80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 22: 2 male gods

When I left the school gate, I had to pass by the school's basketball court. At this moment, there were many students standing by the basketball stand, both men and women. They all waved their hands and shouted, and the atmosphere was very strong.

"Yan Mingshun, come on!"

"Mei Shuhan, come on!"

"Three-pointers, wow, Yan Mingshun is amazing!"

"Mei Shuhan is also very good. He scored two goals in a row just now!"

"But it's just two one-pointers. Yan Mingshun's one is a three-pointer, hum!"

The adolescent girls have a lot of hormones, and they quarreled about their idols, and it became more and more fierce. Seeing that the two factions were about to start fighting.

"Please leave if you make any more noise!" A cold voice sounded. Although it was not big, it was very effective. The girls who were so noisy were quiet for a moment, and they didn't dare to let out the air.

"Let's watch the game quietly, okay? I believe you can do it!" A gentle voice sounded immediately, with a little helplessness.

"Sorry, we won't be arguing anymore!" The girls apologized one after another, all of them shy and timid, looking at the eyes of the two male gods on campus, filled with boundless spring.

Wu Mei had long seen the two dazzling stars on the basketball court, Yan Mingshun and Mei Shuhan.

It was only then that she remembered that Yan Mingshun and Mei Shuhan were actually from the same class.

Yan Mingshun is a sports expert. He is handsome and cold, and always has a look of idleness. Although his grades are not as good as Mei Shuhan, he is not bad. There are countless female classmates who secretly like him, no more than those who like Mei Shuhan. few.

Mei Shuhan is thin, graceful and handsome, and his family is from a cold family. First, no one has been able to surpass him so far.

In addition to this self-improvement spirit, the most exciting thing for the girls is that although Mei Shuhan's family is not good, he has never complained about others. He always has a warm smile on his face. Being a backward student, the girls were all attracted by the warm smile on his face and fell into it.

Yan Mingshun OR Mei Shuhan

The two are cold and warm, with completely different personalities, but they are equally radiant. They are the secret crushes of all the girls in No. 1 Middle School, and some even like both.

Who made these two men so attractive!

One of the abstinence type, one of the warm male type, which one makes their hearts go!

Yan Mingshun glanced at Mei Shuhan and asked, "Are you still fighting?"

Mei Shuhan smiled and shook his head: "No, I have to go back to cook and make an appointment next time."

Yan Ming complied, holding the basketball and calling Yan Mingda to go home. When the students onlookers saw the end of the game, they all dispersed. There were only some infatuated female students who were still standing in the stands and watching from a distance, just looking at their hearts from such a distance. The Prince Charming is already happy enough!

"Yueyue, we have defeated Erbing and the others!"

Yan Mingda had sharp eyes, and soon saw Wu Yue on the avenue, and ran over happily, grinning very happily.

Wu Yue wrinkled her nose without a trace. After strenuous exercise, the boy's body exuded a sour smell of sweat, and it got into her nose along the breeze.

"Brother Mingda is really amazing, but unfortunately I didn't see it." Wu Yue smiled sweetly.

"We're going to play with No. 3 Middle School in two days. You can come and see Yueyue."

Yan Mingda got closer, Wu Yue hurriedly took two steps back, pretended to cough and covered her nose, which made her feel better.

Mei Shuhan and Yan Mingshun came over and shouted respectfully, "Hello Teacher Wu, hello Shima."

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