80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2255: Xiaobao's doubts

Heliance was also anxious. He searched for three days and searched all the places he could think of, but Ning Chenxuan seemed to have evaporated from the world, and he couldn't even feel a shadow.

"Could it be that uncle has already left the capital?"

Helianze frowned and muttered to himself.

Mei Shuhan shook his head affirmatively, "No, Yan Mingshun will not talk nonsense. He said that your uncle is still in Kyoto, so it must be there, but we can't find it!"

"Damn it, where did he hide?" Heliance scratched his hair in annoyance.

Mei Shuhan was also about to die of worry. Not being able to find Ning Chenxuan meant that Xiaobao might have an accident, which was the last thing he wanted to see.

After Xiaobao finished eating the dumplings on the plate, he slapped his mouth still, holding the empty plate and walked to Mei Shuhan, holding the plate high, but Mei Shuhan had something in his heart and didn't notice the little guy's movements.

Sore hands...

Xiaobao held it up for a long time, but he didn't get a response.


Xiaobao snorted heavily and raised the plate higher, Mei Shuhan saw him and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, uncle didn't see Xiaobao, Xiaobao is amazing, so many dumplings can After eating, it was great..."

Xiaobao proudly raised his round fat chin, and pointed at the empty plate with fleshy fingers, drooling, and his chin was full.

"Uncle will give you a few more, Xiaobao eat more and grow taller!"

Although he was worried, Mei Shuhan still felt relieved. He took the empty bowl and went to the kitchen to fill the dumplings. The dumplings were made by him. They were small, and Xiaobao could eat one in two mouthfuls, and they were filled with plain stuffing and supplemented with vitamins.

"Little treasure, let's eat here!"

Mei Shuhan put the bowl on the stool beside him and let Xiaobao eat beside him.

When Xiaobao saw the delicious food, he smiled and sat on the small stool obediently and ate. He didn't need a spoon, he just grabbed it with his little fat hand. No more.

Heliance couldn't help but patted the little guy's head lightly, "It's really edible!"

Mei Shuhan sighed and said, "It really doesn't work, let's send Xiaobao out first. Xiaobao is a child, and it's easy to send it out."

Heliance hesitated for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I'll make arrangements!"

He definitely couldn't get out, but he had to find a way to send Mei Shuhan and Xiaobao out.

Mei Shuhan saw through his thoughts at a glance, and said coldly, "Don't try to send me away secretly, I will never leave the capital!"

This is what Heliance did in the dream~www.readwn.com~ He was dazed by the medication and sent abroad. When he came back, Heliance was no longer there...

In this life, he will never let Heliance do this again, even if he really wants to die, he has to accompany him!

Heliance looked at him helplessly, "Xiaobao needs someone to take care of him!"

"I've already arranged all of these. In short, don't even think about sending me away. If you do, I'll die for you to see!" Mei Shuhan's expression was firm. Although he was very reluctant to Xiaobao, he would never Abandon Helenze and live alone.

Xiaobao has already made proper arrangements. With the cuteness and intelligence of the little guy, he will definitely have a good life.

Xiaobao, who was concentrating on eating dumplings, shook his ears. Why did his father and uncle die?

Can not!

Although Xiaobao is young, he already knows what death means. If his father and uncle die, he will never see them again!

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