianbo, will they tell when they get home? Your wife will definitely come to me to make trouble, I'm afraid!"

Ji Jianbo lightly patted her on the shoulder and comforted her softly, "Don't worry about Wenjing, Meimei and the others won't say anything. You see Meimei has told her secrets, why would they tell her family."

Seeing Ji Jianbo's determined appearance, He Wenjing felt a little more at ease, but she frowned again soon and said, "And that boy, will he go back and talk about it?"

"No, Meimei has already taken care of Xiaochao. Besides, Xiaochao doesn't know what I have to do with you. You can just feel at ease." Ji Jianbo was comforting He Wenjing as well as himself.

He and He Wenjing were just shopping and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Wu Chao probably wouldn't think too much about it. After several minutes of mental construction, Ji Jianbo became less and less worried.

It's a big deal to divorce Wu Zhenghong. Of course, this is the last resort. Now is not the time for divorce. He doesn't want to fall short, otherwise what's the point of forbearance for so many years!

"Wen Jing, just be patient. When my associate professor arrives, I will divorce Wu Zhenghong, and we will be able to be together in the future." Ji Jianbo said.

He Wenjing smiled bitterly, fell in love with someone who shouldn't love, she knew she was wrong, but she couldn't control her feelings, like a moth, she rushed into the flames recklessly and burned to ashes.

"Jianbo, I have known you for two years, and you have said this for two years."

Ji Jianbo couldn't hang himself, he smiled awkwardly, trying to justify himself a few words, but before he could speak, He Wenjing sighed and said quietly: "I'm going home, you go first."

"Then next week..." Ji Jianbo asked.

He Wenjing said lightly, "Let's talk about it next week."

Ji Jianbo watched his lover leave towards the opposite street, walking further and further away, and patted his forehead in annoyance.

Thinking of going home to face Wu Zhenghong's sloppy face, Ji Jianbo's mood suddenly turned gloomy. If He Wenjing is a delicate and delicious Chinese dish, Wu Zhenghong is a messed up Asan dish.

Asancai can make a pot of poo no matter what kind of good material, Wu Zhenghong is no matter what kind of good clothes she wears, she always has the visual sense of a large cotton padded jacket, or the kind that has not been washed for more than ten years. of.


Ji Jianbo sighed ~www.readwn.com~ and walked in the direction of home, even if he didn't like Wu Zhenghong, he still had to go home, and his associate professor had to rely on his father-in-law and brother-in-law for help!

Wu Mei dragged Wu Chao to hide in the small alley, Ji Jianbo and He Wenjing parted ways, and Ji Jianbo's sadness was all in his eyes.

"Meimei, my uncle definitely has an affair with this woman." Wu Chao said firmly.

Wu Mei rolled his eyes and looked over, nonsense, the obvious fact, not a blind man can see it.

"Hey, didn't you just forbid me to go up and say hello? Why did you run over by yourself?" Wu Chao began to settle accounts after the autumn.

Wu Mei rolled his eyes at him again, and said angrily, "Can't I say hello to Teacher He?"

Wu Chao first nodded, then shook his head, glared at Wu Mei angrily, and the dead girl fooled him again. Teacher He was with his uncle, so saying hello to Teacher He was the same as greeting his uncle! Eight zero sweet wife

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