80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2101: hard to guard against

Wu Yue saw Meimei's announcement on TV and was very worried about whether Wu Zhengsi could handle it.

It's a pity that she can't show her face now, and she can't give Wu Zhengsi any advice. I hope Ouyang Xiangming can withstand the pressure and drag on for a while, and I hope Wu Zhengsi can fight a little bit and transfer the company's assets as soon as possible.

As for whether the lawsuit can be won or not, Wu Yue doesn't care at all.

She only wants money. The Cinderella TV series has already made a lot of money. As long as she persists for a while, she will definitely earn more. With this money, she will have another way to go!

What if the lawsuit is lost?

Even if the court orders Huanyu Company to lose money to Zhao Mei, as long as the company's property is transferred, there is only an empty shelf left, what compensation will it take?

Even though Wu Yue has a lot of gullies in her heart, now she can't go out, and she can't contact Wu Zhengsi. She doesn't believe in Wu Zhengsi's ability at all. If it doesn't work, she must find a way to contact the outside world.

In a military region in the south, Yan Mingda finished his rigorous training. In two months, the Blood Eagle Brigade will be selected in the national military region. Yan Mingda dreams of becoming a member of the Blood Eagle Brigade, so after he returned to the army, every day Double the training volume and become a training maniac.

He has a full schedule every day. Apart from sleeping and eating, he spends the rest of his time training and has no time to think about other things.

"Yan Mingda, I have your letter!"

A soldier held a thick stack of letters in his hand and handed it to Yan Mingda. Someone even made fun of it, "This word looks pretty, it's not written by your girlfriend, right?"

Yan Mingshun smiled embarrassedly, "Don't talk nonsense, where did my girlfriend come from, maybe my grandma wrote it."

He took the letter, saw the familiar graceful handwriting, changed color suddenly, grabbed the letter and ran away, he had to find a quiet place to read the letter.

The soldier who delivered the letter saw his strange behavior and jokingly said, "He also said that he was not a girlfriend. I knew at a glance that the words were written by a young girl. Can you hide it from my eyes?"

The others followed suit with a few jokes.

Yan Mingda grabbed the letter and ran all the way to the army's grove. It was very quiet here. When he was in a bad mood, he would come here to sit for a while.

The handwriting on this letter is Yueyue!

He will never admit wrong!

Didn't Yueyue die three years ago?

Why are you still writing to him?

Yan Mingda looked at the letter stamp. It was sent from Kyoto a few days ago. He couldn't wait to tear open the envelope. There was only a piece of letter paper inside, and only one sentence was written.

"Brother Mingda~www.readwn.com~ I'm Yueyue, I'm under house arrest, come and save me, I'm afraid..."

There were also several crying faces drawn behind this sentence, and there were still tears on the paper, and Yan Mingda's heart suddenly twitched.

Could it be that Yueyue did not die three years ago, but was imprisoned?

These handwritings must be from Yueyue, because he knows many habits of Yueyue's writing. For example, when writing his name, he will deliberately link Mingda together, and the stroke of Da's character will be long and drawn. Very nice arc.

This is the signature font that Yueyue specially designed for him. He said that he will sign it like this in the future, but the words he wrote are not as good-looking as Yueyue.

Yan Mingda recalled the sweet past and laughed involuntarily, but soon his heart tingled again and his expression was heavy.

If not, he has to go to Kyoto to save Yueyue!

Does he want to find out what's going on?

Why did the eldest brother lie to him three years ago, saying that Yueyue was dead.

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