80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2034: Free yourself little baby

Meimei is actually quite willing to take care of Xiaobao. This child is very painful. As long as she doesn't make a fuss, she is very quiet and well-behaved, but after all, it is not her own child, and she does not want to see the parents of the child.

This is a little trickier.

Yan Mingshun glanced at Xiaobao, who was lying quietly in his arms, and said deliberately, "Your children are harder to serve than the emperor's son. If his mother dies, then don't let your son. alive."

Heliance's face changed greatly, and he roared: "Yan Mingshun, if you are dead, my little treasure will be fine. If you talk nonsense again, be careful that I will kill you!"

Dare to curse his little treasure to death, I don't want to live anymore!

"Young Master Ce is so majestic, then your son can take care of himself, Meimei, we're going home."

Yan Mingshun sneered a few times, his son was still in his wife's arms, how dare he act majestic in front of him, look for shit!

Heliance was short of breath, and his waist was also shortened. The arrogance and domineering he had used to be gone, and his expression became dull. It was impossible for him to ask Yan Mingshun.

Mei Shuhan pinched him a few more times, and said a few good words with a smile. At this time, Xiaobao, who was in his arms, suddenly twisted his body, and his face was also wrinkled. He seemed very unhappy, and hummed. a few times.

Meimei thought that it was uncomfortable for him to hold, so she changed a position, let Xiaobao face Yan Mingshun's back, and changed to a sitting position, holding his **** in one hand and Xiaobao's neck in the other. This will make the baby feel more comfortable.

The little guy struggled too hard before, the diaper that was stuffed fell off, revealing half of his **** balls, and little Ding Ding was also exposed, but these few people present had no experience with children, and saw the diaper take off out, but they didn't expect to stuff it in either.

"Little treasure, don't move, I won't be able to hold it anymore."

Meimei reprimanded Little Treasure, who was twisting and twisting, and hugged him in a different position, still moving, so it was very difficult for her to hold her.


Xiaobao is even more unhappy, why does no one understand his needs?

Since no one cares, he will let himself go!

Yan Mingshun also turned around, wanting to see what the little guy was trying to do. Heliance and Mei Shuhan did the same, three pairs of eyes staring at the little treasure in Meimei's arms.

Xiaobao didn't pay attention to these adults. He waved his small fist and kicked his feet, as if he was about to do something big. Heliance laughed and couldn't help but say, "What does this little **** want to do?"

Yan Mingshun was also in touch with a creature like a child for the first time~www.readwn.com~ It looked quite novel, so he couldn't help but get closer.

Mei Shuhan was the first to notice something was wrong. Little Ding Ding, whose Xiaobao children's shoes were exposed, actually shivered a few times, and was so high that he knew it was not good.

"Yan Mingshun, get out of the way..."

But it was too late. A slightly turbid liquid shot out in a parabola, facing Chief Yan. Fortunately, Yan Mingshun reacted quickly and grabbed Heliance in front of him, blocking him. pee attack.

Xiaobao held back his urine for a long time, and the amount was not small. All of it shot on his eldest brother's chest, not a single drop remained.

Heliance felt a warm sensation in his chest, and a strong 'scent', which went straight to his nose, making him want to vomit.

"Little bastard, if you dare to pee on me, I will beat you to death!"

Heliance was disgusted and glared fiercely at Little Treasure, who continued to eat his hands. He raised his hands in the air, but in the end he didn't fall down.

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