80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 23: The fate of the past

Wu Zhengsi is the head teacher and language teacher of the second (third) class of high school. Mei Shuhan and Yan Mingshun are his proud disciples, especially Mei Shuhan. Wu Zhengsi values ​​him very much, and really treats him like a son and nephew. Go home alone for counseling and take care of meals.

Therefore, Wu Yue and Mei Shuhan have known each other since childhood. At that time, Wu Mei was indifferent to everyone, so she was not familiar with Mei Shuhan. The reason why she married Mei Shuhan was to follow her parents. arranged to marry their favorite protégé.

Wu Mei looked at Wu Yue coldly, her eyes were sparkling, and a red glow floated on her fair face. This was Wu Yue's shyness. Why was she so shy?

Obviously because the girl is pregnant, the target will definitely not be the stupid Yan Mingda, nor the iceberg-like Yan Mingshun, but the Mei Shuhan who Wu Yue is watching without blinking.

At this time, Wu Yue already fell in love with Mei Shuhan?

How blind she had to be in her previous life, to fail to discover Wu Yue's secret, she really didn't deserve to die at all!

"Brother Shuhan, Brother Mingshun." Wu Yue said with a smile.

Yan Mingshun nodded slightly as a response.

However, Mei Shuhan smiled like a spring breeze and replied, "Yueyue, Mei... Meimei didn't come?"

Mei Shuhan couldn't help looking around, not seeing the timid little girl with hair draped in his memory, but when he saw Wu Mei behind Wu Yue, he was so stunned that he didn't even turn his eyes.

This cinnabar mole was very familiar. He had seen it in a dream. A beautiful woman was lying on the ground breathlessly. There was a lot of blood under her body. Just like the girl in front of her.

In the dream, he was very sad, sad, unable to breathe.

That woman must have been his lover in his previous life, so he appeared again and again in his dreams, so that he could find the reincarnation of his lover, take good care of her, and not let her be hurt a little bit.

Could the girl in front of you be the reincarnation of the woman in your dream?

She feels very special to herself, as if she knew each other a long time ago. Could this be the fate of her past life?

"Who are you? Do we know each other? I think you are very familiar." Mei Shuhan couldn't help but said, looking very excited.

When Wu Mei came over to Mei Shuhan, her heart hurt like a needle. She never hated Mei Shuhan. She had a debt and a debt. She only wanted to seek revenge from Wu Yue, but with Mei Shuhan, she was unwilling to do it again. any relationship.

In this life, let them be a pair of strangers!

There is no longer the slightest entanglement.

"I'm Wu Mei." Wu Mei forced herself to calm down and said softly.

Not only Mei Shuhan, but also Brother Yan Mingshun and the other students who had not left, were shocked when they heard Wu Mei's words, and looked at Wu Mei in disbelief.

This girl with bright eyes and teeth, weak willows and strong winds, is actually ugly and ugly?

It's the biggest joke of the century!

Yan Mingda's performance was the most exaggerated. He ran to Wu Mei and shouted, "Are you really Mei Mei? How is that possible? Mei Mei looks ugly, you are so good-looking, it's impossible!"

"Mingda!" Yan Mingshun was the first to calm down and scold.

Yan Mingda smiled embarrassedly, scratched the back of his head, Wu Mei looked calm, and asked deliberately, "Brother Mingda, who said I was ugly?"

Wu Yue secretly screamed, and was about to divert the topic aloud, but Yan Mingda bluntly shouted, "Yueyue said, she said that you wear your hair all day because you are ugly!"

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