80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2035: baby urine supplement

Little Treasure seemed to have never heard of Heliance's clamor, his expression was calm, he sucked his little hands, and had a good time.

Meimei looked at the angry Heliance, the cola was broken, and he deliberately mocked: "Xiaobao, this is a child's urine, it is a big supplement, Ce Shao, you will drink a bowl of Xiaobao's child's urine every day in the future, so that you can live a hundred years. "

Heliance glared at her, comforting himself as a manly man. He didn't have the same knowledge as women. He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to go to the bathroom to wash the pee off his clothes, but was stopped by Mei Shuhan.

"Just take off your clothes, and I'll buy you a new one."

Heliance thought about it too. He only wore a long-sleeved T-shirt. If it got wet, it would be uncomfortable to stick to his body.

The hotel staff quickly bought a new T-shirt. Heliance took off the wet clothes and put them on new ones. Mei Shuhan put the wet clothes in a bag. It looks strange.

"This clothes is just thrown away, why do you keep it?"

"I'm useful, don't worry about it."

Mei Shuhan was reminded by the boy's urine that Meimei said just now. If Wuyue used addictive drugs to Xiaobao, the urine test would definitely detect it. As long as Xiaobao's urine was found to be different, he would have enough. The evidence board is down Wu Yue.

This woman is so disgusting!

Yan Mingshun's eyes flashed, and he guessed Mei Shuhan's intention, which he hadn't thought of just now.

Because Xiaobao couldn't do without Meimei, and Meimei was unwilling to go to Ning's house, Heliance had to ask Meimei to take Xiaobao home, and he also asked to go with him.

"My family doesn't welcome you. If you want to follow, take Xiaobao yourself." Yan Mingshun categorically refused.

Let Helianze go to his house, just kidding?

"If you're worried, take it away yourself!" Yan Mingshun couldn't see Heliance's death. If Meimei liked Xiaobao, he wouldn't have taken such trouble home.

Heliance left with Mei Shuhan angrily, saying that he would bring Xiaobao's change of clothes and milk powder in a while, but Yan Mingshun ignored him and gave him the back of his head.

Momo chirping like a girl, why didn't you find out that this guy Helianze has the attributes of a girl before?

Meimei went home with Xiaobao, and did not go to the afternoon class, so Ren Qianqian asked her to take leave.

"Oh, I can't eat fingers anymore, be careful I hit you!"

Meimei pulled the hand out of Xiaobao's mouth for the 101st time, but the little guy still had to put it in his mouth, and his thumb was sucked white.

Xiaobao ignored her and went his own way, as if living in his own world.

Yan Mingshun frowned~www.readwn.com~ I really can't like children. He has no self-discipline. He can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't listen to advice. Kicked past.

"Whatever he wants, when the handle is gone, it won't be chewed again." Yan Mingshun felt that since it didn't make sense, let him hit the south wall by himself. .

It's just that he has completely forgotten that the target now is not an adult, but a little kid who is only three and a half months old. Where can I hear the truth?

Meimei glanced at him angrily, "Xiaobao is so old and doesn't understand anything, so adults have to teach children from a young age, like you, how can you educate children?"

Yan Mingshun saw in the mirror the little boy who was at ease in the arms of his daughter-in-law, and the place where the little boy stayed was a little wrong. Where should he touch it?

Emergency braking, Chief Yan stopped the car on the side of the road, turned his head and dragged Xiaobao's hand aside, with a bad expression.

"What's the matter? Don't scare Xiaobao!" Meimei looked at him in astonishment, what was going on!

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