80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2187: find a wife

When Meimei came over, they saw such a lively scene. Ugly was jumping in the stables with great joy, and sometimes hit the door with his body. Also excited was the red rabbit horse on the opposite side, neighing in sync with the Ugly God. hit the door.

How is this going?

Meimei looked dumbfounded.

"Chou Chou, don't make trouble, be obedient. After the game is over, I'll give you something delicious!" Mei Mei thought that Chou Chou didn't like being locked up, so she gently smoothed her hair, trying to calm her down.

But Chou Chou was even more excited, and from time to time he held his head and raised his eyebrows, "Master, please open the door for me, I have found my daughter-in-law..."

How could Mei Mei understand what it said, thinking that Chou Chou wanted to eat candy, so she took out a few and fed it to it, but this time Chou Chou did not swallow it like before, only ate half of it, and the rest Half of it is still in Meimei's palm.

"Master, these are for my daughter-in-law!"

Ugly Chou stretched out his tongue and licked between the palms of the eyebrows, and called out several times, but helplessly... Meimei still couldn't understand.

Qiuqiu couldn't stand it any longer, so he ran to the head of Ugly Chou, who was in a hurry, and patted it with a few claws. Chou Chou immediately quieted down, and did not dare to make trouble anymore, and looked at Uncle Qiu with aggrieved expression.

"What's the trouble, isn't it just finding a daughter-in-law, what's there to worry about, I'm a groom every day, have I ever made a fuss?"

Qiuqiu really didn't like this stupid horse's arrogance, and reprimanded him arrogantly, with a big brother's demeanor.

Chacha, who was obediently lying on Meimei's wrist, heard such shameless words, she couldn't help but get out and looked at Qiuqiu with contempt. Every time she got on a beautiful female mouse, she would show off in front of her when she came back. Where does the face say ugly little brother!

Chou Chou was reprimanded by Qiu Qiu, and he was as quiet as a chicken, but he couldn't let go of his daughter-in-law, and looked at Chituma from time to time.

It felt that the commotion that it had been deliberately suppressing all this time was like being ignited by sparks, burning raging, spreading into a fire, and Chituma was his extinguishing agent.

Qiuqiu saw its careful thoughts, snorted in disgust, grabbed the remaining sugar pills from the eyebrows and palms, and rushed to Chituma's side, facing the confused Chituma. Said: "That idiot gave you a token of affection, this is a good thing, you have to go home with that idiot obediently after you eat it, do you understand?"

Chituma watched in astonishment that it could step on a smashed ball with one foot. It was obviously just a squirrel, but it felt a shudder from the depths of its heart. It didn't even dare to move, and swallowed all the sugar pills. go down.

The sugar pills melted in the mouth, and as soon as he was in his stomach, Chituma knew that this was a good thing, and happily shouted at Chou Chou a few times, and his affection became deeper.

She will definitely follow Chou Chou home obediently!

Meimei looked confused~www.readwn.com~ asked Yan Mingshun suspiciously: "What are they doing?"

Yan Mingshun probably understood something, and was about to explain when Qiuqiu came back again, jumped on Meimei's shoulder, and said carelessly, "It's nothing, this stupid horse has found a good wife, and I'll take it home to the bridal chamber in a while. ."


Meimei hiccupped in surprise. The last time she just said that she was going to find a wife for Chou Chou. She hadn't started to act yet, so Chou Chou would find her by herself?

"Is that the red horse? It's pretty, and my family's Chou Chou has such a good eye." Mei Mei Chong Chou Chou gave a thumbs up, and Chou Chou snorted triumphantly.

How can it be seen by ordinary horses?

Beautiful is a must!

Meimei asked Yan Mingshun: "Whose family is that red horse? Chou Chou is back with a hookup."

Although Yan Mingshun had some guesses, he was still stunned when he heard the affirmative answer, and soon laughed again, with a bit of ridicule.

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