80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2202: senior courtesan

Time flies, Meimei has been pregnant for a month and a half, her lower abdomen is slightly bulging, her body is more rounded, and her complexion is even more beautiful, with redness in the white, tender enough to squeeze out the water.

The body is even better, the appetite is also good, and there is no pregnancy reaction at all, that is, I felt nauseated after drinking fish soup, and I have no more after that, and everything I eat is delicious.

After recuperating at home for nearly a month, and graduation is less than a month away, the graduates have basically stopped classes, and many have already gone to work in the internship unit, but those students who have not yet found a receiving unit in Kyoto are sadly Depressed, waiting for the school assignment, nine out of ten are beaten back to their hometown.

It is now 1998, and college students are allocated by a unified package, so there is no need to worry about work, but the problem is that the work allocated by the school basically comes from where, especially in a metropolis like Kyoto, how many people have sharpened their heads If you want to squeeze in, where is it so easy to stay?

Unless you find a unit that is willing to accept you, like Chang Qingsong, you just go to the film studio to contact him, because he has cooperated with the film studio before, and he is also considered talented and will have troubles, so he can stay smoothly. down.

Others were not so lucky. They searched for a semester and couldn't find it. Either they disobeyed the school assignment and stayed in Kyoto to be a drifter, or they went back to their hometown to work safely, and the other way was to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

As long as you are admitted to the graduate school in Kyoto, you can stay again. This is also the path that many students choose.

Qiqige chose Bei Piao and did not accept the assignment from the school. The same is true for Ren Qianqian. She and Ying Jugang started their own company and made money easily.

Tang Manli and Qiu Anna also did not accept the school's arrangement and stayed in Kyoto to find work by themselves.

However, Tang Manli is now the top brand of the rich, and she doesn't have to worry about having no money to spend. Going to work is a pitfall for her, so she doesn't care about the idea of ​​salary, it's not enough for her bottle of perfume!

But Qiu Anna was very sad during this time, because she had not found a job yet, and she was very depressed.

It was rare for everyone in the dormitory at noon that day. Everyone had lunch in the cafeteria and went back to the dormitory to eat. Probably because they were going to go their separate ways in another month, the relationship between everyone was much more harmonious. It was not like before. Ignore who.

Meimei ate the bento specially sent by Aunt Fang, a very grand bento, four dishes and one soup plus a fruit platter, which was full on the table.

"Wow, your dishes are delicious~www.readwn.com~ I'll have some too."

Seeing the braised pork, Ren Qianqian's eyes flashed with golden light, and she pulled several pieces of meat into her rice bowl, but her style was silent.

"Do you want to eat? I have a lot of dishes and I can't finish them all."

Meimei greeted Tang Manli. As for Qiu Anna, she didn't pay attention at all. She would never forgive the villain who had calculated her.

"I'll have some fruit, thank you."

Tang Manli smiled slightly, stretched out her hand stained with Kodan, and picked up two pieces of watermelon, without even looking at anything else, she sat down and ate it in small bites, elegant and decent, the same as the village who ate meat four years ago. Girl, it's like being reborn again.

Moreover, the girl's accent has also changed a lot. She has completely lost the accent of her hometown. With a whistling Taiwanese accent, her voice has also become a smokey voice, a little hoarse. Say it in this coquettish accent, listen to it. Itchy.

According to Ren Qianqian, Tang Manli can't be called a lady on stage now, she should be called a high-level courtesan. Men with no status and money may not be able to date her!

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