80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2102: Wu Zhengsi's panic

Meimei filed a lawsuit against Huanyu Company, and the court was held on time in mid-August. Wu Zhengsi, the legal person of Huanyu Company, came to Kyoto ahead of schedule. In three years, Wu Zhengsi has not changed much.

Still as handsome as three years ago, but with a little more frost on the temples.

Three years ago, he had a falling out with Mei Shuhan, and left Huayu Company in a fit of anger. When he left, Wu Zhengsi was complacent, feeling that with his talent and connections, even starting another Huayu company would be a piece of cake!

Wu Zhengsi invested all the money he had earned over the years into the new company, and was ready to show off in high spirits, but reality gave him a slap in the face.

He thinks that his rich network is entirely based on the fact that he is the general manager of Huayu Film and Television Company. Once he is no longer the general manager of Huayu Company, those customers who usually call him brothers will only nod their heads when they meet him. , or pass by, pretending not to know.

Wu Zheng thought of filming a TV series. With the script, it was not difficult for actors and directors, but he could not find an investor. With the money he had, he could live comfortably by eating, drinking, and starting a business. Look.

Later, he finally found an investor and stumbled to film a low-cost TV series, but his vision was too bad, and the TV station was not willing to buy the TV series he produced.

No acquisition means losing money. The investor was so angry that he wanted to kill Wu Zhengsi, but later made him into a family romance drama, but his vision was really not good, the script was routine, and there was no new idea. There is no big star to be invited, and there is no bright spot in the whole drama, but a TV station bought it, but the ratings are so low that people are scared to death.

The TV station was so angry that it only wanted to scold his mother, and pulled Wu Zhengsi's company into the permanent blacklist!

After insisting on this for two years, Wu Zhengsi's company finally couldn't hold on any longer, Guangrong declared bankruptcy, and sold his villa to fill the company's deficit, and he returned to a state of poverty and whiteness.

When Wu Yue appeared in front of Wu Zhengsi as Ouyang Shanshan, he was working in a tutoring institution and could barely make ends meet, so although he had doubts about Ouyang Shanshan, for Wu Zhengsi, who was exhausted, whether it was true or not Fake, he has to hold Ouyang Shanshan's thigh tightly!

He wants to make a comeback so much!

Wu Zhengsi thought that he would definitely succeed this time. He was optimistic about the newly developed villa in Jin City. As long as he got his dividends, he immediately bought the villa and raised his eyebrows again!

But he never thought, he let Zhao Mei sue again!

Wu Zhengsi was at a loss, he really didn't want to toss anymore!

There is only one day away from the court~www.readwn.com~ Wu Zhengsi was flustered, so he ran to the coffee shop near the hotel and wanted to drink a cup of iced coffee and calm his heart.

As soon as he received the court subpoena, he wanted to contact Ouyang Shanshan and asked her what to do, but after calling the phone countless times, Ouyang Shanshan did not return the call, and Wu Zhengsi panicked even more.

He was afraid that Ouyang Shanshan would escape and let him take the blame!

He doesn't want to go to jail again!

Wu Zhengsi was absent-mindedly drinking tea when he was bumped by someone. Wu Zhengsi raised his head unhappily, but he didn't have time to see the man's face. The back looked at what should be a tall young man and left in a hurry.

There was an extra note on the table:

"Go to the wine hall to meet with a lawyer Xu, he will teach you what to do!"

The signature is Ouyang Shanshan.

Wu Zhengsi immediately gained confidence, drank the tea in the cup, and went to the hotel lobby happily.

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