80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2256: Baby has spoken


Xiaobao rushed between the two, shaking his head vigorously, his big eyes watering with tears.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaobao? Is there something wrong with you?" Mei Shuhan hurriedly picked up Xiaobao and gently rubbed his stomach, thinking that the little guy had eaten too many dumplings and his stomach was bloated.

Heliance also came over. Seeing that Xiaobao was still crying, he was about to call a doctor.

"do not die……"

Xiaobao spoke suddenly, intermittently, and the articulation was unclear. Mei Shuhan and Heliance didn't understand, but they were very pleasantly surprised.

"Xiaobao can talk... Our little treasure is not dumb... That's great!"

Heliance temporarily forgot about his troubles, so he kissed Xiaobao several times on the face with joy, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Even if Xiaobao was able to speak, even if it was really sent out, without him and Mei Shuhan beside him to guard, relying on Xiaobao His cleverness should not suffer greatly.

Mei Shuhan said that, and Heliance also gave up the idea of ​​sending him out.

Well, if you can be born on the same day in the same year, then die on the same day in the same year!

Mei Shuhan was also very happy. He kissed Xiaobao's face heavily on the other side, and said happily, "Xiaobao, uncle didn't hear you clearly, can you say it again?"

"Yes, I didn't hear it clearly, Xiaobao said again..."

The four eyes stared at Little Treasure expectantly, as if they were expecting the sound of heaven.

"I'm afraid (father)...dudu (uncle)...don't...die..." Xiaobao said a few more words with a very serious expression.

"What did Xiaobao say, why don't you die?" Heliance still didn't understand, the child's alien language was too profound.

Mei Shuhan felt that he understood a little, and asked, "Did Xiaobao tell his father and uncle not to die?"


Little Treasure nodded vigorously, tears streaming down, pitiful.

Mei Shuhan's nose was sour, and he hugged the little guy's soft body. If possible, he would like to grow up with Xiaobao...

But he couldn't leave Heliance behind, he could only be sorry for Xiaobao!

Heliance sniffed, his eyes were slightly red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go to my uncle again, I've dug up the capital, and I can't find it if I don't believe it!"

Xiaobao has to live, and so does he and Mei Shuhan. How can Xiaobao be taken care of by others!

"Okay... go find it again, we'll all live well!" Mei Shuhan also regained his confidence.

Unless Ning Chenxuan really disappeared from the world, he would definitely be able to find it!

Little Treasure's ears in his arms trembled again, does Dad want to find that stinky old man?

Why didn't Dad ask him?


Xiaobao twisted and motioned for Mei Shuhan to let go. He turned around and tugged at Heliance's trouser legs. With all his strength, he forced Heliance to walk out.

"Little treasure, what are you doing?" Helian Ce Zhang Er was at a loss~www.readwn.com~ The little guy's thoughts jumped so fast that he couldn't keep up.

Mei Shuhan usually takes Xiaobao the longest, but he can see some clues, "Xiaobao, do you know where Grandpa is?"


Xiaobao returned to his cold, shy look, and nodded.

"How did you know Xiaobao?" Heliance was overjoyed and couldn't believe it.

With a group of his men, he almost scoured the capital city, but there was no trace of him. Xiaobao stayed at home every day, how could he know where Ning Chenxuan was hiding?

Could it be that his brother still has clairvoyance?

Xiaobao was too lazy to explain, in fact, he didn't know where Ning Chenxuan was, but he could ask his good friend, but he didn't want to talk, it was too tiring to talk, and it was a waste of time.

Mei Shuhan was worried about Xiaobao, and went with him. Xiaobao pointed the way, Heliance drove, and soon came to the house where Ning Chenxuan lived.

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